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Gurbani Kirtan #20 - Mera Lalan Ki Sobha

Jul 10, 2006
Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #20 - Mera Lalan Ki Sobha
SGGSJ 1322

Kalian Guru Arjan Dev
kilAwn mhlw 5 ]
kaliaan mehalaa 5 ||
Kalyaan, Fifth Mehl:

myry lwln kI soBw ]
maerae laalan kee sobhaa ||
O, the Wondrous Glory of my Beloved!

sd nvqn mn rMgI soBw ]1] rhwau ]
sadh navathan man rangee sobhaa ||1|| rehaao ||
My mind is rejuvenated forever by His Wondrous Love. ||1||Pause||

bRhm mhys isD muin ieMdRw Bgiq dwnu jsu mMgI ]1]
breham mehaes sidhh mun eindhraa bhagath dhaan jas mangee ||1||
Brahma, Shiva, the Siddhas, the silent sages and Indra beg for the charity of His Praise and devotion to Him. ||1||

jog igAwn iDAwn syKnwgY sgl jpih qrMgI ]
jog giaan dhhiaan saekhanaagai sagal japehi tharangee ||
Yogis, spiritual teachers, meditators and the thousand-headed serpent all meditate on the Waves of God.

khu nwnk sMqn bilhwrY jo pRB ky sd sMgI ]2]3]
kahu naanak santhan balihaarai jo prabh kae sadh sangee ||2||3||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Saints, who are the Eternal Companions of God. ||2||3||


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