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Fear Of God

Oct 14, 2007
Shabad 41

Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:
ang 605
[Notes: In the following lines one has tried to offer as per sikh philosophy. I have stressed upon the significance of sangat in the spiritual journey.Sangat,however, is not the thrust of the sabad.The sabad sings the glory of the Lord. He is the doer Himself. It is He who instills the Fear in the mind of the mortals. The fear of God is developed when we Love HIM.Thus the God Himself causes all to carry out the devotional worship.He is the causes of all causes and Does everything for the Human beings.
It is for the human beings and the mortals to meditate upon Him and obtain the blessings of the Naam or sabad. We should do that is pleasing to Him. Guru sahib have stated clearly that He likes the devotional worship. One should ,therefore,always be in His meditation and sing His praises in sangat and obtain the bliss after attaining the prescribed spiritual experience.

Sangat creates an atmosphere conducive to a spiritual experience. This is the first step of a process meant to alter the state of one's mind, to bring it to a state where the internal turmoil subsides for a duration. The spiritual vibrations of the in the company of sangat lift the soul to a level where it becomes capable of connecting with the divinity. It essentially prepares the person for what he has come there for. Every bit of information is thoroughly screened by our rational mind before it is accepted or rejected. But if we are to learn anything from a A Guru, the sieve has to be temporarily put away. Subliminal thoughts have to penetrate the mind in their entirety, without being filtered or diluted in any way.]

Let us have a look at the sabad.

God Himself is the balance scale, He Himself is the weigher, and He Himself weighs with the weights.He Himself is the banker, He Himself is the trader, and He Himself makes the trades.The Beloved Himself fashioned the world, and He Himself counter-balances it with a gram. ||1||

My mind meditates on the Lord, Har, Har, and finds peace.
The Name of the Beloved Lord, Har, Har, is a treasure; the Perfect Guru has made it seem sweet to me. ||Pause||

The Beloved Himself is the earth, and He Himself is the water; He Himself acts, and causes others to act.The Beloved Himself issues His Commands, and keeps the water and the land bound down.The Beloved Himself instills the Fear of God; He binds the tiger and the goat together. ||2||

The Beloved Lord Himself is the firewood, and He Himself keeps the fire within the wood.The Beloved Lord Himself, all by Himself, permeates them, and because of the Fear of God, the fire cannot burn the wood.The Beloved Himself kills and revives; all draw the breath of life, given by Him. ||3||

The Beloved Himself is power and presence; He Himself engages us in our work.As the Beloved makes me walk, I walk, as it pleases my Lord God.The Beloved Himself is the musician, and the musical instrument; servant Nanak vibrates His vibration. ||4||4||
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Oct 14, 2007
Shabad 42

Sorat'h, First Mehl, First House, Ashtapadees, Chau-Tukas:
ang 642

Notes: The shabad summarizes the sikh philosophy and most of the concepts are discussed/stated in the present shabad. The status of man is 'poor creature'. All that happens is as per HIs command and will.We all act as per that is pre-ordained and is inscribed on our forehead. There is but One God and we should focus on HIm and we shall get all that is pre-ordained. But He is powerful and we seek the Glance of the Grace. In the end Shabad is the Guru. There is nothing much that can be written as the shabad is self explanatory.

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

I am not torn by duality, because I do not worship any other than the Lord; I do not visit tombs or crematoriums.
I do not enter the houses of strangers, engrossed in desire. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, has satisfied my desires.
Deep within my heart, the Guru has shown me the home of my being, and my mind is imbued with peace and poise, O Siblings of Destiny.

You Yourself are all-knowing, and You Yourself are all-seeing; You alone bestow intelligence, O Lord. ||1||

My mind is detached, imbued with detachment; the Word of the Shabad has pierced my mind, O my mother.
God's Light shines continually within the nucleus of my deepest self; I am lovingly attached to the Bani, the Word of the True Lord Master. ||Pause||

Countless detached renunciates talk of detachment and renunciation, but he alone is a true renunciate, who is pleasing to the Lord Master.

The Word of the Shabad is ever in his heart; he is absorbed in the Fear of God, and he works to serve the Guru.
He remembers the One Lord, his mind does not waver, and he restrains its wanderings.
He is intoxicated with celestial bliss, and is ever imbued with the Lord's Love; he sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. ||2||

The mind is like the wind, but if it comes to rest in peace, even for an instant, then he shall abide in the peace of the Name, O Siblings of Destiny.

His tongue, eyes and ears are imbued with Truth; O Lord, You quench the fires of desire.
In hope, the renunciate remains free of hopes; in the home of his own inner self, he is absorbed in the trance of deep meditation.
He remains content, satisfied with the charity of the Naam; he drinks in the Ambrosial Amrit with ease. ||3||
There is no renunciation in duality, as long as there is even a particle of duality.
The whole world is Yours, Lord; You alone are the Giver. There is not any other, O Siblings of Destiny.
The self-willed manmukh dwells in misery forever, while the Lord bestows greatness upon the Gurmukh.
God is infinite, endless, inaccessible and unfathomable; His worth cannot be described. ||4||
The consciousness in deep Samaadhi, the Supreme Being, the Lord of the three worlds - these are Your Names, Lord.
The creatures born into this world have their destiny inscribed upon their foreheads; they experience according to their destinies.
The Lord Himself causes them to do good and bad deeds; He Himself makes them steadfast in devotional worship.
The filth of their mind and mouth is washed off when they live in the Fear of God; the inaccessible Lord Himself blesses them with spiritual wisdom. ||5||
Only those who taste it know its sweet taste, like the mute, who eats the candy, and only smiles.
How can I describe the indescribable, O Siblings of Destiny? I shall follow His Will forever.
If one meets with the Guru, the Generous Giver, then he understands; those who have no Guru cannot understand this.
As the Lord causes us to act, so do we act, O Siblings of Destiny. What other clever tricks can anyone try? ||6||
Some are deluded by doubt, while others are imbued with devotional worship; Your play is infinite and endless.
As You engage them, they receive the fruits of their rewards; You alone are the One who issues Your Commands.
I would serve You, if anything were my own; my soul and body are Yours.
One who meets with the True Guru, by His Grace, takes the Support of the Ambrosial Naam. ||7||
He dwells in the heavenly realms, and his virtues radiantly shine forth; meditation and spiritual wisdom are found in virtue.
The Naam is pleasing to his mind; he speaks it, and causes others to speak it as well. He speaks the essential essence of wisdom.
The Word of the Shabad is his Guru and spiritual teacher, profound and unfathomable; without the Shabad, the world is insane.
He is a perfect renunciate, naturally at ease, O Nanak, whose mind is pleased with the True Lord. ||8||1||
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Oct 14, 2007
Shabad 43
Third Mehl:

Notes: The emphasis on shabad may be on something else. However, it is through the Fear of God that we can restrain our wandering minds that is stated to be like a camel and cannot be subdued due to the tendencies of maya. It is subdued by Guru's Grace when we instill Fear of The Almighty. His simran is the best deed that one is edicted to indulge in on a continued basis. It is through this that one comes over the ego and the duality. Fear of God is thus not an ornamental gift but a precious possession to us.

We cannot, probably, do this unless we are blessed upon.
Great are HIS ways.

The mind of the self-willed manmukh is so very stubborn; it is stuck in the love of duality.
He does not find peace, even in dreams; he passes his life in misery and suffering.
The Pandits have grown weary of going door to door, reading and reciting their scriptures; the Siddhas have gone into their trances of Samaadhi.
This mind cannot be controlled; they are tired of performing religious rituals.
The impersonators have grown weary of wearing false costumes, and bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines.
They do not know the state of their own minds; they are deluded by doubt and egotism.
By Guru's Grace, the Fear of God is obtained; by great good fortune, the Lord comes to abide in the mind.
When the Fear of God comes, the mind is restrained, and through the Word of the Shabad, the ego is burnt away.
Those who are imbued with Truth are immaculate; their light merges in the Light.
Meeting the True Guru, one obtains the Name; O Nanak, he is absorbed in peace. ||2||
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Oct 14, 2007
Ang 647
shabad 44
Notes: The shabad discusses one of the important state of mind that only Gurmukh or Guru oriented can achieve.The state is referred to as an ego less or without Haume. It is with this state of mind that one can attain the intuitive poise; the sahaj. It is the first step in the direction. Ego can be overcome by practicing truthfulness contentment and attaining spiritual wisdom.
Ego separates us from the divinity. Namm simran has been stated to be the remedy of all.

There are references to this state at other places in bani as well:

jo jn mir jIvy iqn@ AMimRqu pIvy min lwgw gurmiq Bwau jIau ] (447-4, Awsw, mÚ 4)

Those humble beings who remain dead while yet alive, drink in the Ambrosial Nectar; through the Guru's Teachings, their minds embrace love for the Lord.

All this comes when the the fear of God is imprinted on the mind.
Let us look at the sabad:

Shalok, Third Mehl:
Great men speak the teachings by relating them to individual situations, but the whole world shares in them.
One who becomes Gurmukh knows the Fear of God, and realizes his own self.
If, by Guru's Grace, one remains dead while yet alive, the mind becomes content in itself.
Those who have no faith in their own minds, O Nanak - how can they speak of spiritual wisdom? ||1||

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Oct 14, 2007
shabad 45
ang 649
Third Mehl:

Notes: The shabad emphasizes, as per the understanding of the things yet attained by me, that the single most objective of this human birth is to take this soul nearer to HIM and if possible get it merged into the Almighty. One who is lost in delusion does not see the things in correct perspective.He is lost in desires and hopes and that is the progeny of reincarnations. One can Kill those by constant practice of Naam. This practice is also obtained as a gift from the Lord after understanding the Supreme being. This body is also like a field of combat and when divine forces dwells up one understands the reality and practices righteousness else the thoughts degenerates into demoniacal powers only.
The final clue to the mystery of the fight between these forces is seen when one has the urge to practice naam or the 'sabad'.
All these blessings are possible only when one develops the fear of the Almighty. The success belongs to the one who understands this and knows the difference between good and the bad. Victory lies in subduing matter and perceiving HIM and becoming one with the Supreme Essence.This is the only conquest or defeat after which there is neither any conquest nor defeat as the one becomes, in essence, the one with the ONE.

The fools do not know the difference between good and bad; they are deceived by their self-interests.
But if they contemplate the Word of the Shabad, they obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and their light merges in the Light.
The Fear of God is always on their minds, and so they come to understand everything.
The True Guru is pervading the homes within; He Himself blends them with the Lord.
O Nanak, they meet the True Guru, and all their desires are fulfilled, if the Lord grants His Grace and so wills. ||2||

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Oct 14, 2007

Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:
Notes:The essence of the shabad seems to me that the intuitive poise is of essence and that one should try to attain this kind of stage. This is also called as 'sahaj'. If one attains this stage one is freed of the rebirths and cycles of transmigration and the devotee and the Lord become one.

That union with the Lord is acceptable, which is united in intuitive poise.
Thereafter, one does not die, and does not come and go in reincarnation.
The Lord's slave is in the Lord, and the Lord is in His slave.

Wherever I look, I see none other than the Lord. ||1||
The Gurmukhs worship the Lord, and find His celestial home.
Without meeting the Guru, they die, and come and go in reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

So make Him your Guru, who implants the Truth within you,
who leads you to speak the Unspoken Speech, and who merges you in the Word of the Shabad.
God's people have no other work to do;
they love the True Lord and Master, and they love the Truth. ||2||

The mind is in the body, and the True Lord is in the mind.
Merging into the True Lord, one is absorbed into Truth.
God's servant bows at His feet.
Meeting the True Guru, one meets with the Lord. ||3||

He Himself watches over us, and He Himself makes us see.
He is not pleased by stubborn-mindedness, nor by various religious robes.
He fashioned the body-vessels, and infused the Ambrosial Nectar into them;
God's Mind is pleased only by loving devotional worship. ||4||

Reading and studying, one becomes confused, and suffers punishment.
By great cleverness, one is consigned to coming and going in reincarnation.
One who chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and eats the food of the Fear of God
becomes Gurmukh, the Lord's servant, and remains absorbed in the Lord. ||5||

He worships stones, dwells at sacred shrines of pilgrimage and in the jungles,
wanders, roams around and becomes a renunciate.
But his mind is still filthy - how can he become pure?
One who meets the True Lord obtains honor. ||6||

One who embodies good conduct and contemplative meditation,
his mind abides in intuitive poise and contentment, since the beginning of time, and throughout the ages.
In the twinkling of an eye, he saves millions.
Have mercy on me, O my Beloved, and let me meet the Guru. ||7||
Unto whom, O God, should I praise You?
Without You, there is no other at all.
As it pleases You, keep me under Your Will.
Nanak, with intuitive poise and natural love, sings Your Glorious Praises. ||8||2||
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Oct 14, 2007
shabd 47
ang 721

Notes: The shabad explains the state of mind of almost all of us who have not developed the Fear of Lord. It is almost at the realization as to what we have missed that we start regretting that we have neither developed a truthful life and nor could develop the Fear of the Almighty, the causes of all causes. When Maya takes over ,as is the case with most of us, we have every tendency to forget HIM.In this state of affairs we are unable to develop the fear of Lord. The ultimate objective for the devotee is to get the state of devotional worship. The devotional worship is the result of the Love of Lord and the fear of Lord.
All these are inter-related.One has been advised to be in the state of Simran and over a passage of time one is likely to fall in love with the object of simran or the naam jap .i.e.Waheguru. Once one is blessed with this kind of Fear of God the devotion develops through the Love lo Lord.

It is through this that one understands the importance of sangat and the keertan.The company of saints/sangats/ devotees also help one to seek the Almighty. It is through the sangat that one can also get emanicipation. Thus the dwelling of fear of God is, in itself, a very precious quality.As per references in the bani , the development of fear is also due to HIS grace on the mortals. One's life is wasted if There is no Fear of Lord and one can only beg for forgiveness at the end and repent only.The Great master forgives those whom HE deems fit.

Let us have a look at the shabad.

I offer this one prayer to You; please listen to it, O Creator Lord.
You are true, great, merciful and spotless, O Cherisher Lord. ||1||
The world is a transitory place of mortality - know this for certain in your mind.
Azraa-eel, the Messenger of Death, has caught me by the hair on my head, and yet, I do not know it at all in my mind. ||1||Pause||
Spouse, children, parents and siblings - none of them will be there to hold your hand.
And when at last I fall, and the time of my last prayer has come, there shall be no one to rescue me. ||2||
Night and day, I wandered around in greed, contemplating evil schemes.
I never did good deeds; this is my condition. ||3||
I am unfortunate, miserly, negligent, shameless and without the Fear of God.
Says Nanak, I am Your humble servant, the dust of the feet of Your slaves. ||4||1||
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Oct 14, 2007

Shabad 48
ang 722

Tilang, First Mehl:

Notes: The present shabd is in continuation of the shabd 47. The shabd here states almost everything that has been stated above. Here the emphasis is placed on Love of Lord and the Fear of Lord. Love of Lord or love for lord is also a precious gift. This finds an expression in Jap Ji sahib wherein it is stated that 'Priceless is the love for HIM'[5-17] Likewise Lord is also the lover of HIS devotees [416-12]. Thus this is a reciprocal and the one who loves HIM is also loved by HIM.
The Fear of Lord and the love for lord are complimentary.One does not exist without the other. Fear of Lord shall arise if we love HIM and serve HIM. 'The Fear of God adorns the Love of Lord.'[151-4] It is by HIS love one obtains the true wealth. One achieves the state of devotion. One can attain it once the illusion of Maya is lifted. The love of Lord springs up when one sheds of ego and accepts everything as HIS gift. The is the state of 'equipoise' that leads to contentment and puts one to lead a truthful life. One is advised to recognize the reality and differentiate between the illusion of Maya and the sat, the reality. One is required to be lost in HIS love day and night through Simran and Namjap.

Let us look at the shabad

O foolish and ignorant soul-bride, why are you so proud?
Within the home of your own self, why do you not enjoy the Love of your Lord?
Your Husband Lord is so very near, O foolish bride; why do you search for Him outside?
Apply the Fear of God as the maascara to adorn your eyes, and make the Love of the Lord your ornament.
Then, you shall be known as a devoted and committed soul-bride, when you enshrine love for your Husband Lord. ||1||
What can the silly young bride do, if she is not pleasing to her Husband Lord?
She may plead and implore so many times, but still, such a bride shall not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
Without the karma of good deeds, nothing is obtained, although she may run around frantically.
She is intoxicated with greed, pride and egotism, and engrossed in Maya.
She cannot obtain her Husband Lord in these ways; the young bride is so foolish! ||2||
Go and ask the happy, pure soul-brides, how did they obtain their Husband Lord?
Whatever the Lord does, accept that as good; do away with your own cleverness and self-will.
By His Love, true wealth is obtained; link your consciousness to His lotus feet.
As your Husband Lord directs, so you must act; surrender your body and mind to Him, and apply this perfume to yourself.
So speaks the happy soul-bride, O sister; in this way, the Husband Lord is obtained. ||3||
Give up your selfhood, and so obtain your Husband Lord; what other clever tricks are of any use?
When the Husband Lord looks upon the soul-bride with His Gracious Glance, that day is historic - the bride obtains the nine treasures.
She who is loved by her Husband Lord, is the true soul-bride; O Nanak, she is the queen of all.
Thus she is imbued with His Love, intoxicated with delight; day and night, she is absorbed in His Love.
She is beautiful, glorious and brilliant; she is known as truly wise. ||4||2||4||
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Oct 14, 2007
Shabad 49
Notes: The shabad has a reference to the omnipotent Lord and some HIs attributes and qualities are discussed herein.It is fairly a lengthy shabad but in essence ,in relation to Fear of God, it is clearly stated that one who understands the Hukum or HIS will always remain in the Fear of Lord and then they understands the reality with the Grace of the Lord.Shabad is self -speaking in this context and does not require much elaboration. HIS Fear is a pre-requisite to devotion and that is a must before we can understand the reality and meet HIM or find HIM and finally merge into HIM.

Let us have a look at the full shabad.

Tilang, First Mehl, Second House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The One who created the world watches over it; what more can we say, O Siblings of Destiny?
He Himself knows, and He Himself acts; He laid out the garden of the world. ||1||
Savor the story, the story of the Beloved Lord, which brings a lasting peace. ||Pause||
She who does not enjoy the Love of her Husband Lord, shall come to regret and repent in the end.
She wrings her hands, and bangs her head, when the night of her life has passed away. ||2||
Nothing comes from repentance, when the game is already finished.
She shall have the opportunity to enjoy her Beloved, only when her turn comes again. ||3||
The happy soul-bride attains her Husband Lord - she is so much better than I am.
I have none of her merits or virtues; whom should I blame? ||4||
I shall go and ask those sisters who have enjoyed their Husband Lord.
I touch their feet, and ask them to show me the Path. ||5||
She who understands the Hukam of His Command, O Nanak, applies the Fear of God as her sandalwood oil;
she charms her Beloved with her virtue, and so obtains Him. ||6||
She who meets her Beloved in her heart, remains united with Him; this is truly called union.
As much as she may long for Him, she shall not meet Him through mere words. ||7||
As metal melts into metal again, so does love melt into love.
By Guru's Grace, this understanding is obtained, and then, one obtains the Fearless Lord. ||8||
There may be an orchard of betel nut trees in the garden, but the donkey does not appreciate its value.
If someone savors a fragrance, then he can truly appreciate its flower. ||9||
One who drinks in the ambrosia, O Nanak, abandons his doubts and wanderings.
Easily and intuitively, he remains blended with the Lord, and obtains the immortal status. ||10||1||
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sikh80 ji

You are an inspiration to me! It has been a week or more since we have focused on the pure speech of Waheguru without interruption.

thank you.
Oct 14, 2007
Ang 737
Shabad 50

The following is from the bani of Fifth nanak dev ji maharaj ji. The Guru is telling that one has to control the five senses and the five organs of senses to achieve a meaningful life in the field of spirituality as a Sikh. It is after controlling the senses that one rises to the state of desirelessness and that the love of lord develops as the Simaran and Naam abhyaas show its effect and true colors. Till we have not achieved this we cannot said to have come over the ego i.e the sense of doership is not lost.We are instruments that are carrying HIS orders under HIS will but we think that we are the doers of actions and that is ego of haume. It is with the development of the Fear of Lord that we are able to overcome this ego when we are blessed with HIS grace; the divine blessings. The loss of sense of doer ship of action is of prime significance as it is then that we can come over attachment to the worldly things that is all but an illusion and cause of our bondage.Attachment to the worldly things is the cause of desire and hopes that may lead to anger and anxiety, sorrow and grief etc that are meaningless.Hence attachment is to be overcome by undertaking actions without desires and hopes i.e by undertaking selfless service.

We can have a look at the shabad and try to chew it to establish as to what is fear of Lord. God is all Love.Why develop fear of HIM.?
This is the question that each one of us has to ponder and come out with an answer so that we are always truthful and are able to understand the reality and ultimately mingle with HIM forever and forever and have not to come here time and again and be in the crucible of hopes ,desire and anxiety...amen

Soohe Fifth Mehl:
The Giver has put this household of my being under my own control. I am now the mistress of the Lord's Home.
My Husband Lord has made the ten senses and organs of actions my slaves.
I have gathered together all the faculties and facilities of this house.
I am thirsty with desire and longing for my Husband Lord. ||1||
What Glorious Virtues of my Beloved Husband Lord should I describe?
He is All-knowing, totally beautiful and merciful; He is the Destroyer of ego. ||1||Pause||
I am adorned with Truth, and I have applied the mascara of the Fear of God to my eyes.
I have chewed the betel-leaf of the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord.
My bracelets, robes and ornaments beautifully adorn me.
The soul-bride becomes totally happy, when her Husband Lord comes to her home. ||2||
By the charms of virtue, I have enticed and fascinated my Husband Lord.
He is under my power - the Guru has dispelled my doubts.
My mansion is lofty and elevated.
Renouncing all other brides, my Beloved has become my lover. ||3||
The sun has risen, and its light shines brightly.
I have prepared my bed with infinite care and faith.
My Darling Beloved is new and fresh; He has come to my bed to enjoy me.
O Servant Nanak, my Husband Lord has come; the soul-bride has found peace. ||4||4||

Note: Thank you aad ji.
I am learning and sharing.You need not be grateful to me. I am also doing it for some selfish purpose that I do not know myself..
When mind is pierced and tormented and we feel lonely we turn to HIM for guidance and that is all that I am doing right now. What torments me is not known to me as well. But surely we are all taking steps to move to larger consciousness where everything should be a bliss in whatever worldly state we are and may be. May He bless us all that
we all long for.

Regards and thanks for everything and kindly continue with your threads HE is, 'what is detachment'.These are very inspiring.

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Oct 14, 2007


sabad 51


The Guru sahibs impress upon us that this illusion of Maya is transitory and shall pass away and those who are not attuned to the lord either through Simran or meditation are wasting away their lives; it is advised that we should recognize the value of Meditation on Naam and we shall be liberated.

In the second para it is impressed upon that without a good destiny the privilege of Naam and its simran is not obtained. Bani deals extensively with this aspect of pre-ordained destiny and forms an essential part of the entire sikh philosophy. Those who have the blessings of the guru /Lord get themselves attuned to the word of sabad.The word of sabad used in the translation is the same as we call as ‘Naam’. We shall die hundred deaths and It shall continue to happen till our deeds are free of any debts i.e. our good deeds exceeds the bad ones. The theory of Karmic debt is also explained in bani.
If we make any friend other than God, we shall die and mingle with the dust. Only by God's Grace can save us. It is also another important aspects of sikh philosophy. It is By His Grace, He unites in His Union.
One is advised to be not to careless and is also advised to gather spiritual wisdom and that can also be attained by the Grace of the lord. By indecision and inner conflict, we shall come to ruin. Without being attuned to the Word of the Shabad and the Fear of God, all come under the gaze of the Messenger of Death and almost all have this kind of destiny.
One should never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the Support of the unsupported.

The most important point that need be dwelt is as to how to develop the fear of God.this question has not been answered.if you have come across some Gurbani Tuk, kindly share.

Soohee, First Mehl, Ninth House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The color of safflower is transitory; it lasts for only a few days.
Without the Name, the false woman is deluded by doubt and plundered by thieves.
But those who are attuned to the True Lord, are not reincarnated again. ||1||
How can one who is already dyed in the color of the Lord's Love, be colored any other color?
So serve God the Dyer, and focus your consciousness on the True Lord. ||1||Pause||
You wander around in the four directions, but without the good fortune of destiny, you shall never obtain wealth.
If you are plundered by corruption and vice, you shall wander around, but like a fugitive, you shall find no place of rest.
Only those who are protected by the Guru are saved; their minds are attuned to the Word of the Shabad. ||2||
Those who wear white clothes, but have filthy and stone-hearted minds,
may chant the Lord's Name with their mouths, but they are engrossed in duality; they are thieves.
They do not understand their own roots; they are beasts. They are just animals! ||3||
Constantly, continually, the mortal seeks pleasures. Constantly, continually, he begs for peace.
But he does not think of the Creator Lord, and so he is overtaken by pain, again and again.
But one, within whose mind the Giver of pleasure and pain dwells - how can his body feel any need? ||4||
One who has a karmic debt to pay off is summoned, and the Messenger of Death smashes his head.
When his account is called for, it has to be given. After it is reviewed, payment is demanded.
Only love for the True One will save you; the Forgiver forgives. ||5||
If you make any friend other than God, you shall die and mingle with the dust.
Gazing upon the many games of love, you are beguiled and bewildered; you come and go in reincarnation.
Only by God's Grace can you be saved. By His Grace, He unites in His Union. ||6||
O careless one, you are totally lacking any wisdom; do not seek wisdom without the Guru.
By indecision and inner conflict, you shall come to ruin. Good and bad both pull at you.
Without being attuned to the Word of the Shabad and the Fear of God, all come under the gaze of the Messenger of Death. ||7||
He who created the creation and sustains it, gives sustenance to all.
How can you forget Him from your mind? He is the Great Giver, forever and ever.
Nanak shall never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the Support of the unsupported. ||8||1||2||
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sikh80 ji

Without much analysis (apologies) what this shabad defines for me: It contains everything within it that describes a devotional relationship with Waheguru. All that He Gives as the Giver.:) All that we must remember when we connect with the True Merchant.
Oct 14, 2007
Respected aad ji,

Your observations should be correct. I had not analyzed the sabad as I found that it contains the essential concepts of sikhism and 'Fear Of God' is just one of them.
I shall put comments on this shabad when I have the luxury of time.
17.07.2008: I have put up the notes as per my understanding in the above post.
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(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
The eternal child in mortal, seeks his freedom from the chains of restraint and perceived restriction, he breaks away from the bonds of unity to venture into beckoning new pastures. Sense and reason is forgotten as the ties binding his soul to propriety and fate are fettered. He gains his freedom, liberation, wealth, name, respect yet finds a tormenting within him, an urgent need for absolution of the unresolved. He returns, {comes to his senses, awakens} and a deep despair overcomes him, from what he has become and those he left behind. He has no peace, a tranquillity he bartered for baubles {meaningless knowledge serving a debased purpose}. He shudders, a wave of desolation and angst overcomes him {awakening of mind, soul}. Returning to his the past {immortal soul} he finds it changed {altered perception} he himself has changed {new experiences, heightened emotions, spiritually awakened, searching needfully}. ‘’Jaana vaalle lort aarte nahin’’, {The departed do not again return} the listener laughed and retorted, ‘of course they do’. Physically, in this circumstance spiritually untrue. ‘raahi badal jaate, raaste badalta aur manzil saath badal jaate hain.’’ {The path changes, as the traveller has changed and the destiny alters in kind}

Fear is an inherent survival instinct, it alerts the mind to potential dangers and hazards. The world is a complex environment. Consciousness, rid, sidh, budh is relative to a persons focus. GianMatt being the highest echelon of God consciousness. Fear precedes understanding, when mortal understands the teachings and commands of bani, why each tenet, vachan, is writ for his long term well being and protection. Understanding gains him Gian, akal, and he no longer fears the world for he understands it.

Until the mind, with fear of failure, gains union with understanding, GiantMatt, it wanders subconsciously, in search of a truth to make sense of his world, conquer his fears and gain control of his mind and will. An awakening causes disturbance in the soul, altered chemical balance creates restlessness, as an addict without his daily dose becomes unsettled, thus the mind feels tormented* until it connects with the bliss of understanding and peace.

The search for truth to banish needless fear is superseded by a need to still and silence the questioning mind. A mind questions, as hunger seeks suitable sustenance to fill the nutritional deficiency, reduce and finally eliminate the craving altogether. Not all are called to this higher state of sahej, and each individual’s personal truth is the truth instilling peace, light and love into his heart and mind.

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