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Essence Of Reality

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Saarang on Pannaa 1220

swrg mhlw 5 ]
bYkuMT goibMd crn inq iDAwau ]
mukiq pdwrQu swDU sMgiq AMimRqu hir kw nwau ]1] rhwau ]
aUqm kQw suxIjY sRvxI mieAw krhu Bgvwn ]
Awvq jwq doaU pK pUrn pweIAY suK ibsRwm ]1]
soDq soDq qqu bIcwirE Bgiq sryst pUrI ]
khu nwnk iek rwm nwm ibnu Avr sgl ibiD aUrI ]2]62]85]

saarag mehalaa 5 ||
baiku(n)t(h) gobi(n)dh charan nith dhhiaao ||
mukath padhaarathh saadhhoo sa(n)gath a(n)mrith har kaa naao ||1|| rehaao ||
ootham kathhaa suneejai sravanee maeiaa karahu bhagavaan ||
aavath jaath dhooo pakh pooran paaeeai sukh bisraam ||1||
sodhhath sodhhath thath beechaariou bhagath saraesatt pooree ||
kahu naanak eik raam naam bin avar sagal bidhh ooree ||2||62||85||

Saarang, Fifth Mehla:
To meditate on the Lotus Feet of the Lord of the Universe is heaven for me.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is the treasure of liberation and the Lord's Ambrosial Name. ||1||Pause||
O Lord God, please be kind to me, that I may hear with my ears Your Sublime and Exalted Sermon.
My cycle of coming and going is finally completed, and I have attained peace and tranquility. ||1||
Searching and searching, I have realized the essence of reality: devotional worship is the most sublime fulfillment.
Says Nanak, without the Name of the One Lord, all other ways are imperfect. ||2||62||85||

source: http://www.sikhitothemax.com/Page.asp?SourceID=G&PageNo=&ShabadID=4349&Format=2

ArQ:- hy BweI! mYN qW sdw prmwqmw dy crnW dw iDAwn Drdw hW—(ieh myry leI) bYkuMT hY [ gurU dI sMgiq ivc itky rihxw—(myry vwsqy cOhW pdwrQW ivcoN sRySt) mukqI pdwrQ hY [ prmwqmw dw nwm hI (myry leI) Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlw jl hY [1[rhwau[

hy Bgvwn! (myry au~qy) imhr kr, (qw ik) qyrI au~qm is&iq-swlwh kMnW nwl suxI jw sky [ hy BweI! (is&iq-swlwh dI brkiq nwl) jMmxw qy mrnw—ieh dovyN p`K mu`k jWdy hn [ suKW dy mUl prmwqmw nwl imlwp ho jWdw hY [1[

hy nwnk! AwK—hy BweI! ivcwr kridAW kridAW ieh AslIAq l`BI hY ik prmwqmw dI BgqI hI pUrn qOr qy hI cMgI (ik®Aw) hY [ prmwqmw dy nwm qoN ibnw hor hryk (jIvn-) FMg ADUrw hY [2[62[84[

source: http://www.gurugranthdarpan.com/darpan1/1220.html
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