Re: Dedicated to all Sikh Women: A photo essay from history (by Ranjit Singh Freed')
1. from Panth Prakash - Gyani Gyan Singh - Bhasha Vibhag - 1987 Ed- pg 1150-4
2. Sketch of Sardarni Sada Kaur - attributed to Kehar Singh
Wife of Gurbakhsh Singh Sardar of the Kanhaiya Misl - fought in battle against Ranjit Singh - though eventually sought an alliance by marrying her daughter to Ranjit Singh. It is said that see was the power behind the throne and that she "was the ladder by which Ranjit singh reached the Summit of power"
*from Punjab Painting - RP Srivastava - Abhinav - 1983 - plate 53
3. Rani Chand Kaur - daughter of Jaimal Singh Kanhaya - married to Maharaja Kharrak Singh , mother of Kanwar Nau Nihal Singh
*from Maharaja Ranjit Singh - Jean-Marie Lafont - Oxford -2002 pg 133
4. Rani Jindan - Rani of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and mother of Duleep Singh.
from a fresco in the Haveli of the Sandhanwalia Sardars of Raja Sans
5. Detail - while Sikh female portraiture is rare - it is even rarer to see depictions of elders
*from Sikh Art - Kerry Brown - Routledge - 1999 plate 9
6.Bhai Vir Singh
7. "The departure of the Heroes" soldiers leaving for a campaign
8 and 9. Depictions of Nihangs and Nihangnis