badsah ji
You posted in Hard Talk, so I am going to talk hard.
Do not be surprised if a person or two or more tells you that this woman, however more self-respecting, is not a Sikh because she dishonors her hair by plucking her brows. Or dishonors her self by wearing make-up. And that her professional investment is in a career that is not aligned with Sikh values. Or even that as a model she is attached to worldly things and this is not Sikhi.
I am not giving you my opinion of the video. I am only trying to portray the difficulties that arise when this topic comes up. The Scottish Harleen was criticized for the lingerie ad. But she was also criticized for cutting her hair and being a model. The former contrary to the Sikh Rehat Maryada. The latter concern contrary to what some Sikhs view as essential: that our careers should not contradict Sikh values (which in the other thread were never stated). So we cannot tell.
I am not talking about extreme ends (super harcore amritdarhi) and I am not talking about super liberal (Harleen Kaur Nottay), I am talking about your average punjabi Sikh girl..... lets put it this way I dont this this Brazilian girl conjours up any bad feelings.
"Do not be surprised if a person or two or more tells you that this woman, however more self-respecting, is not a Sikh because she dishonors her hair by plucking her brows. Or dishonors her self by wearing make-up. And that her professional investment is in a career that is not aligned with Sikh values. Or even that as a model she is attached to worldly things and this is not Sikhi"
To be honest, we are in such small numbers outside of India that if you be that strict you probably never get married, becuase you wont be able to find a partner for yourself. There are only 500,000 Sikhs in the UK, I dont know about USA or Canada but must be less and I think sometimes being moderate will take you more ahead than being super strict.
Anyway she is not a real Sikh but just a girl acting as a Sikh punjabi girl and looks respectable to me.... and thats what counts. It better then somoen saying they are SIkh and stripping naked like the Scottish girl!
"What are the Sikh values we are talking about when this subject comes up?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->"
Its not about SIkh values, but about how she respectably portays the majority of Sikhs girls.... moderate families.