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Gurbani & Conquering Everest

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Conquering Everest without legs

Justin Huggler

A middle-aged man from New Zealand painfully hauled himself up the last few feet to the summit of Mount Everest this week. Nothing so unusual in that — after all, climbing Everest has become so popular that its slopes are often crowded, and more than 100 people have scaled the mountain already this year — but Mark Inglis is different: he has no legs.

Inglis, who lost both his legs to frostbite more than 20 years ago, is the first ever double amputee to reach the top of Everest. On Monday night he telephoned his wife, Anne in their New Zealand home from the 29,035-foot summit to let her know he had made it safely.

During his climb, Inglis has been raising funds to provide artificial legs for disabled Tibetans who live under the shadow of Everest, and he made his own ascent on carbonfibre artificial legs specially adapted for climbing.

At one point, one of them snapped in a fall at 21,000 feet, and he had to carry out makeshift repair on the mountainside before he could struggle
back to his fellow climbers and rebuild it with spare parts.

He joins a small list of climbers who have overcome disabilities to conquer Everest, including a blind American and a sherpa whose hands had been amputated and who used hooks to climb.

But Inglis insisted that was not what was important to him. “I’m not doing this to be the first double amputee,” he told reporters before setting off. “If I am then it’s the icing on the cake - but it’s more about I’ve been climbing most of my life and Everest is the achievement.”

Late on Monday night Mrs Inglis answered the phone to hear her husband’s voice from Everest. “I’m at Camp 4. I made it. I did it,” he said before the line went dead.
“He’s incredible,” she said yesterday. “He’s dreamed of this all his life, probably. He’s over the moon. They didn’t expect to be this early, they thought maybe mid to late May, so Mark will be stoked. I imagine they’ll be having a few whiskies.”

New Zealand has long had a special relationship with Everest, and Sir Edmund Hillary, who with Tenzing Norgay was the first to scale mountain, hailed his countryman’s achievement.

“It’s obviously a remarkable effort to actually climb Mount Everest with a couple of artificial legs,” Sir Edmund told The Sydney Morning Herald. “And I have to admit that I admire his considerable effort.

Inglis lost his legs in his twenties, when he was working as a mountain rescue guide. He and a fellow climber, Phil Doole, were climbing New Zealand’s Mount Cook and got caught in a blizzard. They were trapped in an ice cave for 14 days, and the effort to rescue them became a major news story.

When the rescuers finally got through, Inglis and Doole were barely alive, and both men’s legs were so badly affected by frostbite they had to be amputated below the knee.
Inglis refused to let it stop him climbing - he describes the loss of his legs as a “very public hiccup to my climbing profession” on his website. He is also a winemaker, a professional ski guide, and a competitive cyclist - he won a silver medal in the 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney.

During his Everest ascent he has been trying to raise funds for the disabled people. “Disabled people are a rare sight in Tibet, the environment so harsh that few survive,” he says on his website. “By creating an opportunity for them to effectively work by sourcing limbs we can give back to them their lives.” He also hoping to raise money for a centre for landmine and polio victims in Cambodia.

His ascent comes amid the annual rush to conquer Everest before the monsoon sets in. Even as news of Mr Inglis’ ascent came in, another expedition announced that a Swede and a Norwegian had reached the summit. They are planning to ski down.
— By arrangement with The Independent

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 809

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
ipMgul prbq pwir pry Kl cqur bkIqw ]
AMDuly iqRBvx sUiJAw gur Byit punIqw ]1]
mihmw swDU sMg kI sunhu myry mIqw ]
mYlu KoeI koit AG hry inrml Bey cIqw ]1] rhwau ]
AYsI Bgiq goivMd kI kIit hsqI jIqw ]
jo jo kIno Awpno iqsu ABY dwnu dIqw ]2]
isMGu iblweI hoie gieE iqRxu myru idKIqw ]
sRmu krqy dm AwF kau qy gnI DnIqw ]3]
kvn vfweI kih skau byAMq gunIqw ]
kir ikrpw moih nwmu dyhu nwnk dr srIqw ]4]7]37]

bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||
pi(n)gul parabath paar parae khal chathur bakeethaa ||
a(n)dhhulae thribhavan soojhiaa gur bhaett puneethaa ||1||
mehimaa saadhhoo sa(n)g kee sunahu maerae meethaa ||
mail khoee kott agh harae niramal bheae cheethaa ||1|| rehaao ||
aisee bhagath govi(n)dh kee keett hasathee jeethaa ||
jo jo keeno aapano this abhai dhaan dheethaa ||2||
si(n)gh bilaaee hoe gaeiou thrin maer dhikheethaa ||
sram karathae dham aadt ko thae ganee dhhaneethaa ||3||
kavan vaddaaee kehi sako baea(n)th guneethaa ||
kar kirapaa mohi naam dhaehu naanak dhar sareethaa ||4||7||37||

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla:
The cripple crosses over the mountain, the fool becomes a wise man,
and the blind man sees the three worlds, by meeting with the True Guru and being purified. ||1||
This is the Glory of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; listen, O my friends.
Filth is washed away, millions of sins are dispelled, and the consciousness becomes immaculate and pure. ||1||Pause||
Such is devotional worship of the Lord of the Universe, that the ant can overpower the elephant.
Whoever the Lord makes His own, is blessed with the gift of fearlessness. ||2||
The lion becomes a cat, and the mountain looks like a blade of grass.
Those who worked for half a shell, will be judged very wealthy. ||3||
What glorious greatness of Yours can I describe, O Lord of infinite excellences?
Please bless me with Your Mercy, and grant me Your Name; O Nanak, I am lost without the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||4||7||37||



Mar 28, 2006
Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

All the obstacles are removed by God’s remembrance.

Mind, until lost in worldly mundane attachments, it tends to become weaker and weaker. It is always occupied by fugitive thoughts (phurne).
As soon as we take it out of the fugitive thought process, mind starts to become calmer and stronger.
In this state of mind, doubts and corrupt intellect have no room, so there is nothing that can breakdown the mind.
This way pure mind develops ONE-POINTEDNESS (ekaagartaa). And along with God’s Remembrance, this state of mind is indescribable………..:) AND NOTHING CAN BE IMPOSSIBLE ANYMORE :)

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Soul_jyot ji an Surinder ji

Usually there is a reading of the hukamnama and then the katha. So interesting here in this thread. A different kind of inspiring story and a katha that tells us how to move to the kind of centered thought that rescues us from self-defeat -- With the grace of God.

Thanks for this one.
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