Bhenji, I agree with you 100%,
I would however like to comment on the rationality behind web sites like this, in punjabi culture, if there is something we do not like, or agree with, we will debate it, but not come to any conclusion. All conclusions are possible, and nothing definitive is done about it, although one conclusion may be the best and most intelligent, it will not be concluded as a conclusion.
examples include,
marijuana and nihangs
Caste system marriages
ALL those things go on in some Punjabi Gurudwaras , the world is an imperfect place, what do you do, lock out all the people that toe a certain line, isnt the constant revision of the SRM a sign that things do change, and not always for the better?
I do not think anything reflects badly on anyone, it is up to us to take out the good and the truth from even the dog turd, instead of focusing on the obvious and the negative
I watched a white sikh video on Nihangs, possibly from the same stable, these people are known as the chardi kala jatha! they concluded that marijuana use was common in war in sikh nihangs, and that the use today is from that tradition, they concluded that it was ok to be used in a time of war, but not 6 times a day when not at war.
OK fair enough, not sure I agree with it, but at least it has concluded their thoughts on nihangs and marijuana to some satisfaction for all concerned, whereas we punjabis tend to carrying on doing things we know to be wrong, whilst all the time saying, 'we shouldnt do this, but hey we are not perfect' after all Raju is a khatri, and we cannot marry him to a Jat can we now. There are words for people like us, in the UK they are called NIMBYS
I agree with everything as long as it is
Not In My Back Yard