To be honest I have such respect for SGGSJ and Sikhi that had I not been willing to place it the centre of my married life, I would have never done the lavans anyway. I don't know how someone could? It would be like as I said, taking amrit just for you know a weekend entertainment, and then Monday going back to life as usual drinking alcohol and eating halal meats and oh going for a haircut. It would be a big huge disrespect.I think, that ANYONE should seriously understand any religious ceremony they wish to undergo, and be dedicated and serious about following the commitment they are supposed to be making. Otherwise, it turns everything into a sham. Can you imagine if a bunch of people started doing the above scenario at amrit sanchars, how long before amrit sanchar no longer had any real meaning??
To be honest I have such respect for SGGSJ and Sikhi that had I not been willing to place it the centre of my married life, I would have never done the lavans anyway. I don't know how someone could? It would be like as I said, taking amrit just for you know a weekend entertainment, and then Monday going back to life as usual drinking alcohol and eating halal meats and oh going for a haircut. It would be a big huge disrespect.
I think, that ANYONE should seriously understand any religious ceremony they wish to undergo, and be dedicated and serious about following the commitment they are supposed to be making. Otherwise, it turns everything into a sham. Can you imagine if a bunch of people started doing the above scenario at amrit sanchars, how long before amrit sanchar no longer had any real meaning??