sant kaa nindak mahaa attaa-ee.
sant kaa nindak khin tikan na paa-ee.
sant kaa nindak mahaa hati-aaraa.
sant kaa nindak parmaysur maaraa.
sant kaa nindak raaj tay heen.
sant kaa nindak dukhee-aa ar deen.
sant kay nindak ka-o sarab rog.
sant kay nindak ka-o sadaa bijog.
sant kee nindaa dokh meh dokh.
<I>naanak sant bhaavai taa us kaa bhee ho-ay mokh. ||3|| (SGGS 280)<?"urn:<img src=" /></I>
The slanderer of the Saint is the evil-doer of utmost extreme. The slanderer of the Saint is always restless. The slanderer of the Saint is the most brutal murderer (butcher). The slanderer of the Saint is forsaken by the Lord. The slanderer of the Saint has no sanctuary (no kingdom). The slanderer of the Saint becomes miserable and pathetic. The slanderer of the Saint is inflicted by every disease. The slanderer of the Saint is forever isolated and shunned. To slander a Saint is the worst sin of sins. O Nanak, if it pleases the Saint, then even such (a wretch) may be liberated. ||3|| (SGGS 280)