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USA Gang Of Men Who Groomed Young Girls For Sex, Now In The Dock At Old Bailey


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
  • Gang of men 'groomed girls as young as 11 for sex, trafficked them across the UK and attacked them with meat cleavers and baseball bats'
  • Nine men groomed and horrifically abused vulnerable girls a court has heard
  • One victim was forced to miscarry after her attacker used an 'instrument' on her in a home abortion
  • It has been claimed they used 'extreme physical and sexual violence', often beating and burning them as they raped their victims
  • It was claimed the girls were often given so many drugs that they were 'barely aware'
  • The abuse is alleged to have taken place over a period of eight years



An '11 or 12 year old' victim of a child sex ring was forced to miscarry after her attacker used an 'instrument' on her in a home abortion when she became pregnant, a court has heard.

A gang of nine men face accusations of grooming and horrifically abusing vulnerable girls from the age of 11 - making their lives a 'living hell.

The men, all from Oxford, allegedly plied six girls with alcohol, cocaine and heroin before repeatedly raping them.

Kamar Jamil, 27, Akthtar Dogar, 32, Anjum Dogar, 30, Assad Hussain, 32, Mohammed Karrar, 38, Bassam Karrar, 26, Mohammed Hussain, 24, Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, and Bilal Ahmed, 26, deny the charges against them.

Karrar together with other men not before the court is accused of using an instrument on one of the victims when she was 11 or 12 to force a miscarriage after she became pregnant.

They are accused of subjecting them to 'extreme physical and sexual violence', often beating and burning them as they raped their victims.

It took almost half an hour for all the charges to be read to the jury.

The jury was told it would hear evidence from friends of the victims, relatives, care workers and the police.

Telephone evidence between the accused and the victims will be presented along with DNA evidence.

Mr Lucas said: 'The evidence will show that these girls were targeted precisely because they were young.'

The men took the girls to towns and cities across the country where they suffered further sexual abuse by other men.

The abuse is alleged to have taken place over a period of eight years.

Prosecutor Noel Lucas QC said: 'Much of what the girls were forced to endure was perverted in the extreme.

'The depravity of what the girls were forced to endure was extreme.'

Mr Lucas told the jury of seven men and five women at the Old Bailey to 'steel yourself' for the evidence they were to hear.

They were told the girls became addicted to some of the drugs and felt unable to live without them making them more reliant on the men.

It was claimed the girls were often given so many drugs that they were 'barely aware' of what was going on.

Mr Lucas said: 'Indeed they say that is the only way they could cope with what was going on.'

The court was told the men had 'actively targeted vulnerable young girls from the age of about 11 or 12.'

The jury of seven men and five women at the Old Bailey were told 'steel yourself' for the evidence they were to hear

Mr Lucas pointed out to the jury that the girls who were targeted by the men were children.

He said the men would came across the girls with 'troubled upbringings' and 'unsettled homes' when they were out drinking or playing truant.

The girls were in care homes and some of them had been sexually exploited by other men before.

Their 'intentional and persistent' abuse is alleged to have happened between May 2004 and early 2012.

The men deny a total of 79 charges including child rape, trafficking for sexual exploitation and arranging or facilitating child prostitution.

Mr Lucas said: 'There is evidence that the men deliberately targeted children that were out of control.'

The men would 'exploit their vulnerability' knowing it was less likely that anyone would be 'exercising any normal parental control over them or looking out for them.'

They groomed the girls by giving gifts 'or simply showing the care and attention that they craved.'

The jury was told the girls were taken to hotels, guest houses or people's homes for other men to have sex with them.

The men would guard the girls so they could not escape and would then be paid for providing the girls.

Men would travel to Oxford 'often by appointment' from as far afield as Bradford, Leeds, London and Slough 'specifically to abuse young girls'.

Sometimes the girls were taken to towns and cities such as London and Bournemouth.

Mr Lucas said the men would inflict 'extreme physical and sexual violence on the girls' using knives, meat cleavers and baseball bats.

They were 'humiliated and degraded' bitten, scratched suffocated, tied up beaten and burnt.

Sometimes the abuse would go on for 'days on end'.

It is claimed the men also threatened the girls and their families if they should try to 'free themselves from the grasp of the group'.

One of the victims described her ordeal at the hands of the men as a 'living hell'.

In his opening address to the court Mr Lucas said the men had abused the six girls 'persistently' over long periods of time and sometimes in groups.'

They did this: 'For their own sexual gratification and for the sexual gratification of other men.

'The depravity of what was done to the complainants was extreme.'

The trial continues.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Actually, the earliest chapters in this story, starting with the first ineffective police investigations, are totally horrifying. Eventually the police changed their tactics and became less and less accepting of accusations made against them - i.e., they were culturally insensitive, etc. They took the bull by the horns, but too late for too many young women.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
UK is too deeply mired..due to it being always on the lookout to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT"...too much bending over BACKWARDS..to conceal these peoples ids,,race,,religion etc etc makes them "PROTECTED" while the victims suffer horrendously...somethings just cannot be hidden..politically correct or not...UK is finished.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
UK is too deeply mired..due to it being always on the lookout to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT"...too much bending over BACKWARDS..to conceal these peoples ids,,race,,religion etc etc makes them "PROTECTED" while the victims suffer horrendously...somethings just cannot be hidden..politically correct or not...UK is finished.

This was in a very literal sense the source of frustration for the police. I wish I could find that news story. It was a video interview with a chief Inspector. The police had actually zeroed in on the meeting place where many outrages were planned, a kind of all-purpose grocery store. They had a starting list of likely suspects based on the complaint given them by one of the victims. Her mother noticed a lot was "wrong." Wormed the information out of her daughter and then made her go to the police. As the police began their inquiries they were pressured because they focused on Asian suspects in an Asian neighborhood. This rankled the community. It was a long time before they regrouped and changed strategy.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
When the POLICE..Law enforcement....subjugated under politicians..then its trouble..in Punjab Malaysia..police subjugated heavily by politicians...bad. each Branch should eb independent..Law makers..Law enforcers, Judiciary..punishment enforcers..executive administrative etc etc all have to work independently..or else it falls apart..in PUNJAB..the MLA selects the Police Perosnnel under his constituency..so the police are subservient to the MLA..the MLA to Badal High command..who has time for justice law enforcement etc...in UK the problem is the same although slightly different..
still BAD.
Apr 11, 2007
It is deplorable what has happend and I only feel sympathy for the victims. Only their is a bit more to this then meets the eye. The crime is a crime but I am talking about the politics that is being used behind it. Living in the UK these gangs have been targetting Sikh Asian girls since I can remember were was the need for society to bring this situation to media attention then? They are politically creating cultural divides to make ethnic men look like perverts as so to create fear of ethnic minorities in the UK. There is a problem with these gangs for sure, their has always been a problem with these types of gangs and they are not limited to an ethnicity the current case of jimmy savile in the UK highlights how big this crime really is. I agree certain nationalities are probably more prodominant then others in facilitating this crime. Only they promote what they want the public to fear more. The country is divided due to the political will of people in the nation. They have policies of integration but really that can only be achieved via looking at and highlighting the crime with all society that is effected by it, not just one ethicity of the same nation, that becomes a front for a master control. Any nation can not survive on division it becomes a divided kingdom instead of what the name and situation should be a United Kingdom shame!
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