Re: Why Do You Think That Sikhism Is Right/From God?Confused jiBefore you jump ship, I would encourage this understanding. The Sikh notion of karma, particularly as it refers to 84 lakh joons, is not open and shut. So one source that interprets the idea in one way, may be at odds with other reputable sources. Karma in Sikhism has not been laid out as a doctrine to be understood in a mandatory and iron clad way. Let me see if I can locate a very current discussion of karma in Sikhism, which also distinguishes a Sikh view from a Brahminical view, and post it for you.
Re: Why Do You Think That Sikhism Is Right/From God?
Confused ji
Before you jump ship, I would encourage this understanding. The Sikh notion of karma, particularly as it refers to 84 lakh joons, is not open and shut. So one source that interprets the idea in one way, may be at odds with other reputable sources. Karma in Sikhism has not been laid out as a doctrine to be understood in a mandatory and iron clad way. Let me see if I can locate a very current discussion of karma in Sikhism, which also distinguishes a Sikh view from a Brahminical view, and post it for you.