Chaz ji,Guru Fateh.I am sorry to upset you but your post has nothing to do with what my post is about to Palaingatha ji. I hope you have read others' posts before mine where some have told others that they are not Sikhs. Hence, I was compelled to share my thought.I think you did not read my post in context. We are wrong many times as Sikhs about what the Gurbani says. That is what the word Sikh means which urges us to correct ourselves when and where the situation arises. Hence, re-studying of Gurbani is a must for us otherwise Nitnem would be a futile mechanically parroting mere ritual.No one is talking about Truth here but what the Gurbani says and how it is wrongly interpreted with one liners or two.Having said that, I agree with what you said.I have been advocating the same in my posts where ever needed.RegardsTejwant Singh
Chaz ji,
Guru Fateh.
I am sorry to upset you but your post has nothing to do with what my post is about to Palaingatha ji. I hope you have read others' posts before mine where some have told others that they are not Sikhs. Hence, I was compelled to share my thought.
I think you did not read my post in context. We are wrong many times as Sikhs about what the Gurbani says. That is what the word Sikh means which urges us to correct ourselves when and where the situation arises. Hence, re-studying of Gurbani is a must for us otherwise Nitnem would be a futile mechanically parroting mere ritual.
No one is talking about Truth here but what the Gurbani says and how it is wrongly interpreted with one liners or two.
Having said that, I agree with what you said.I have been advocating the same in my posts where ever needed.
Tejwant Singh