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Hinduism Dharamrai Or Dharamraj


May 22, 2011
Dharamraj or Dharamrai is mentioned in gurubani many times.
What is this entity?
Does this not contradict Sikh concept of single all pervading Akal Purukh who is fearless and without enmity and the concept of mukti and reincarnation because there is this additional very powerful power who decides what happens to whom.
Is this a hiccup left over and incorporated in Sikh scriptures from other Indian philosophies ? What do our gurus mean by this because they mention this in gurubani with their devine wisdom.
I would greatly appreciate comments from our very learned subscribers.


Dec 3, 2011
I believed that references made for dharamrai and dharamraaj were interchangeable and both terms refer to the one judge of our deeds.

I think 'judge' would be the best word to describe this.
I do think that this 'judge' is similar to the creation within us that determines the outcomes from our actions.

I also think that we should remember that these are 'mythological references' in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and if we try to distinguish too much between 'dharamraaj and dharamrai' or 'parvati and parabhati' then we are actually moving away from the true essence of the gurbani message.

This is something that I personally find that I have to be careful with at times especially when I am trying to translate and interpret word for word.

Lucky Singh
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Oct 21, 2009
According to the Hindu scriptures, the souls of men after death receive rewards and punishments according to their sins and virtues, and hence it is believed that good and bad deeds of men are not destroyed. God has appointed Dharamraj /Dharmrai to judge the deeds of souls.

Read More…..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitragupta

References from Granth

There are scriptural references that we have also. Per my little understanding, Guru saheb have employed these mythological figures for instilling fear in the mind of seekers so that righteousness is inculcated.
Other related name is Chitra-Gupt also. These are not synonyms.

The references has appeared thus:

Function of Dharamraaj

 God having created animals recorded their names, and appointed Dharmraj to judge their acts.
At His own court the real truth is adjudged; He separateth and removeth those who are attached to mammon.
There the false find no place: they go to hell with blackened faces.
They who are imbued with Thy name win; the deceivers lose.
God recorded names and appointed Dharmraj to record acts. [ang 220-

Seat of Dharamraaj

 In fear[1] the winds and breezes ever blow
In fear flow hundreds of thousands of rivers
In fear fire performeth its forced labour;
In fear the earth is pressed by its burden
In fear Indar moveth headlong: in fear sitteth Dharmraj at God's gate;
In fear is the sun, in fear the moon; they travel millions of miles without end;
in fear are the Sidhs, the Budhas, the demigods, and the Naths; in fear are the stars and the firmament;
In fear are wrestlers, very mighty men and divine heroes;
In fear cargoes of men come and go.
God hath destined fear for every one;[2] Nanak, the Formless One, the True, is alone without fear.[ang 222-
[1. The fear of God is, of course, meant.
2. Literally--God hath written the destiny of fear on tile heads of all.]

Bhul Chuk Mauf
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BHAEI...has been wrongly translated as "FEAR"...
There is absolutely no place for "FEAR" in Gurbani..we need not FEAR HIM....MITTH BOLRRA ja Har sajan Mera..main smbhal thakee ji..KADEH NA BOLLEH KAURRA...My Master is Most SWEET..I have tried in every way (to provoke him/anger him by my actions)..BUT HE remains as SWEET as ever..

This BHAEI that Gurbani speaks of is actually the LAWS...the LAWS of Gravity...Physics...mathematics..etc etc etc which GOVERN the CREATION...and the LAWS THAT THE PLANETS FOLLOW..THE SUNS FOLLOW, THE MOONS THE STARS THE GALAXIES follow... the Rivers that flow also follow the Laws of Motion..of water always flowing towards lower depths...Apples that fall towards earth due to GRAVITY...etc etc etc..THIS is NOT "FEAR"...this is LAWS of CREATION...

FEAR exists in other religions..whose God thunders in anger..who destroys entire cities not even sparing women and children or animals..who sends floods and plagues and terrible sufferings....THERE is NOT even a SINGLE TINY MENTION of such a Vengeful fearful god in the entire 1429 pages of SGGS....so where do w e get the notion of "fear" ?? when GURBANI in fact speaks VOLUMES about the LOVE and LOVE and LOVE only the Creator has for us his creation...


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Chitra Gupta are the thoughts, the ones which we 'think' and the ones which we are 'not aware' we are thinking. I.e. the secrets that we keep from others and the secrets which we keep from ourself!

Dharam Rai points to the fact that you will be 'judged' when you die! What happens to you will be the sum of all your actions! Do you die in hate, love, anger, sadness, guilt, disappointments, doubts etc. Or do you die free from the 3 forms of Maya and merge with Waheguru!

Remember in school we are told about atoms, then electrons and now that there are even particles within electron.

This only shows that education uses the current 'context' of the people to reveal further concepts. Same with Gurbani. People have since long have had concept of a 'Dharam Rai' and 'Chitra Gupta'. Gurbani has used those references to reveal how Universe works. And I think it is wonderful!
Aug 13, 2017
Dharamraj or Dharamrai is mentioned in gurubani many times.
What is this entity?
Does this not contradict Sikh concept of single all pervading Akal Purukh who is fearless and without enmity and the concept of mukti and reincarnation because there is this additional very powerful power who decides what happens to whom.
Is this a hiccup left over and incorporated in Sikh scriptures from other Indian philosophies ? What do our gurus mean by this because they mention this in gurubani with their devine wisdom.
I would greatly appreciate comments from our very learned subscribers.

Maybe its the Angel of Hindu or written Lord by the God Brahma. Since in Christianity they have Angel Mic-ha-el who is the Righteous Angel and the who who guides and leads the Jesus and Christians of right doings unconsciously.

And in Hindu the known Angel Mic-ha-el by Christians does the Dharamraj and is one of the written Lords in the Books by how i was made knowing. and Master is the Creator, and Brahma was a Prophet (Truth Sayer, like knowing all tells truth and leads Men and Women when was alive thousands of years ago and even to fortune) but now is a God/Rabbi/Lord and in Christian Books (Bibles) and Judaism Books (Taurat) is the Prophet or Rab Ismael or Isma-iyl and in Muwslim Books (Qur'ans) is the Rabbi Yuwsuf.
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