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Judaism Hair In Judaism


Jul 18, 2004
Gods Creation!
Symbolizes: Beauty, strength, holiness, mourning

*In the Bible, a man could take a Nazirite vow and assume a certain kind of holiness. Part of this vow includes not cutting one's hair. Samson was a Nazirite whose hair held the secret to his strength. *Mourners do not cut their hair during the first 30 days of mourning. *In Orthodox circles, women's hair is seen as something beautiful to be shared only with her husband. Hence, Orthodox women cover their hair.

The Kabbalists taught that the Divine Attributes of God, called the Ten Sefirot, including God's Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, outlined in Exodus 34:6-7, are channeled into this Lower World where we presently live through the hair of the Beard on the Heavenly Man Adam Kadmon. Each hair of the Divine Beard was viewed as an energy channel through which God provided spiritual and physical energy by which to sustain His spiritual and physical Creations. Since all things which are physical exist for the purpose of the spiritual, each hair in the Beard provided a necessary form of energy for mankind and the world in which we live. The ancient Israelites were commanded to not shave their beards or trim the corners of their beards because their beards were viewed as sensors or receivers for the emanations of spiritual energy originating from the Beard of the Heavenly Man or Supernal Adam. Having a natural beard was considered as a prerequisite to receiving divine inspiration, in exactly the same manner as taking a ritual purification bath was necessary before human flesh could enter into the Divine Presence inside the Tabernacle or Temple.
Jul 13, 2004
"Hair as energy channel through which God provided spiritual and physical energy by which to sustain His spiritual and physical Creations"

A senior learner cut his hair and beard. When asked why, he said - I want to feel growing of each and every hair of my body. If I dont have hair, I want to know what are feelings/actions/habits(!), and once those are grown gradually, I want to notice the changes in my thought process(!). Didnt make any sense to me then, but probably he was pointing to something like this, to actually get a feel of those energy channels.

In this forum, sangat keeping unshorn hair (kesh/dastaar), do you feel something different while maintaining so? About me, this just acts a power-house for me, like a crown, and gives me sufficient courage to keep on speaking or standing for something.

Jul 13, 2004
Here I fail to understand why Budhist monks go upto covering mouths, and have their heads/beards shaved!!! At one time, there is reasoning of higher sensitivity level, and on other times not to realize the energy channels. truth_seeker ji, as u lived in a monastery, perhaps u can throw more light on this aspect!

Best Regards.


Jul 18, 2004
Gods Creation!
ThinkingOne Ji,
:eek: I have never seen or worn a mouthcovering, I think its the jains who do that. And they do it as not to accidently breath in insects. In buddhism there´s a saying " Without hair you have 3000 problems less" its done for showing renunciation of material things. But may also have originally been done for cleanliness, as the monks were homeless and wandering without possessions.
Jul 13, 2004
u r right truth_seeker ji. I was referring to Jains, and now I realize, that I made similar mistake (of confusing jains with budhists) in my other posts also, inadvertently. I beg for pardon from sadh sangat ji.

Coming back to Judaism, I saw the link u posted, in which it is mentioned that - In the soul of man, this (Dikna i.e. beard or broadly hair) is the bridge between the superconsciousness and the consciousness of the soul.

People did realize these things quite a while ago, but I wonder where are those lost with changing times, I mean what could be the reasons? In the guise of modern outlook(!), things changed so fast. But what is the reference for being modern then?

I tend to go off-way in posts, just because one thing gives rise to another. And readers may like to limit their responses with reference to Judaism only, if they want. None stops though to deviate, not to the extent of losing focus of discussion though :)

Jul 30, 2004

As per Sau Sakhi forefather of Jews were those Brahmins or worshippers of Parbrahm Akal who left India but refused to cut thier hairs or worship idols duirng Nanda king.

as per Baba Sahib Bhem Rao Ambedkar refered as bodhisatva or incarnation of Budha by his heenyana followers Islamic people who are one form of sematics from Hazrat Ismael Hale Salah ie Ishmael in Bible,Hated idols and called it butt due to idols of budha.

We are the only faith in world who say that Jews are Aryan tribe.And this fails both zionist and facist.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
As per Sau Sakhi forefather of Jews were those Brahmins or worshippers of Parbrahm Akal who left India but refused to cut thier hairs or worship idols duirng Nanda king.
That's why Sau Sakhi is a bad choice if you want some real facts and knowledge. Although, I would have liked it better with the real verses from that book quoted.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
That's why Sau Sakhi is a bad choice if you want some real facts and knowledge. Although, I would have liked it better with the real verses from that book quoted.

Is the timeline right on the Sau Sakhi quote? This, if there is a verifiable quote from Sau Sakhi, it would be a fairly good demonstration of why the book cannot be trusted. Just checking on Nanda kings, their reign seems to stretch from 600 to about 184 BCE, all before the common era. Tracing the history of the Jewish people to Abraham, his life spanned some time during 1996 BC to 1821 BC. Even allowing for unreliable record keeping, and that some scholars place Abraham earlier around 2100 BCE, that makes for Abraham living about 1400 to 1500 years before the first Nanda King Susunaga. ???????
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