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Sikh News Dera Followers Seek Congress Tickets

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
source: The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Dera followers seek Congress tickets

Dera followers seek Congress tickets

Ajeet Singh - Hisar
Friday, September 18, 2009

The 15-member political wing committee of Sirsa based Dera Sacha Sauda has become active in the run up to Haryana State Assembly elections and has sought Congress tickets for 32 seats.

Simarjit Singh, a member of the Political Wing Committee (PWC) said that Dera followers, popularly known as premis, have traditionally supported the Congress and the party should give them tickets in areas of their influence.

“We would like to contest Assembly seats from Sirsa, Ratia, Fatehabad, Narwana, Kaithal, Jind and several others,” said Singh.

Though official spokesman of Dera, Pawan Insaan denied any directive from the Dera Headquarters to support any particular political party but added that followers would decide locally to support any candidate of their choice.

“The Dera is a non-political organisation. Its main aim is to spread the social, moral and spiritual values in the society and among its members irrespective of their faiths or any other alliances individual members may have,” said Insaan.

But that is the usual stance the Dera chief takes on every election eve. Political observers say that Dera followers act in unison usually in favour of the Congress. They did so in the last Punjab Assembly elections and the Congress fared well in the Malwa region while facing a near rout in other areas.

A close relative of Dera chief was elected as a Congress MLA in Punjab. Violent clashes had erupted between the Dera followers and the workers of radical Sikh religious bodies soon after the Assembly elections and the Akali workers too had joined the agitation against the Dera Chief Baba Gurmit Ram Rahim Singh.

Political leaders of different hues recognise the electoral behaviour of Dera followers and pay obeisance to the Dera Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh to seek his favour. Leaders like Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, former Chief Minister and Congress leader Captain Amrinder Singh, Ajay Singh Chautala of INLD and Bhajan Lal are among the leaders who visited the Dera in the past to seek Baba’s blessings.

The Dera chief is presently involved in several cases being tried in the CBI Court at Ambala. These cases include the killings of a journalist and two Dera followers and the rape of a woman follower.

Sources said the Dera followers want the Congress leadership to help sort out several CBI cases against their Baba. They feel the Congress has not been helpful enough despite supporting them in the elections.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
whats new..from ordinary Gangsters, corrupted politicians..now the RELIGIOUS MAFIA take power....whats going to happen to the incorrupt..the ordinary citizen..the peaceful citizens...democracy in India...??? only God knows ?? The Pre 1947 British rasied the COMMUNAL MONSTER...post 1947 some in authority have been busy raising the DERA MONSTER...and NOW it demands its pound of Flesh...while the Communal Monster has also grown by the day...cleaning up India will be a task even Hercules cant accomplish...:}--}::}--}::}--}: YOU have aPact with the DEVIL..you lose your soul..its as simple as that..and India has lost its soul...:}--}::}--}::}--}::}--}::eek::eek::eek::eek::down::down::down::down:


Jul 18, 2009
Dharmashtere Australiashtre
If they get into politics, either they will become huge OR they will be vanished. I think it will be the second. Religious orders should do what they are intended to do. Radhaswamis don't get into politics and they've never had a problem with politics of Punjab. They are a much better group than Dera Sacha Sauda.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Radha Soami is the "mother" of all these...gurmeet ram rahim..bhaniyara ahustosh etc are off shoots of RS..so while the elder lady remains aloof..its children do the work...how do you think RS dera gets whatever it wants..350 Hectares of contigous land in Chandigarh..when a Gurdwara cnat even get access through its two adjoining lots ?? RS dera beas has its own highway..airport..bus stand etc..its all POLITICS !!


Jul 18, 2009
Dharmashtere Australiashtre
Radha Soami is the "mother" of all these...gurmeet ram rahim..bhaniyara ahustosh etc are off shoots of RS..so while the elder lady remains aloof..its children do the work...how do you think RS dera gets whatever it wants..350 Hectares of contigous land in Chandigarh..when a Gurdwara cnat even get access through its two adjoining lots ?? RS dera beas has its own highway..airport..bus stand etc..its all POLITICS !!
They are completely unrelated. Radha Swamis are almost a religion. Their Hindu followers don't follow Hinduism once they become Radha Swamis, Im assuming the Sikhs do the same. Dera Sacha Sauda is more of a samaj than a religion. Radha swamis have separate rituals to any other religion.

Ofcurse they have all those things. They've settled the entire area. There used to be nothing in that area before the Radha Swamis got there.

How they get their land I don't know but every religious institution does in India. How did Akshardham get massive land in Delhi. Forget Akshardham, I've seen small temples and mosques capture hundreds of acres without ever paying a cent.

Anyways, even if they don't do things by the books, I have seen them do alot of good things in my time. They have been around longer than Dera Sacha Sauda too.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Please let me speak on something more than a technical point. As Gyani ji says, "Radha Soami is the "mother" of all these" because with Radhasoami began the Sant Mat tradition which to the un-informed person resembles so closely Guru Mat, until one begins to dig one layer down. Or a Gursikh helps your understanding along by giving the relevant information.


Jul 18, 2009
Dharmashtere Australiashtre
Please let me speak on something more than a technical point. As Gyani ji says, "Radha Soami is the "mother" of all these" because with Radhasoami began the Sant Mat tradition which to the un-informed person resembles so closely Guru Mat, until one begins to dig one layer down. Or a Gursikh helps your understanding along by giving the relevant information.

I have no interest in Sant Mat. I have family members who follow Radha Swamis so I know they do alot of good work.

Plus this topic was about politics. Radhaswami religion/sect from what I know stays away from political affiliation. What their theology is and how it compares to Sikhism is not my concern.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
asu desi ji,
appearances cna be decieiving..sometimes ??
I too know personally a family who has "donated" four sons to the RS Beas...they were instead farmed out to some other smaller "deras" that apparently have no connection whatsoever to RS ( two are run by Muslim Pirs who do "farming" on occupied lands of farmers threatened by gnags)..another family i know has an adopted daughter whose biological parents have a lot of land...the RS dera badly wants this daughter to join the dera...) so they can proceed with land grabbing!!!...maybe or maybe not..cnat say for sure.ONLY some "insiders" would know the intimate details of how the RS runs...i dont pretend to know everything..but i do have my reservations...

Anyway I have been personally invited and have visited the Beas Dera and have seen the work they do...their Hospital and all...yes i agree good work is also being done....not everything is all bad about everything...so i understand your points too..and YES Narayanjot ji got my point baout being "the RS being the MOTHER SHIP" of all these various offshoots of deras/sants/pir samadhs...santmat types of organsiations in the west....ICKoankar Church is one !!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Aus Desi ji

Sikh bodies flay political parties wooing sects in Punjab
Sikh bodies flay political parties wooing sects in Punjab

Chandigarh/Amritsar, April 14 (IANS) They might be big vote banks for political parties but a number of radical Sikh organisations have openly come out against political parties in Punjab pampering certain sects to gain votes.

Reminding the political parties, especially the ruling Akali Dal and the opposition Congress, about edicts against these sects by the Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of the Sikh religion, the radical Sikh bodies Tuesday demanded that parties stay away from these sects.

The Sikh bodies opposing the sects include Damdami Taksal, Dal Khalsa, Khalsa Action Committee (KAC) and Akal Federation.

The groups are mainly opposing sects like the controversial Dera Sacha Sauda headed by Gurmit Ram Rahim Singh, Divya Jyoti Sangathan headed by Ashutosh, Nirankaris, Radhasoamis and other smaller sects.

“These pseudo-sects are primarily anti-Sikh and political parties like the Congress are seeking their support,” Dal Khalsa leader Kanwarpal Singh told IANS.

“The continuing logistic support and patronisation of the Dera and its pseudo-saint by the Congress Party has caused pain and anguish to the devout in Punjab. The edict issued against Nirankaris (June 1978) and the Dera and others in May 2007 by the Akal Takht is relevant and we expect from the Akali Dal that it will respect it in letter and spirit even during election period,” Dal Khalsa president Harcharanjit Singh told a rally of these groups in Amritsar Monday.

The rally was also attended by Akal Takht chief Gurbachan Singh.

“We want to live in cordial atmosphere but the biggest obstacle is the state’s malafide intention and divisive policies towards Sikhs,” said KAC convener Mohkam Singh.

Damdami Taksal head Baba Harnam Singh said that Sikhs were passing through a critical phase and need to be united against these sects.

Baisakhi day, April 13, 1978, saw a violent clash between Sikhs and Nirankari sect members near Amritsar leading to the death of 13 people. The incident subsequently led to a prolonged period of terrorism (1981-1995) in Punjab in which nearly 25,000 lives were lost.

If they are being wooed, then they are playing politics. If they were not political, no one would be after their votes. If they vote, they are political.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
thats the real beauty of it all...everything happens behind closed doors...so no "open support".....IF there were NO SUPPORT..why would a "SIKH" like Badal go to Beas FIRST before matha teking in Harmandir Sahib ? Why would Badal/amarinder etc need to visit gurmeet..at his dera...in sirsa..namdharee jagjit ib Bheni...etc etc..


Jul 18, 2009
Dharmashtere Australiashtre
thats the real beauty of it all...everything happens behind closed doors...so no "open support".....IF there were NO SUPPORT..why would a "SIKH" like Badal go to Beas FIRST before matha teking in Harmandir Sahib ? Why would Badal/amarinder etc need to visit gurmeet..at his dera...in sirsa..namdharee jagjit ib Bheni...etc etc..

But thats the thing. All parties go to them. So me and you hardly know who they are supporting unless they declare openly. It happens in every democracy even America. If they banned Akalis from coming then they are supporting Congress and allies. Thats the mistake that Dera Sacha Sauda did. I read somewhere that before the whole riot about looking like Guru Gobind Singh Ram Rahim openly declared support for Congress. Unfortunately for him, Congress won Souther Punjab seats but lost the Northern Punjab ones and Akali-BJP came to power.

just remember the quote of baba ramdev "Sarkar kisi ki bhi bane, Baba ke paas hamesha vote rahega". It doesn't matter who makes the government, Baba(himself) will always shave one vote.


Aug 20, 2009
I am afraid despite the leaps, bounds and strides India is making, it is still a very corrupt country steeped in deceit, treachery, dishonesty and oppression. There is little doubt (particularly after 1984) that any attempts to hurt Sikhs and Sikhism are overlooked by those in authority and sects are collaborating to cause it as much damage as possible. I am afraid I have as little respect for Radha Soami (RS) as for Sach Sauda. Recently a relative through a family liaison left the RS (and caused a lot of upset in the hierarchy) when he overheard conversation between the inner circle members. His eyes opened in the nick of time and he was able to keep his 5 crores worth of property which he was on the verge of signing off. They are all a bunch of ‘sophisticated thugs’ to put it mildly.

It is also unfortunate that this goes on when a Sikh is in power. The problem is that as Sikhs we are conditioned to serve with honour and integrity without distinction of race, colour or creed. S. Manmohan Singh is the PM of the whole country and cannot be seen as favouring one group over another.

We must rely on ourselves and recognise Indians for what they are and put our own house in order – it is always easy to blame others.

Rajinder Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
But thats the thing. All parties go to them. So me and you hardly know who they are supporting unless they declare openly. It happens in every democracy even America. If they banned Akalis from coming then they are supporting Congress and allies. Thats the mistake that Dera Sacha Sauda did. I read somewhere that before the whole riot about looking like Guru Gobind Singh Ram Rahim openly declared support for Congress. Unfortunately for him, Congress won Souther Punjab seats but lost the Northern Punjab ones and Akali-BJP came to power.

Aus Desi ji

But of course as the French would say (Bien sure!) This is precisely the point. They are political, any group is political, in your words, It happens in every democracy even America -- but some are better at it than others.

In the US there is an expression "the smoke filled room" (a metaphor for something that really did exist years past around the states). It is a "room" "where" all the movers and shakers plot and plan the next move. The real power brokers sit around the table there, "smoking cigars" and most voters don't know who actually "sits" there "calling the "shots."

The Rhadasoami sect is superb at playing the game. To say they have stayed out of the public eye demonstrates their acumen. I would not say this to prove a negative; rather to call attention to the fact that their holdings and their followings are expansive and large. This is called political capital. Who needs to go public when there is so much capital on the table, and under the table? What elected politician would chance it? The babas control votes and they have the money to back their favorites.

Does it matter whether they do it out in the open? Even when they do good. One of the most politically savvy people in India was Mother Teresa. I don't know if she controlled votes. But privately, she had political confidantes all over the world and she had a war chest and she used it.That is not the public image we have of her.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Its relatively EASY to "control" ONE MAN..the GURU...who will then INFLUENCE his followers.
This is Exactly what Aurengzeb was trying to accomplish with Guru Teg bahadur Ji. The Kashmiri Pandit delegation had made it clear to the Mughal Governor THAT...IF our "Champion"..the GURU converts..we ALL CONVERT. If he doesnt..then please forgive us...the answer is NO conversion. Do you think all the SIKHS wouldnt have followed their GUIRU..into ISLAM..IF guru ji had converted ??? AT the very least a vast majpority would have done that...after all whats a GURU FOR ?? If one doesnt follow him ??

Even in other situations sometimes the Opposing sides/Kings etc would chose a Champion to fight on their behalf..the champion that WON..his side was declared victorious and there was no needless war and killing of soldiers/civilians.

It is Naive to keep on insisting that the RS GURU/Ram Rahim/Asutosh/SAI BABA etc are "apolitical/neutral"...they do have a Side...and its again naive to suggest that the GURU holds no power over his followers...if they are willing to DIE for him..cant they vote for his candidate ?? Why is there a preponderance of RS/Sai baba Followers candidates among the MPs, state legislatures, police cadre, civil service etc..these high appointments are POLITICALLY motivated...why do we see the PM, the defence Minister, President etc etc attending to a nd BOWING to SAI BABA at His ashram ?? Vajpayee even gave a Officla letter of "recommendation" to Sai baba absolving him of any interefernce by the Police into killings in his ashram..PM Vajpayee said NO INQUIRY. PERIOD. WHY???? Becasue the SB controls a huge Vote Bank !! This despite the Fact that ythe Police Chief came out publicly to state that MURDERS had taken place inside the ashram and should be inquired about..he was shut down by the PM.
ALL these CULTS/RELIGIUOS Organisations led by a SINGLE FIGURE HEAD are PRESSURE GROUPS...just like the Political parties...they have an AGENDA...they Forge alliances..they rule by PROXY..and thus EXPAND their POWER...bit by bit..:D:D:D
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