This chit business like the Gurduara Sri Guru Singh sabha Bangkok does take place in a few other gurduaras I have seen.But the issue which remains,that comes up is of nepotism ete it gives the right for one person then to select a committee from the close family or friends etc.There have been issues at the Bankok Gurduara too, it has not escaped the politics around, but because theirs is only this central Gurduara and it has to be run according to the sikh rehat maryada, it has remained largely quite peaceful and settled as far as the running of the gurduara goes. The other issue is they are mostly well off and well educated businessmen, who know their own strengths and accept their sewa, without issues.The have been setled for years in the community. It is a matter of educating the sangat to recognise the eddicts and rehat of the Sikh Maryada.
This chit business like the Gurduara Sri Guru Singh sabha Bangkok does take place in a few other gurduaras I have seen.But the issue which remains,that comes up is of nepotism ete it gives the right for one person then to select a committee from the close family or friends etc.There have been issues at the Bankok Gurduara too, it has not escaped the politics around, but because theirs is only this central Gurduara and it has to be run according to the sikh rehat maryada, it has remained largely quite peaceful and settled as far as the running of the gurduara goes.
The other issue is they are mostly well off and well educated businessmen, who know their own strengths and accept their sewa, without issues.The have been setled for years in the community.
It is a matter of educating the sangat to recognise the eddicts and rehat of the Sikh Maryada.