Thank you spnadmin,
I think we may be on the same track. Like you I puzzle over similar predicaments.
I read a note from Rani_vancouver in this forum where she is to spend her own hard earned cash to get some literature translated and she was looking for some translators. She is willing to do the major part of the manipulation and publishing herself - I find that very commendable. And after translation - it will be a generous person who would share the the results with all!
It however seemed very odd to me that after 300 years since Guru Gobind Singh - there is not a structure that a faithful can follow to get a translation done with confidence - individuals still have to translate the Punjabi literature by themselves and have difficulty finding reliable translators. Is there is no established path to achieve this?
If there is not then the infrastructure needs upgrading rather than efforts of individuals being scattered and possibly repeated.
Would it not be proper and rightful to have a central authority to provide this facility?
After discussing this with friends - they believe Patiala University and Guru Nanak university are the two man seats for this. Now - I guess we may need to use both seats to get a reasonable translation and its verification?
Our Gurdwara committee gets so much funding from Sikhs and others - is it unreasonable to expect them to be able to provide an infrastructure with this as one of the services - and if they did could we trust them or do we go back to Maculiffe's of yester years to do this for us? (It was
If we can establish how the Granth Sahib and other main scriptures are or were translated we may be able to improve or publicise the route for all. Is there a way to contact these authorities?
Does federal or state governments have any input into this? Liberaries dedicated to scriptures?
Do you find that when one tries to get to the basics of the problems - a very few contributors actually participate? I am pleased you responded the way you did.
I wonder if it is because they feel it is a dead end route or if they consider it to be a taboo subject of may be there would be a backlash if they participated?
To my reckoning it takes a lot of hard work. It needs to locate the sources of information and allow contribution of the interested parties to be made public and appreciated and information deseminated.
I also think a forum dedicated to the subject may be necessary.
I leave it at this for the present till you consider if it is also worth it.