- Jan 9, 2008
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God is everywhere. He Himself is the Servant as well as the Master. No place, no heart, no body, nothing is without His Presence. He is All Himself.
English Translation(source:SikhiToTheMax):
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:
No one understands the Lord; who can understand His plans?
Shiva, Brahma and all the silent sages cannot understand the state of the Lord. ||1||
God's sermon is profound and unfathomable.
He is heard to be one thing, but He is understood to be something else again; He is beyond description and explanation. ||1||Pause||
He Himself is the devotee, and He Himself is the Lord and Master; He is imbued with Himself.
Nanak's God is pervading and permeating everywhere; wherever he looks, He is there. ||2||2||11||
Punjabi Translation(source:GuruGranthDarpan):
ArQ:- hy BweI! prmwqmw ikho ijhw hY—ies g`l dI smJ mnu`K dI phuMc qoN pry hY (mnu`KI smJ vwsqy) bhuq hI fUMGI hY [ (aus dy srUp bwry lokW pwsoN) suxIdw kuJ hor hY, qy smJIdw iksy hor qrHW hY, ikauNik (aus dw srUp) d`sx qoN ibAwn krn qoN bwhr hY [1[
hy BweI! koeI BI AYsw mnu`K nhIN hY jyhVw prmwqmw dy shI srUp ƒ smJx dI qwkq r`Kdw hovy [ kOx jwx skdw hY ik auh ikho ijhw hY? iSv, bRhmw Aqy hor swry irSI munI BI aus prmwqmw dy srUp ƒ smJ nhIN skdy [1[
hy BweI! prmwqmw Awp hI (Awpxw) Bgq hY, Awp hI mwlk hY, Awp hI Awpxy nwl msq hY (ikauNik, hy BweI!) nwnk dw prmwqmw swry hI sMswr ivc ivAwpk hY, (nwnk ny) aus ƒ hr QW v`sdw vyiKAw hY [2[2[11[
source:PAGE 498 - Punjabi Translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Darpan).
Guru Shabad:
gUjrI mhlw 5 ]
hY nwhI koaU bUJnhwro jwnY kvnu Bqw ]
isv ibrMic Aru sgl moin jn gih n skwih gqw ]1]
pRB kI Agm AgwiD kQw ]
sunIAY Avr Avr ibiD buJIAY bkn kQn rhqw ]1] rhwau ]
Awpy Bgqw Awip suAwmI Awpn sMig rqw ]
nwnk ko pRBu pUir rihE hY pyiKE jqR kqw ]2]2]11]
English Translation(source:SikhiToTheMax):
Goojaree, Fifth Mehl:
No one understands the Lord; who can understand His plans?
Shiva, Brahma and all the silent sages cannot understand the state of the Lord. ||1||
God's sermon is profound and unfathomable.
He is heard to be one thing, but He is understood to be something else again; He is beyond description and explanation. ||1||Pause||
He Himself is the devotee, and He Himself is the Lord and Master; He is imbued with Himself.
Nanak's God is pervading and permeating everywhere; wherever he looks, He is there. ||2||2||11||
Punjabi Translation(source:GuruGranthDarpan):
ArQ:- hy BweI! prmwqmw ikho ijhw hY—ies g`l dI smJ mnu`K dI phuMc qoN pry hY (mnu`KI smJ vwsqy) bhuq hI fUMGI hY [ (aus dy srUp bwry lokW pwsoN) suxIdw kuJ hor hY, qy smJIdw iksy hor qrHW hY, ikauNik (aus dw srUp) d`sx qoN ibAwn krn qoN bwhr hY [1[
hy BweI! koeI BI AYsw mnu`K nhIN hY jyhVw prmwqmw dy shI srUp ƒ smJx dI qwkq r`Kdw hovy [ kOx jwx skdw hY ik auh ikho ijhw hY? iSv, bRhmw Aqy hor swry irSI munI BI aus prmwqmw dy srUp ƒ smJ nhIN skdy [1[
hy BweI! prmwqmw Awp hI (Awpxw) Bgq hY, Awp hI mwlk hY, Awp hI Awpxy nwl msq hY (ikauNik, hy BweI!) nwnk dw prmwqmw swry hI sMswr ivc ivAwpk hY, (nwnk ny) aus ƒ hr QW v`sdw vyiKAw hY [2[2[11[
source:PAGE 498 - Punjabi Translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Darpan).
Guru Shabad:
gUjrI mhlw 5 ]
hY nwhI koaU bUJnhwro jwnY kvnu Bqw ]
isv ibrMic Aru sgl moin jn gih n skwih gqw ]1]
pRB kI Agm AgwiD kQw ]
sunIAY Avr Avr ibiD buJIAY bkn kQn rhqw ]1] rhwau ]
Awpy Bgqw Awip suAwmI Awpn sMig rqw ]
nwnk ko pRBu pUir rihE hY pyiKE jqR kqw ]2]2]11]