Symbolizes: Beauty, strength, holiness, mourning
*In the Bible, a man could take a Nazirite vow and assume a certain kind of holiness. Part of this vow includes not cutting one's hair. Samson was a Nazirite whose hair held the secret to his strength. *Mourners do not cut their hair during the first 30 days of mourning. *In Orthodox circles, women's hair is seen as something beautiful to be shared only with her husband. Hence, Orthodox women cover their hair.
The Kabbalists taught that the Divine Attributes of God, called the Ten Sefirot, including God's Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, outlined in Exodus 34:6-7, are channeled into this Lower World where we presently live through the hair of the Beard on the Heavenly Man Adam Kadmon. Each hair of the Divine Beard was viewed as an energy channel through which God provided spiritual and physical energy by which to sustain His spiritual and physical Creations. Since all things which are physical exist for the purpose of the spiritual, each hair in the Beard provided a necessary form of energy for mankind and the world in which we live. The ancient Israelites were commanded to not shave their beards or trim the corners of their beards because their beards were viewed as sensors or receivers for the emanations of spiritual energy originating from the Beard of the Heavenly Man or Supernal Adam. Having a natural beard was considered as a prerequisite to receiving divine inspiration, in exactly the same manner as taking a ritual purification bath was necessary before human flesh could enter into the Divine Presence inside the Tabernacle or Temple.
Symbolizes: Beauty, strength, holiness, mourning
*In the Bible, a man could take a Nazirite vow and assume a certain kind of holiness. Part of this vow includes not cutting one's hair. Samson was a Nazirite whose hair held the secret to his strength. *Mourners do not cut their hair during the first 30 days of mourning. *In Orthodox circles, women's hair is seen as something beautiful to be shared only with her husband. Hence, Orthodox women cover their hair.
The Kabbalists taught that the Divine Attributes of God, called the Ten Sefirot, including God's Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, outlined in Exodus 34:6-7, are channeled into this Lower World where we presently live through the hair of the Beard on the Heavenly Man Adam Kadmon. Each hair of the Divine Beard was viewed as an energy channel through which God provided spiritual and physical energy by which to sustain His spiritual and physical Creations. Since all things which are physical exist for the purpose of the spiritual, each hair in the Beard provided a necessary form of energy for mankind and the world in which we live. The ancient Israelites were commanded to not shave their beards or trim the corners of their beards because their beards were viewed as sensors or receivers for the emanations of spiritual energy originating from the Beard of the Heavenly Man or Supernal Adam. Having a natural beard was considered as a prerequisite to receiving divine inspiration, in exactly the same manner as taking a ritual purification bath was necessary before human flesh could enter into the Divine Presence inside the Tabernacle or Temple.