spnadmin ji great reference to the magna carta and the description in the post regarding role of government in support of taxes and services..
For me Education (higher or lower) is a facilitated gift from your family and the society you are in.
Your parents may have some expectations from the taxes and their contribution to society or regardless of it may have special circumstances requiring special consideration in getting assistance so a child could get education.
I know my father used to waive fees for the needy in Guru Ramdas School, Amritsar as well as Khalsa College Higher Secondary School, Amritsar. I do believe such facilities and options do exist in most caring societies.
Beyond that it is a balancing act between,
- Taxes and Revenue
- Priorities of the Government that the people elected (Education, Healthcare, Social Services, Infra-structure, Defense, etc.)
- Value on specific education that the society places
- Easier loans are available if you are studying in professional programs considered valuable in society (doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, etc.)
- Balancing the books of costs versus fees and other revenue sources
So I would not say Higher education is a birth right rather in balanced societies education will be encouraged and supported to the level available from appropriate resources.
There have been societies and systems of Government in the past (Soviet Union before separation or dis-integration) and at present Cuba where the governments would have possibly called it a right. However the sacrifices you will make in killing of your spiritual needs, your desire to do better, etc., at least for me wouldn't make it worthwhile.
The sayings comes to mind,
- I rather go hungry than sell my soul to the devil
- Nothing comes for free
Hope it adds to the dialog.
Sat Sri Akal.