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Female Bashing


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
I find there is a lot of female bashing on this forum (more than any male bashing I've read before you start attacking me) and I find this quite disturbing. I joined SPN as I felt it was an educational and progressive discussion forum but a lot of what I read here is chauvinistic. When men are attacked they hate it as not all should be tarred by the same brush. Then why are women as a whole labelled as bad? Please can it stop. All the issues that are mentioned, such as adultery, sex before marriage, mind games, being inconsiderate about others' feelings etc, are things that apply equally to both sexes.

Tackle the issues, not females. Stop letting your testosterone ego's write the posts. Please grow up! Throwing insults back and forth doesn't achieve anything-be constructive
Sep 27, 2008
FindingMyWay Ji i see what you mean but i have just checked the lastest posts and could not find anything relating this thread. It does and can happen i will not deny,sometimes i say something without realising that i may have offended. Its good of you to mention this as it will remind us all to keep everyone in mind.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
findingmyway ji

This is an issue that needs to be discussed. Perhaps it will be a bumpy ride. In any society where there is an empowered group - men in patriarchy - they can have a hard time hearing their voice because they don't have to. And protest by women is often seen as a plea for accommodations that have not been earned. As if one group has been granted the power to grant considerations to the other or decide on their merit. The discussion will not be easy for that reason.

Still there are many males who contribute to this forum who speak in the spirit of Guru Nanak and Bhai Gurdas. They are supportive of women, encourage women to reach beyond their immediate impediments, and speak against the incredible oppression that so many women face, just because they are women.
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Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
I do appreciate there are some males that support us and am thankful. However, it is very sad that we are still having to fight our corner after Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave us equality 600 years ago. A selection of the posts I was thinking about when I wrote this:"would you marry a girl who does not live with her family?" no-one bats an eyelid when boys live independently so why different rules for men and women?
"why are sikh girls behaving bad when far from home/family?" because of course boys never ever behave badly!!!
"cruel things that women do to men" because naturally men are never horrible to women.

This is not an exhaustive list and some of these posts bring up valid points but as I said before these apply regardless of gender. It's good to know there are some people out there who have gotten past the attitude of men ruling!


May 9, 2006
This subject makes me really, really mad.

This is a perfect example of such garbage which should be eliminated:

I avoid sikhiwiki like the plague because of that one stupid article which is allowed to remain. :angrykudi:

I have turned my back on religion as a whole so many times over the past 10 years, (yes, even Sikhi for a while), when I get so upset by the way people (often men and often with religion backing them up) treat other people (often women). Of course men can be evil to men and women evil to women but there's something about men treating women badly which really annoys me.

It's disgusting and I get so angry it effects every part of my life until I "get over it" to the point I have to shield myself from reading about it because I lose the plot.



Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
This subject makes me really, really mad.

This is a perfect example of such garbage which should be eliminated:

I avoid sikhiwiki like the plague because of that one stupid article which is allowed to remain. :angrykudi:

I have turned my back on religion as a whole so many times over the past 10 years, (yes, even Sikhi for a while), when I get so upset by the way people (often men and often with religion backing them up) treat other people (often women). Of course men can be evil to men and women evil to women but there's something about men treating women badly which really annoys me.

It's disgusting and I get so angry it effects every part of my life until I "get over it" to the point I have to shield myself from reading about it because I lose the plot.


Sigh!! I understand your frustration. There are always so many negative things aimed at women, but not nearly as many aimed at men. Don't lose heart and don't let anyone distract you from your path. We are committed to humanity and no-one can tell us otherwise. SikiWiki isn't well regulated so you;re not losing much by staying clear of it. Don't lose heart as there are many men and women who will be there to support you along the way