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Hinduism Hindu Swami Ji Writes On Sikhism

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
(The Supreme Religion -- Khalsa Panth)
(The only indigenous religion of India)

Swami Ram Tirath Danda Sanyasi was a renowned authority on the interpretation of


He had written about three dozen books in Hindi and Sanskrit to bring out the essence of these scriptures. Some of his assertions were vehemently against th e rites and rituals; yet no one had dared to challenge these because of his deep knowledge of Hindu philosophy.

Towards the closing years of his life, he became a Sikh in spirit and form and wrote this book in Hindi in 1974. Part - 1 of this book concerning superiority of


The Gurus have compiled Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which is of one Formless God only. Had the Gurus found the existing various philosophies including Hindu's meeting their concept, they would not have written Sri Guru Granth Sahib, nor created a separate - Khalsa Panth which differs from Islam and all other religion s as well.

Inspite of the fact that Khalsa Panth is not a part of Hinduism both in spirit and form, some misconceived persons still maintain that it is so. It is to dispel this misconceived belief that Swami ji had written this treat.

Brahminvad is synonymous to Hinduism. Brahmins are considered to be a supreme class with unlimited power, prestige and privileges. The entire Hindu philosophy is based on Brahminism. A Brahmin has to be respected irrespective of his age, profession and deeds. Charity given to them is beneficial in this and the world beyond. It is a Vedic requirement that a newly wed bride should stay with a Brahmin for the first few days after the marriage. Swami ji narrates a story of a pundit who refused to part with the bride of Maharaja of Gaya. The bride ultimately committed suicide when all the pursuations for her res toration had failed.

Everyone in Sikhism enjoys equal status and there is no priestly class. Swamiji has also questioned how a Brahmin could claim superior status when everyone is born alike.

It is compulsory for the Hindus to wear sacred thread janju. No one is permitted to do bhagti without it.

A pundit after donning the sacred thread and reciting the gayatri mantra into the ear of the initiate becomes his Guru. It was customary to kill a goat and serve its meat to all those present at the ceremony.

In Sikhism, wearing of a janju is not allowed and a Guru is the Divine enlightener or dispeller of darkness (illusion) and not a self-appointed figurehead like pundit.

The 'acharyas' of Hindu faith preach idol worship of different gods and g oddesses according to their sect i.e. Shivaites and Vishnuites, etc. Some people have also started worship of dead persons and graves of Muslim pirs. Worhip of horrifying statues and pictures of Bhairow and Kali Maan holding human skull is disgusting. According to the Tantras' and the Puranas' these deities are required to be served with wine, blood and meat. Animal sacrifice is an accepted practice.

To the Sikhs, the only deity is the Enthroned Word - SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB or the Formless God. Worship of gods, statues and pictures even of their Gurus is prohibited.

Hindus have numerous Vedas, Shastras, Puranas, Bamayan, Bhagwat Gita, which, except for some element of Bhagti, generally narrate stories which promote Brahminism and low down rites and rituals. These scriptures are followed by different sects and denominations according to their faith.

The Sikhs have only one scripture, SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB, and that alone is the Guru of the Khalsa Panth. It only imparts divine knowledge and exhorts humanity to remember and contemplate God, and to live a truthful life. It has a universal appeal.

Swamiji has stated in bold letters that anybody who desecrates SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB will be doomed forever. This is Swamiji's firm conviction.

There is also a big difference between a mandir and a gurdwara in the conduct of service, prayer, offerings and distribution of sacramental food. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the only Deity in a gurdwara, whereas a mandir is full of pictures and statues. Langar is part and parcel of a gurdwara where anyone, irrespective of caste and creed can have a free meal. It is not so in the case of a mandir. Most of the gurdwara s also provide free lodging.

Unlike Hinduism, there are no castes and creeds amongst the Sikhs. When Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa, he granted freedom from "Varan Ashram Dharma". During the baptismal ceremony, he made the aspirants, irrespective of caste or creed, to take AMRIT from one bowl. This fact has been testified by Swami Maheshwar Nand Giri of Kankhal, in his book Chatarvama Bharat Samikhsha. He had said, "Guru Gobind Singh, in order to take out poison from the 'Varan Ashram' theory and other drawbacks in the Hindu fold, created a new separate Khalsa Panth to give shape to his mission to safeguard the interests of the weak and saints, and to wipe out tyranny. He had created one social order by wiping out differences between the high and the low castes, and held the whole humanity as one. The Khalsa Panth is separate both from Hindus, Muslims and various other religions. To call Sikhism a part of Hinduism is greatest foolishness."

In his concluding para, Swamiji has categorically stated that after his deep and thorough study of the various Shastras, Simritis and Vedas, he had been convinced that SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB is not only free from any kind of blemish of the type mentioned in the Hindu scriptures, but is the only book of God's Words which is the light-house for the entire humanity.

He had accepted SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB as his Guru in spirit and form.

Khalsa Panth can show such a glaxy of luminosity that no other faith can show.


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Gyani JI

I have got two small books by this swami ji published by misionary college

The most important point that comes out of it as I could understand with my little brain is that there is great deal need to preach sikhism among Hindus as they really need it and it should be one of main obejecive of commoitees like SGPC instead of presenting siropas and gold plating Gurdwaras

Jatinder Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
drkhalsa said:
Dear Gyani JI

I have got two small books by this swami ji published by misionary college

The most important point that comes out of it as I could understand with my little brain is that there is great deal need to preach sikhism among Hindus as they really need it and it should be one of main obejecive of commoitees like SGPC instead of presenting siropas and gold plating Gurdwaras

Jatinder Singh

Dear Jatinder Singh Jio,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

I agree 110%. Unfrotunatley we Sikhs ahve got into a rut of blaming everything wrong on "hindus"..Brahmins etc. In fact i am totally surprised when i read news reports from Indian Sub Continet....everything wrong in Pakistan is the work of RAW....every incident in India is the work of ISI...everything wrong in our Gurdawras sikhis etc is due to Hindu agents, raw agents and what not.

It is a False assumption...all the ILLS befalling us are also a lot to do with our own weeaknesses..but everyone loves a scapegoat....
Our GURUS preached to te HINDUS and MUSLIMS around them and managed to convert so many millions. today we think of them as the "enemy"... HINDUS are the BIGGEST POOL of new converts to Sikhism...

Jarnail Singh Gyani


May 19, 2006
So the need is to clean our own house. We must spread our message. Some people will keep on having different idea for variety of reasons. Make a startegy and move forward, instead of pointing out small matters.
Right now, we have alienated hindus. Earlier lots of hindus used to visit gurudwaras. But Now?
One more point I have noticed ... Our regular katha Vaachaks and Shabad Singers continue to sing only a few and repeat them. I heard one repeat it every time he visited Canada.
We are not really focussed.Forget about being the controller of sikh religion. you spread right message and masses will come and make you the leader.
Becoming the sikh's voice by dirty politics is not a reliable and long lasting method. People's support will do it.
Why does not Akal takht issue any order to have more and more nagar kirtans/ seminars/kathaa.
No positive action news comes out from there. Why we hear them only when there is a problem( so called) If they do not do it... who else is responsible for spreading Sikh message.
What message comes from Akal takht?? oh, this guy is attaking us.. OUT.. that place is bad... OUT. What about some positive news from those places.... for a change!


Apr 24, 2006
Do not depend on Clergy, they are only there to make money. They do not care about your enlightenment because if you were enlightened, you wouldn't need them would you?

The whole blame cannot be thrown on them, the system is also to blame. Most people would rather leave the thinking to a higher authority. They are also to blame.

Ballym ji, many more of the problems you have mentioned are because of the system we have created. Hindus visiting gurudwaras in lesser number, raagis singing a few shabads... why is this? How are the raagis able to do this and continue with their "career"? I think its because it is their career or job. If they were singing because they enjoyed it, you wouldn't be making that statement today.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Dear Jatinder Singh Jio,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

I agree 110%. Unfrotunatley we Sikhs ahve got into a rut of blaming everything wrong on "hindus"..Brahmins etc. In fact i am totally surprised when i read news reports from Indian Sub Continet....everything wrong in Pakistan is the work of RAW....every incident in India is the work of ISI...everything wrong in our Gurdawras sikhis etc is due to Hindu agents, raw agents and what not.

It is a False assumption...all the ILLS befalling us are also a lot to do with our own weeaknesses..but everyone loves a scapegoat....
Our GURUS preached to te HINDUS and MUSLIMS around them and managed to convert so many millions. today we think of them as the "enemy"... HINDUS are the BIGGEST POOL of new converts to Sikhism...

Jarnail Singh Gyani

The Hindus are not to blame at all, but Vaishno Sikh groups who are intolerant of all!


May 19, 2006
I think its because it is their career or job. If they were singing because they enjoyed it, you wouldn't be making that statement today.
Well Said.They have become materialistic! So the process of selection must be a thorough one. raagi/ sewadaar/ Granthi's work must be seen as a reputed profession. I realised it very late in my life that this line of becoming granthi is not considered respectable by many in society!
This job, if we consider it a job, has its intricacies and involves lot of efforts. Infact it may be more difficult to be a raagi than becoming a clerk , teacher, shopkeeper,banker. Of course, I am talking about educated raagis.
Just some thoughts.


Apr 24, 2006
Well Said.They have become materialistic!
NO they have not become materialistic. That has nothing to do with this. Its just that they are doing a job. When you are simply doing your job, you are not going to be creative. When you step out of the job mindset, and are aiming to improve and bring out the best, then creativity does come out. This is true for any job!

I was thinking that maybe being a Raagi should not be a job, and we should have volunteers take over. I haven't thought about that much so I am not sure how that will work, if it will work at all.

So the process of selection must be a thorough one. raagi/ sewadaar/ Granthi's work must be seen as a reputed profession. I realised it very late in my life that this line of becoming granthi is not considered respectable by many in society!
This job, if we consider it a job, has its intricacies and involves lot of efforts. Infact it may be more difficult to be a raagi than becoming a clerk , teacher, shopkeeper,banker. Of course, I am talking about educated raagis.
Just some thoughts.
Are you saying that if their job was respectable they would put in more effort?
I think the other way around. If they put in more effort then they would be respectable. But they don't really need to put in more effort, do they? If they don't like what they are doing they can simply recite old material and make a living.
Unless they really love what they are doing they are not going to more than they need to do. There must be instrinsic motivation and that is lacking in most people, raagis are no different.


May 19, 2006
I was thinking that maybe being a Raagi should not be a job, and we should have volunteers take over. I haven't thought about that much so I am not sure how that will work, if it will work at all.

But they don't really need to put in more effort, do they? If they don't like what they are doing they can simply recite old material and make a living.
Unless they really love what they are doing they are not going to more than they need to do. There must be instrinsic motivation and that is lacking in most people, raagis are no different.
Exactly, it will not work that way.Well, in this world finding good volunteer is difficult. that is ideal situation.Till now we have been basically depending on volunteers.
There must be a motivation to put more effort. Where does it come from? For example, same engineer/ doctor in India does not put as much effort he puts in doing his job in North America. Money, comfort, clean corruption-less environment, and other factors give the motivation.
We do not get that many holidays here, Face discrimination but still we do not go back. What is the motivation?
What is the motivation to people making false passport and visa to come to Toronto... even at he fuselage( correct?) of plane.
What is the motivation of Chandigarh Raagis to come to Toronto every year... during summer? Why more popular ones do not come in winter?
Why they do not go to Haiti? When Guru Nank DEV ji went to Iran etc. did they go there because his followers called him? Volunteerism!
This brings another point....
If we have educated , well earning persons appointed after thorough selection process ( not conducted by Surinder kaur Badal) we can send them even to Haiti. Just go, speak this particulear katha which these people can relate to.
We hope we might get some followers.
I guess Harbhajan yogi, Rajneesh, ISckon did a GREAT job in this respect.
Instead of such irregular spread of message, we must bring in regularity and system in our spread of religion.
Today's world is governed by economic rules. that is why you do not find people just gossiping in the evening. India, we feel empty if do not have a round in the evening. Have you played cards here for whole day and night? We have to work out things in present economic context. Here , they do not give you job unless they check you and keep you checking always. So you are always alert. Exfficiency pays in any and every situation. we need paid, eduacted, thoroughly scrutinised people to spread right message.
many who work as raagi, does so( not 100%) under some compulsion and we get poor results and quality. Organised approach to anything brings good results. At present it is lacking.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
The mention of Swami Ram Tirath Ji (Who later converted to Sikhism) highlights the point that we need to preach the gospel of Sikhism throughout the world. Thousands of people with progressive thoughts and lifestyle have not become Sikhs just because they haven't even heard of Sikhism before. I assure you, the day Sikh beliefs are preached throughout the world, multitudes of people will turn to Sikhism. May that day come soon....!
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