Dear aad0002,You last comment is as follows: "The path to satgur is felt not analyzed, and happens in the heart not the head"The true path to Satgur is indeed through the heart and not the head but the heart is a deep ocean that contains every form and all symbols. The symbolism of veiling or covering the head is not open to intellectual analysis in the way you suggest in your post. The wearing of the turban is practiced by both Sikh and Muslim men and the practice of wearing a dupatta or a veil by Muslim women. The symbolism is the same, mutatis mutandis!
Dear aad0002,
You last comment is as follows: "The path to satgur is felt not analyzed, and happens in the heart not the head"
The true path to Satgur is indeed through the heart and not the head but the heart is a deep ocean that contains every form and all symbols. The symbolism of veiling or covering the head is not open to intellectual analysis in the way you suggest in your post. The wearing of the turban is practiced by both Sikh and Muslim men and the practice of wearing a dupatta or a veil by Muslim women. The symbolism is the same, mutatis mutandis!