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Hinduism Daily Hindu Wisdom

Jun 1, 2004
My soul cries out, snared by the beauty of the formless one. As I cry by myself, night and day, beauty amassed before my eyes surpasses numberless moons and suns. If I look at the clouds in the sky, I see his beauty afloat; and I see him walk on the stars blazing my heart.

From "Teachings of the Hindu Mystics"
May 23, 2005
Q.) What is the reason for the very strong obstruction in spreading the true knowledge in this world?
The true God comes down in human form with true knowledge and His few true devotees accompany him. These few devotees belong to His inner most circles and constitute His family. In Satyaloka (True world), He is surrounded by millions of angels and sages, who will be hearing the true knowledge from His mouth. All of them are His followers and they constantly praise Him. After some time the Lord wants some rest and He comes down to the earth along with His family. On this earth nobody recognizes Him, nobody listens Him and nobody follows Him. It is just like a big officer disgusted with the large crowd in his office goes to some foreign place along with his family, where he is not identified. The Lord emits the true knowledge on the earth and His own family members who are in the human form will only listen and follow Him. What is the use of that drama here? Already they were His followers. The aim of this drama is to inspire the people of this world so that at least one person on the earth can become His follower. Gita says the same (Kaschitmam..). The Lord is not fond of money or fame because He is the husband of the Goddess of wealth. He is not fond of the fame, because He was bored with the fame as millions of sages and angels praise Him. When the Lord comes as preacher, He is called Satguru. The other human beings are called as only Gurus. These Gurus are fond of money and fame. They don’t know the true knowledge. Even if they know they will not preach it because not a single person will turn to them. Infact even in the case of Satguru, same is the case but His followers who accompanied Him are turning to Him. Therefore the Guru preaches false knowledge following the psychology of ignorant people. To please the ignorant person, you must preach him strictly following his psychology. Even if you say something in addition, that should not contradict his basic psychology. For Ex: - when you preach a blind person, he will be happy if you say that there is always darkness in this world. He will be happy since he always experiences the darkness. In addition, if you say that there is Sun on the sky, you must say that the Sun is also black. He will be happy to this additional Sun because the Sun is also black. Suppose you say that there is light in the world, he will not agree since it contradicts his experience of darkness. Suppose you establish the existence of light and the existence of illuminating Sun through powerful logic, he will become emotional and voilent because your concept not only contradicts his experience, but also could not be defeated by his counter logic. It is a double blow on him. Kauravas did not concede the preaching of Lord Krishna for the same reason. The priests for the same reason opposed the preachings of Jesus. Mohammed faught with several religious leaders for the same reason. The priests who were killing animals in the sacrifice opposed Buddha. Conservative religious leaders oppose even a true scientist. The scientist wants practical proof and logical proof. All the human incarnations never adjusted themselves to the world. They preached the true knowledge only because their aim was the future generations. One generation is nothing compared to millions and millions of generations on this earth.​
When the Lord comes down as Paripurna Avatara, His devotees existing in Brahmaloka or Satyaloka come down along with Him to assist His mission. The other human incarnations are the human forms into which the power of the Lord enters. Such human incarnations are called Avataras of Kala, Amsa etc. Such incarnations are followed by the devotees existing in the lower worlds below Satyaloka, which are called as Jana Loka, Tapoloka, Maharloka etc. When the Lord Himself exists in the human body that is called Paripurna Avatara like Lord Krishna. In the case of Purnaavatara also the Lord exists but does not emit the true knowledge like Rama. The human incarnations from the upper worlds come to the earth. In the same manner the human incarnations of Saturn (Kali) also come to the earth from the lower worlds below the earth. These worlds are called as Asura Lokas, which are the abodes of demons. These lower worlds are called as intensive hells. A soul fallen in these hells is condemned and can never return to the earth. There is a hell in the upper worlds also. Such souls, which can be rectified by punishment, will enter that hell in which the Lord is sitting in an energetic body called ‘Yama’. Veda says that a soul, which harmed itself by turning towards the world, is committing the real suicide. Such soul goes to the lower permanent hells. Thus both the divine and evil forces enter the earth and fight with each other. In this Kaliyuga the strength for divine force is only one-fourth. It is like a question with multiple choice having three wrong answers and one correct answer. Lord can destroy all the evil forces in a fraction of a second. But He allows the opposing force because both the forces are essential for a game. This world gives entertainment to the Lord like a game. Veda says that the purpose of the creation by the Lord is only the playful entertainment. Moreover, if one comes out with such multiple-choice questions, such success is real. Whatever the Lord does, it is always multi-dimensional. Therefore, you should not be discouraged by this severe test. Your devotion and determination in the service have a real test in this Kali age. Sankara emitted the true knowledge irrespective of various opposing scholars. Finally He was killed by the black magic of Kapalikas. He died by the disease called ‘Bhagandhara’, which is flow of blood. Kapalikas tried to cut His head also. But He never feared and established the true knowledge for the future generations. Similarly Jesus, Bhuddha and Mohammed. Even Swami Dayananda was killed by food poisoning, because he established the true knowledge based on Vedas and Sastras.​
Anil Antony


Jul 9, 2005
Calgary Alberta
Aman Singh said:
My soul cries out, snared by the beauty of the formless one. As I cry by myself, night and day, beauty amassed before my eyes surpasses numberless moons and suns. If I look at the clouds in the sky, I see his beauty afloat; and I see him walk on the stars blazing my heart.

From "Teachings of the Hindu Mystics"

Hey! That is so nice. Thanks for sharing.
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