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Help Finding Shabad


Jun 3, 2007
i need help find this sabd in sri dasam granth
"Noop kaur yo kahi bhog mau so piye kariye...
aaj humare saath mitar ruchi so rat kariye
ho natar chhado tang tare abb hoye nikariye...
Tang tare so jaayi kel ke jahe na aawe
Baith nipunsak rahe rain sigar na bajawe..." (charitar 21,part 27-29)


Mar 12, 2009
Deep Singh Ji,

You can have all the tales 21,22,&23

Chritro Pakhyaan (Translation by Pritpal Singh Bindra from DG)

Chritar Twenty-one (21) Tale of Anoop Kaur


The Monarch caught hold of his son and sent him to the prison,
And in the morning, through the Minister, called him back. (l)
Then he asked the Minister to narrate the Chritars of the wise men a the women ;( 2)
On the banks of the river Sutlaj, there was a village by the name of Anandpur it was situated near Naina Devi which situated was in the state Kahloor. (3)
There used to come several Sikhs with great pleasure,
And after getting their ambitions fulfilled, they used to go back to the homes. (4)
The wife of a rich-man came to that town.
She fell for the Raja and was pierced with his love arrows. (5)
She had a servant, Magan Das whom she called,
And gave him some money and made him to understand like this. (6) 'You get me to meet the Raja,
'And after encountering him I will give you lot of wealth.'(7) Becoming greedy for money, Magan came to the Raja,
Fell on his feet and requested thus, (8)
'The incantation you wanted to learn has come in my possession.
'To learn the same you will have to proceed the way I ask. (9)
Bhujang Chhand
The Raja put on the garb of an ascetic, meditating on Bhagwati, the goddess, commenced his journey.
Walking and walking along, without looking back, reached the residence of that damsel. (l0)
On seeing him the dame adorned herself and ordered for flowers, beetle ­leaf and wine.
She came forward herself to receive him and pacified her anxiety. (11)
The woman weared the new clothes and put the expensive garments. And in new form she adorned the decorated bed. (l2)
Then the lady asked him, 'Please have intercourse with me,

Because, tormented by Cupid, I am handing over myself to you.'(13)
The monarch said, 'I had come to learn incantation,

But the situation here is quite contrary. (l4)


The' one, who is considered as worship-worthy, should not become egotistical.
If one becomes a rich man he should not beset the poor.
With prettiness one should not display arrogance.
Because the youth and beauty are sustainable for four (a few) days only. (15)
Righteousness endows auspicious birth and righteousness confers beauty.
The righteousness augments the wealth and holiness and the righteousness idealizes the sovereignty.
Why should I abandon righteousness on your instance and make myself worthy of hell? (16)
Acquiescing to your request, I am not going to copulate with you,
Because, in my heart, I am apprehensive of denigrating my family.
Deserting behind my married woman (wife), I will never have sex with you.
I will never be able to find a place in the court of Lord of righteousness.'(l7)


{She said,) 'When a sexually distressed woman comes to a male,
“And that male who turns her back disappointed, is worthy of hell.'(18)”(He replied,) 'People bow on my feet and worship me.
And you want me to have sex with you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? (l9)
(She, said,) 'Krishna was worshipped too, and he had indulged in love -­plays.
He made love with Radhika, but they never went to hell. (20)
'With five elements Brahma, the God, created human-beings,
'And He, Himself initiated love in men and women. (21)
Therefore, without hesitation have sex with me,
'Because the excitement for the sex overpowers all the parts of my body. 'Without an encounter with you, I will burn in the fire of separation. (22)


'My each limb, seeking copulation, is afflicting me.
'Why didn't Ruder, the Great (Shiva) decimated it (sexual desire).'(23) Chhand
(He) 'Calm down, Oh Lady, the Cupid will not harm you.
'You pm your thought to Ruder, the Great, (Cupid) will be scared away. 'Nor to abandon my wife, I will never have sex with you. (24)
'Just because you say, why should I have sex with you?
'I am afraid of being pm in the hell.
'To copulate with you is like disowning the righteousness,
'And my story will go around the whole world. (25)
'How would I show my face to the Lord of Righteousness?
'Lady, you better forsake the thought of my friendship,
'You have said enough and, now, forget to talk more.'(26)
Anoop Kumari said, 'If you, my love, have sex with me,
'You will not be thrown in the hell. Don't be scared.
'How could people tattle about you when they are so afraid of you? (27) 'Also they would talk only if they learn about the secret.
'Even if one learns, fearful of you, will keep quiet.
'You must make up your mind to sleep with me today,
'Or, alternatively, you crawl through my legs.'(28)
(Raja,) 'Only that one crawls through the legs who is unable to indulge in sex,
'And remains sitting whole night like a eunuch and does not perform. 'Being prevailed by the righteousness I will not copulate with you.
'I am always fearful of the criticism of the public. (29)
(She,) 'Do whatever you may, but I will never leave you with out sex? 'With my own hands I will tear you off,
'And, then, get myself sawn through at Kanshi and, would even face the (Lord of Righteousness in his court.(30)
'Oh my love, I have sworn to bed with you, and
'Fully satisfy myself carnally.
Tonight, through sex I will make you look more handsome,
'And will make Cupid to lose his pride too.'(31)
Raja spoke, 'First of all God has endowed me birth as a Kashatri,

‘Our dynasty is very much respected in the world.
Being seated (as Raja) I am worshipped.
'But, now, if I ravish with you, I will be reborn in a low caste.'(32)
(She said,) 'What are you talking about the birth? They are your , concoction.
If you don't cherish me, then it will be my bad luck.
Without meeting you, I will poison myself.'(33)

The Raja was worried, if she imposed the oath of Bhagauti, the Goddess,
He will have to ravish her and, then, go to hell. (34)
(She) 'Get rid of all your doubts, savor me,
Because Cupid is over powering me. '(35)
(He) 'How-so-ever Cupid may overwhelm, due to the dread of hell, I will never indulge with you.'(36)


(She) 'You have been bestowed with youth and I am young too.
'Seeing you I have overcome with passion.
Abandon all your misconceptions and relish sex with me,
And don't worry about the fear of the hell.'(37)


'The lady who comes to me to worship me,
To me, she is like the daughter of my Guru.'(38)


What to talk of love with the women, as they never fulfill,
They desert one man and go after another who is better looking. For whosoever she makes mind for, she becomes naked before him,
And immediately presents him her unclad urinary place. (39)


(She, thinking,) 'What should I do to save myself so that my mind is appeased?
'Your utterances depict love, how could I kill you. (40)
The Raja went into deep thought, 'I have no disciples of mine with me.
. Chaupee
'By loving her, my righteousness is destroyed,
'But if I try to run away, she will get me caught. (41)

'It will be better if I praise her and through dramatization get rid of her. 'Without agreeing to commit sex, she will kill me.
I wish some disciple of mine could come and save me. '(42)

Arril Chhand

(He said to her), 'You are admirable and so are your mother and father. 'Your country is commendable and commendable are your sustainers. 'Your face, which is very pretty, is so meritorious,
'That, even, the Lotus-flower, Sun, Moon and Cupid lose their vanity. (43) 'Your body is blissful and your eyes are coquettish.
'You are winsome to all, the birds, deer, beasts, reptiles and demons, 'Shiva and all his four sons have languished by looking at your eyes. 'But the strange phenomenon is that your eyes have not been able to penetrate into my heart.'(44)

(She replied,) 'Cuddling you 1 will lie down on the bed and will never divulge this secret to anyone.
'Frolicking thus, whole night will pass, and, even the Cupids play will seem trivial.
'1 am living on dreams (about you) and wake up afraid of losing you.
'1 would rather die, than to wake up from such a dream.'(4S)


Then she declared loudly and told, the Raja.
'Either 1 will have sex with you or 1 will kill myself by taking poison. '(46) (Raja,) 'God has created your eyes like sharp arrows,
'But He has endowed me modesty and that is why they cannot pierce me. (47)
'Your eyes are penetrating and on the very first sight they oust the knowledge.
'But for me, having no attraction for sex, they are merely like berries. '(48) (She) 'Worthy are those berries whom whole world can see,
'And the trees, whose fruit people eat and go home satisfied.'(49) Talking nonsensically, she was becoming impatient to meet her love. Her each and every limb was demanding, because she was absolutely stung with the passion. (50)


(Raja) 'Since the time I realized the sense of maturity, which my Guru had taught,
Aye My Son, as long as there is life in your body,
You promise to enhance love with your own wife,
But never, even by mistake, bed with else's wife. (51)
By relishing else's wife, Inder, the god was showered with female genitals.
By relishing else's wife, Moon was blemished.
By relishing else's wife, Ten Headed Raawana lost all his ten heads.
By relishing else's wife all the clan of Korav was annihilated. (52)
The love with else's wife is like a sharp dagger.
The love with else's wife is an invitation to death.
The one who thinks himself to be very brave and indulges carnally with
Else’s wife,
“He is killed in the hands of a coward like a dog."(53)
“Listen lady! Women come to us from far off lands,
They bow their heads and wish for boons.
Those Sikhs (disciples) are like my sons and their wives like my daughters.
Tell me, now, the pretty one, how I could copulate with them."(54)


Listeningto all this, she flew into rage and thought,
Now I should shout, "thief, thief" and people will come and kill him.'(55)


(She) Why are you getting so angry, jovially have sex with me.
My, eyes are inviting you, can't you understand what they are revealing.'
(Raja) listen, Carefully Listen, I am not looking at you,
Because’ the looks create the feeling of separation.'(S7)

Chhape Chhand

Charity is endowed to the priests and the men with base thinking get scornful looks.
Friends are entrained with relief and the enemies get hit on the heads with sword.
No act is performed keeping in view the public opinion.
One should not even dream of getting into bed with else's wife.
'Since the time Guru has taught me this lesson.

'Any thing belonging to somebody else is like a stone and else's wife like a mother to me.'(58)
Listening to the Raja's talk she became angrier,
And shouting, "thief, thief" she awoke all her companions. (59) Hearing the call of "thief, thief," the Raja was frightened.
He lost his sanity and, leaving there his shoes and silk robe, ran away. (60)

Chritar Twenty-two (22Tale of Anoop Kaur)


When the Raja heard the call, "thief, thief" he became dreadful.
He ran out leaving behind his shoes and silk robe. (l)
Hearing the call of thief, all woke up and did not let the Raja runaway, and within five or seven feet they caught him. (2)
Others too heard the call of "thief" and came out with their swords. People shouted at him and expressed that he should be sent to the hell. (3) Dohira
He was rounded up from left, right and all the directions.
Raja did try but he could not find any means (to escape). (4)
People pulled his beard and took his turban off.
Calling him "thief, thief" they beat him with sticks. (S)
With the beating of sticks, he fell flat and became unconscious.
People without understanding the real issue tied him up with a rope. (6) They were throwing punches and kicks when the Sikhs arrived, too. The woman shouted, "brother, brother," but could not rescue him. (7) Chaupee
His face was hit with shoes and hands were tied tightly.
He was put in the jail, and the woman came back to her bed. (8)
Through such a deception, the Raja went free and dispatched her brother to the prison.
None of the Sikhs could comprehend the mystery and they thought her brother to be a thief.

Chritar Twenty Three (23Tale of Anoop Kaur)


As the Sun rose, people awoke and went to their occupations.
The Raja came out of his palace and seated on his throne (1)
Next day, early in the morning that lady got up,
And displayed the shoes and the robe publicly. (2)
The Raja declared in the court that some body had stolen his shoes and robe.
The Sikhs, who will find them out for me, will be saved from the clutches of death. (3)
Listening to their guru, the Sikhs could not hide the secret,
And they told about the woman, the shoe and the robe. (4)
The Raja ordered thus, Go and get her and also bring my shoes and robe.
Bring her straight to me with out reprimanding her. (5)
Immediately, harkening to the Raja, the people hastened to her,
Brought the woman along with the shoes and the robe. (6)
(Raja asked,) Tell me pretty lady, why did you steal my garments?

'Were you not afraid of this group of brave-men (watchmen)?
'You tell me, the one who commits theft, what should be one's punishment Any way, in consideration of your being a lady, I let you go free, otherwise 1 would have executed you!(7)
Her face became pale, and her eyes remained wide open.
With extreme heart-palpitation, she was dumbfounded. (8)
(Raja) 'I am asking you, and you are keeping quiet.
Alright, 1 will take you to my house, and keeping you comfortably there, 'I will talk to you in seclusion,
After that you will be let free! (9)
Next morning he called the lady, and talked over whole situation. 'Getting angry on me you tried to caste a net on me but on the contrary put you in a dilemma! (10)
'You were let out on the pretension of my brother; the woman presented distinctive reasoning.
'Never try to attempt such trickery ever again and this time I pardon your transgression. (11)
'Now, woman, you exonerate me as well, because I don't want to linger on the dispute!
She was, then, endowed a pension of twenty thousand takaas every six months. (12) (1)


Mar 12, 2009
Dear Deep Singh Ji,

Here are all 3 tales 21,22, & 23 what you are looking for;

Chritro Pakhyaan (Translation by Pritpal Singh Bindra from DG)

Chritar Twenty-one (21) Tale of Anoop Kaur


The Monarch caught hold of his son and sent him to the prison,
And in the morning, through the Minister, called him back. (l)
Then he asked the Minister to narrate the Chritars of the wise men a the women ;( 2)
On the banks of the river Sutlaj, there was a village by the name of Anandpur it was situated near Naina Devi which situated was in the state Kahloor. (3)
There used to come several Sikhs with great pleasure,
And after getting their ambitions fulfilled, they used to go back to the homes. (4)
The wife of a rich-man came to that town.
She fell for the Raja and was pierced with his love arrows. (5)
She had a servant, Magan Das whom she called,
And gave him some money and made him to understand like this. (6) 'You get me to meet the Raja,
'And after encountering him I will give you lot of wealth.'(7) Becoming greedy for money, Magan came to the Raja,
Fell on his feet and requested thus, (8)
'The incantation you wanted to learn has come in my possession.
'To learn the same you will have to proceed the way I ask. (9)

Bhujang Chhand

The Raja put on the garb of an ascetic, meditating on Bhagwati, the goddess, commenced his journey.
Walking and walking along, without looking back, reached the residence of that damsel. (l0)
On seeing him the dame adorned herself and ordered for flowers, beetle ­leaf and wine.
She came forward herself to receive him and pacified her anxiety. (11)


The woman weared the new clothes and put the expensive garments. And in new form she adorned the decorated bed. (l2)
Then the lady asked him, 'Please have intercourse with me,

Because, tormented by Cupid, I am handing over myself to you.'(13)
The monarch said, 'I had come to learn incantation,

But the situation here is quite contrary. (l4)


The' one, who is considered as worship-worthy, should not become egotistical.
If one becomes a rich man he should not beset the poor.
With prettiness one should not display arrogance.
Because the youth and beauty are sustainable for four (a few) days only. (15)


Righteousness endows auspicious birth and righteousness confers beauty.
The righteousness augments the wealth and holiness and the righteousness idealizes the sovereignty.
Why should I abandon righteousness on your instance and make myself worthyof hell? (16)
Acquiescing to your request, I am not going to copulate with you,
Because, in my heart, I am apprehensive of denigrating my family.
Deserting behind my married woman (wife), I will never have sex with you.
I will never be able to find a place in the court of Lord of righteousness.'(l7)


{She said,) 'When a sexually distressed woman comes to a male,
“And that male who turns her back disappointed, is worthy of hell.'(18)”(He replied,) 'People bow on my feet and worship me.
And you want me to have sex with you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? (l9)
(She, said,) 'Krishna was worshipped too, and he had indulged in love -­plays.
He made love with Radhika, but they never went to hell. (20)
'With five elements Brahma, the God, created human-beings,
'And He, Himself initiated love in men and women. (21)


Therefore, without hesitation have sex with me,
'Because the excitement for the sex overpowers all the parts of my body. 'Without an encounter with you, I will burn in the fire of separation. (22)


'My each limb, seeking copulation, is afflicting me.
'Why didn't Ruder, the Great (Shiva) decimated it (sexual desire).'(23) Chhand
(He) 'Calm down, Oh Lady, the Cupid will not harm you.
'You pm your thought to Ruder, the Great, (Cupid) will be scared away. 'Nor to abandon my wife, I will never have sex with you. (24)


'Just because you say, why should I have sex with you?
'I am afraid of being pm in the hell.
'To copulate with you is like disowning the righteousness,
'And my story will go around the whole world. (25)
'How would I show my face to the Lord of Righteousness?
'Lady, you better forsake the thought of my friendship,
'You have said enough and, now, forget to talk more.'(26)
Anoop Kumari said, 'If you, my love, have sex with me,
'You will not be thrown in the hell. Don't be scared.
'How could people tattle about you when they are so afraid of you? (27) 'Also they would talk only if they learn about the secret.
'Even if one learns, fearful of you, will keep quiet.
'You must make up your mind to sleep with me today,
'Or, alternatively, you crawl through my legs.'(28)
(Raja,) 'Only that one crawls through the legs who is unable to indulge in sex,
'And remains sitting whole night like a eunuch and does not perform. 'Being prevailed by the righteousness I will not copulate with you.
'I am always fearful of the criticism of the public. (29)
(She,) 'Do whatever you may, but I will never leave you with out sex? 'With my own hands I will tear you off,
'And, then, get myself sawn through at Kanshi and, would even face the (Lord of Righteousness in his court.(30)
'Oh my love, I have sworn to bed with you, and
'Fully satisfy myself carnally.
Tonight, through sex I will make you look more handsome,
'And will make Cupid to lose his pride too.'(31)
Raja spoke, 'First of all God has endowed me birth as a Kashatri,

‘Our dynasty is very much respected in the world.
Being seated (as Raja) I am worshipped.
'But, now, if I ravish with you, I will be reborn in a low caste.'(32)
(She said,) 'What are you talking about the birth? They are your , concoction.
If you don't cherish me, then it will be my bad luck.
Without meeting you, I will poison myself.'(33)


The Raja was worried, if she imposed the oath of Bhagauti, the Goddess,
He will have to ravish her and, then, go to hell. (34)
(She) 'Get rid of all your doubts, savor me,
Because Cupid is over powering me. '(35)
(He) 'How-so-ever Cupid may overwhelm, due to the dread of hell, I will never indulge with you.'(36)


(She) 'You have been bestowed with youth and I am young too.
'Seeing you I have overcome with passion.
Abandon all your misconceptions and relish sex with me,
And don't worry about the fear of the hell.'(37)


'The lady who comes to me to worship me,
To me, she is like the daughter of my Guru.'(38)


What to talk of love with the women, as they never fulfill,
They desert one man and go after another who is better looking. For whosoever she makes mind for, she becomes naked before him,
And immediately presents him her unclad urinary place. (39)


(She, thinking,) 'What should I do to save myself so that my mind is appeased?
'Your utterances depict love, how could I kill you. (40)
The Raja went into deep thought, 'I have no disciples of mine with me.
. Chaupee
'By loving her, my righteousness is destroyed,
'But if I try to run away, she will get me caught. (41)

'It will be better if I praise her and through dramatization get rid of her. 'Without agreeing to commit sex, she will kill me.
I wish some disciple of mine could come and save me. '(42)

Arril Chhand

(He said to her), 'You are admirable and so are your mother and father. 'Your country is commendable and commendable are your sustainers. 'Your face, which is very pretty, is so meritorious,
'That, even, the Lotus-flower, Sun, Moon and Cupid lose their vanity. (43) 'Your body is blissful and your eyes are coquettish.
'You are winsome to all, the birds, deer, beasts, reptiles and demons, 'Shiva and all his four sons have languished by looking at your eyes. 'But the strange phenomenon is that your eyes have not been able to penetrate into my heart.'(44)


(She replied,) 'Cuddling you 1 will lie down on the bed and will never divulge this secret to anyone.
'Frolicking thus, whole night will pass, and, even the Cupids play will seem trivial.
'1 am living on dreams (about you) and wake up afraid of losing you.
'1 would rather die, than to wake up from such a dream.'(4S)


Then she declared loudly and told, the Raja.
'Either 1 will have sex with you or 1 will kill myself by taking poison. '(46) (Raja,) 'God has created your eyes like sharp arrows,
'But He has endowed me modesty and that is why they cannot pierce me. (47)
'Your eyes are penetrating and on the very first sight they oust the knowledge.
'But for me, having no attraction for sex, they are merely like berries. '(48) (She) 'Worthy are those berries whom whole world can see,
'And the trees, whose fruit people eat and go home satisfied.'(49) Talking nonsensically, she was becoming impatient to meet her love. Her each and every limb was demanding, because she was absolutely stung with the passion. (50)


(Raja) 'Since the time I realized the sense of maturity, which my Guru had taught,
Aye My Son, as long as there is life in your body,
You promise to enhance love with your own wife,
But never, even by mistake, bed with else's wife. (51)
By relishing else's wife, Inder, the god was showered with female genitals.
By relishing else's wife, Moon was blemished.
By relishing else's wife, Ten Headed Raawana lost all his ten heads.
By relishing else's wife all the clan of Korav was annihilated. (52)
The love with else's wife is like a sharp dagger.
The love with else's wife is an invitation to death.
The one who thinks himself to be very brave and indulges carnally with
Else’s wife,
“He is killed in the hands of a coward like a dog."(53)
“Listen lady! Women come to us from far off lands,
They bow their heads and wish for boons.
Those Sikhs (disciples) are like my sons and their wives like my daughters.
Tell me, now, the pretty one, how I could copulate with them."(54)


Listeningto all this, she flew into rage and thought,
Now I should shout, "thief, thief" and people will come and kill him.'(55)


(She) Why are you getting so angry, jovially have sex with me.
My, eyes are inviting you, can't you understand what they are revealing.'
(Raja) listen, Carefully Listen, I am not looking at you,
Because’ the looks create the feeling of separation.'(S7)

Chhape Chhand

Charity is endowed to the priests and the men with base thinking get scornful looks.
Friends are entrained with relief and the enemies get hit on the heads with sword.
No act is performed keeping in view the public opinion.
One should not even dream of getting into bed with else's wife.
'Since the time Guru has taught me this lesson.

'Any thing belonging to somebody else is like a stone and else's wife like a mother to me.'(58)


Listening to the Raja's talk she became angrier,
And shouting, "thief, thief" she awoke all her companions. (59) Hearing the call of "thief, thief," the Raja was frightened.
He lost his sanity and, leaving there his shoes and silk robe, ran away. (60)

Chritar Twenty-two (22Tale of Anoop Kaur)


When the Raja heard the call, "thief, thief" he became dreadful.
He ran out leaving behind his shoes and silk robe. (l)
Hearing the call of thief, all woke up and did not let the Raja runaway, and within five or seven feet they caught him. (2)


Others too heard the call of "thief" and came out with their swords. People shouted at him and expressed that he should be sent to the hell. (3) Dohira
He was rounded up from left, right and all the directions.
Raja did try but he could not find any means (to escape). (4)
People pulled his beard and took his turban off.
Calling him "thief, thief" they beat him with sticks. (S)
With the beating of sticks, he fell flat and became unconscious.
People without understanding the real issue tied him up with a rope. (6) They were throwing punches and kicks when the Sikhs arrived, too. The woman shouted, "brother, brother," but could not rescue him. (7) Chaupee
His face was hit with shoes and hands were tied tightly.
He was put in the jail, and the woman came back to her bed. (8)
Through such a deception, the Raja went free and dispatched her brother to the prison.
None of the Sikhs could comprehend the mystery and they thought her brother to be a thief.

Chritar Twenty Three (23Tale of Anoop Kaur)


As the Sun rose, people awoke and went to their occupations.
The Raja came out of his palace and seated on his throne (1)
Next day, early in the morning that lady got up,
And displayed the shoes and the robe publicly. (2)


The Raja declared in the court that some body had stolen his shoes and robe.
The Sikhs, who will find them out for me, will be saved from the clutches of death. (3)


Listening to their guru, the Sikhs could not hide the secret,
And they told about the woman, the shoe and the robe. (4)


The Raja ordered thus, Go and get her and also bring my shoes and robe.
Bring her straight to me with out reprimanding her. (5)


Immediately, harkening to the Raja, the people hastened to her,
Brought the woman along with the shoes and the robe. (6)


(Raja asked,) Tell me pretty lady, why did you steal my garments?

'Were you not afraid of this group of brave-men (watchmen)?
'You tell me, the one who commits theft, what should be one's punishment Any way, in consideration of your being a lady, I let you go free, otherwise 1 would have executed you!(7)


Her face became pale, and her eyes remained wide open.
With extreme heart-palpitation, she was dumbfounded. (8)


(Raja) 'I am asking you, and you are keeping quiet.
Alright, 1 will take you to my house, and keeping you comfortably there, 'I will talk to you in seclusion,
After that you will be let free! (9)


Next morning he called the lady, and talked over whole situation. 'Getting angry on me you tried to caste a net on me but on the contrary put you in a dilemma! (10)
'You were let out on the pretension of my brother; the woman presented distinctive reasoning.
'Never try to attempt such trickery ever again and this time I pardon your transgression. (11)


'Now, woman, you exonerate me as well, because I don't want to linger on the dispute!
She was, then, endowed a pension of twenty thousand takaas every six months. (12) (1)


Virinder S. Grewal
Williamston, MI


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Deepsing87 ji

Here is what I have to say. First of all the link is to a blog with the name "Singh Sabha International" -- which looks like the India/Washington-based organization by the same name. Only it isn't. At the top of your window in the address pane you will see the web address http:/www.singhsabhainternational.blogspot.com etc. etc.

So this demonstrates that a panga-blogger with an axe to grind chose the name of Singh Saba International in order to confuse and mislead readers.

Next thing to consider. This story has been all over the Internet. It is one of the main ploys to convince people that Guru Gobind Singh could not have written the Dasam Granth--- as they ask, How could our Guru write such pornography? :eek: I must have seen this or something like it 20 times already. But compare the story as written at the link above to either a translation from a Dasam Granth web site, or to the translation given below by visgrewal ji -- so generous with his time and energy.

You will have to draw the reasonable conclusion that the version of the story at the web link above has completely misunderstood the point of the Chritar in both its original and its translated form. The form of which is dealing with the psyche of human beings at a very deep level. So with a little thought and a little research one can begin to understand what Guru Gobind Singh was getting at for real. It was not for the sake of pornography. The same can not be said about the account at this blog spot Internet link, which is promoting intellectual pornography.

It is an attempt to stir the pot. :stirpot::stirpot::stirpot::stirpot::stirpot: Under such circumstances intelligent conversation is impossible. Which is precisely the agenda of the blogger. Stir people up so that intelligent conversation is not possible. Forgive me.


Mar 12, 2009
Thanks Toni Ji,

Even if written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji for the sake of discussion I draw a different message from it than others. To me it is a lesson to control Lust which is one of the five theives/sins or what ever you call it-destroys one's character. The evolvement of later is the whole theme of Gurubani IMHO.




Jun 3, 2007
Thanks Toni Ji,

Even if written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji for the sake of discussion I draw a different message from it than others. To me it is a lesson to control Lust which is one of the five theives/sins or what ever you call it-destroys one's character. The evolvement of later is the whole theme of Gurubani IMHO.



i just have one question, why would guru ji want us read about these things, would it not be enough to just say sexual relationships outside of marriage is a sin.


Mar 12, 2009
Dear Deep Ji,

I have no answer to your question. I even do not know if it is written by him. If written why the Khalsa has not made any hue and cry to delete the whole chapter of "Chritro Pakhyan" out of DG-but could not other wise Chaupee part of the last (204) tale has to be expunged too. I rather get my self out of this thread. I just provided you the information as desired.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
i just have one question, why would guru ji want us read about these things, would it not be enough to just say sexual relationships outside of marriage is a sin.

Deepsingh87 ji

This particular section of Dasam Granth happens to be the 3rd wire of Sikhism. Touch it and you will be electrocuted...The SGPC had asked that all sangats and gatherings of Sikhs avoid controversy on the question of the authenticity of any parts of Dasam Granth until its panel of experts have a chance to ply their special skills and talents to come up with a scholarly answer.

To the extent that the section is controversial, you will not get an answer that is to your satisfaction -- my hypothesis only.

Let's see what the discussion brings forward. :)
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