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Opinion Could The Sikh Leadership Be Inspired By This? The Change Upon Christ’s Rock

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Could the Sikh leadership be inspired by this?:

The Change Upon Christ’s Rock

By JAMES MARTIN - The New York Times - February 11, 2013

BENEDICT XVI’s resignation might be the most unexpected papal decision since the convening of the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s — which came about, Pope John XXIII said, not after long deliberation, but “like the flower of an unexpected spring.”

Rare is the person who will voluntarily relinquish immense power. There had been fevered speculation in the waning years of John Paul II’s papacy that his Parkinson’s disease would prompt his retirement, but he opted to stay. In contrast, Pope Benedict said that “my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise” of his ministry.

His resignation reminds us that, faced with a dilemma, two devout Catholics may come to divergent decisions. Spiritual discernment is always personal. God speaks to us in ways that are tailored to our circumstances, personalities and backgrounds. God meets us where we are.

If John Paul was a rock star, Benedict was an erudite professor. He will be remembered for the strengthening of church orthodoxy, encyclicals notable for their theological depth, a recently revised English translation of the Mass, and — despite his long experience in the Curia — a series of internal troubles in the Vatican.

Critics may focus on Benedict’s tightened oversight of American women’s religious orders and his controversial comments about Islam. Admirers may point to his meetings with victims of sexual abuse and his strong disciplinary action against the Rev. Marcial Maciel Degollado, a powerful Mexican priest who abused boys and fathered children.

His greatest legacy, though, might prove to be a three-volume book, “Jesus of Nazareth,” in which he brought to bear decades of scholarship and prayer to the most important question a Christian can ask: Who is Jesus? He reminded readers that he was writing only in his capacity as a theologian and, more simply, a believer.

Lesser known outside of Catholic circles, but also significant, were the pope’s “Angelus” messages, a kind of meditation he delivered in St. Peter’s Square, often focusing on the lives of the saints.

Paradoxically, Benedict might also be best remembered for how he left the papacy. In becoming the first pope to resign since 1415, he demonstrated immense spiritual freedom, putting the good of the institution, and of a billion Catholics, before power or status. This most traditional of popes — who in his role as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had often been criticized for exercising too much power — has done one of the most nontraditional things imaginable.

As the Gospel says, “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.” Perhaps the most difficult part of service is setting aside one’s own plans and goals; surely Benedict feels he has some unfinished business left. As an elderly Jesuit I know likes to say, “There is a Messiah, and it’s not you.” Leaders can learn a lot from a man who knows that he is not indispensable, that he is not Christ. He was only his vicar, and only for a time.

The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest, is editor at large at the Catholic magazine America.

source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/12/opinion/the-change-upon-christs-rock.html?ref=opinion&_r=0


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The answer in my opinion to the thread title is Yes. We should not forget that Benedict is not the only leader of a large congregation to voluntarily relinquish power in this decade. The Dalai Lama has done this by giving up his political role. He too left an astonished following, who were confused and frightened by his controversial decision to step down as theocratic leader of the people of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism. Recently he has also announced that he may indeed step down as religious leader soon. But that creates an even deeper threat because People's Republic of China has continually challenged his leadership, even propping up another Lama.

What I find in these stories is true humility, what humility is really about. It is not about bowing, scraping, groveling, and self-effacement. Humility depends on honesty about one's strengths and weaknesses. Humility is honest about one's dependence on others, and doing what is right for the ones who depend on that leadership. Our leaders must learn, because hundreds of years before Benedict and the Dalai Lama, Guru Gobind Singh knelt before his own 5 beloved and asked them for amrit. A mortal, a man, as much the scholar and spiritual leader with enough political clout to influence, was honest about his dependence on the khalsa. Sikh leadership can find direction from these examples.
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