rosary and various such "aids" are roundly and soundly condemned in Gurbani...simply because these are USED (MISUSED) as SYMBOLS of HOLYNESS !! outward offs...and may thus evetually lead one OFF the Path which one may have gotten on.SECONDLY and more importantly..Rosaries Maalas are used to COUNT...and Ginntee minntees COUNTINGS and NUMBERS are ROUNDLY and SOUNDLY CONDEMNED in GURBANI....Akal Purakh is NOT "impressed" by counts..numbers..millions zilliosn of paaths,..etc etc...HE LOVES LOVE !!!so DOUBLE WHAMMY FOLKS...if you still want a rosarie maala..go ahead....BUT dont HANG YOURSELF with one !!!:happy::happy::happy::happy::happy::happy:
rosary and various such "aids" are roundly and soundly condemned in Gurbani...simply because these are USED (MISUSED) as SYMBOLS of HOLYNESS !! outward offs...and may thus evetually lead one OFF the Path which one may have gotten on.
SECONDLY and more importantly..Rosaries Maalas are used to COUNT...and Ginntee minntees COUNTINGS and NUMBERS are ROUNDLY and SOUNDLY CONDEMNED in GURBANI....Akal Purakh is NOT "impressed" by counts..numbers..millions zilliosn of paaths,..etc etc...HE LOVES LOVE !!!
so DOUBLE WHAMMY FOLKS...if you still want a rosarie maala..go ahead....BUT dont HANG YOURSELF with one !!!:happy::happy::happy::happy::happy::happy: