Respected VSGrewal Ji, I appreciate your kind reply. I don’t try to know God as per my intellect but by following Gurbani because intellect many times misleads. Live and let live has nothing to do with either your post or mine. The fact is that we don’t know God and are just struggling to know Him; there are some like you who use their own intellect to know Him and describe Him, and there are some like me who just cannot go beyond what Guru says. I put you some questions, you have dogged them as usual. My special thanks to you for this tactics. No Further question sir. With Regards G Singh
Respected VSGrewal Ji,
I appreciate your kind reply. I don’t try to know God as per my intellect but by following Gurbani because intellect many times misleads. Live and let live has nothing to do with either your post or mine. The fact is that we don’t know God and are just struggling to know Him; there are some like you who use their own intellect to know Him and describe Him, and there are some like me who just cannot go beyond what Guru says. I put you some questions, you have dogged them as usual. My special thanks to you for this tactics. No Further question sir.
With Regards
G Singh