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Hinduism Hinduism Teaches The Practice Of Humanity


Apr 6, 2011
Here we have the prime directives in Sanatan Dharma(hinduism)

In The Bhagawad Gita, sloka 20, Chapter 10, Lord Krishna says,
"I am the Self seated in the heart of all creatures. I am the beginning, the middle and the very end of all beings". All beings have, therefore to be treated alike

2) Karma Yoga:
. Karma Yoga is selfless service unto humanity. The important point is to serve humanity without any attachment or egoism. The central teaching of the Gita is non-attachment to work. Lord Krishna says: "Work incessantly. Your duty is to work but not expect the fruits thereof."

3) Attain Moksha-going to heaven so to speak, but this can only occur if the individual leads of a good human being.



Apr 6, 2011
Here we have a link which further elucidates any misunderstandings:


There is no stipulation of high or low by birth in Rigveda. Many rishis of Rigveda under current Manusmriti definition were not Brahmins. There are at least ten Rigvedic richas showing that profession was not hereditary.

In richas (V.23.1) and (V.23.2) Rishi Dyumna prays to Agni “Bestow Agni, upon Dyumna, a son, overcoming foes by his prowess; one who may with glory subdue all men in battle” (HH Wilson).

In (IX.112.3) another rishi says “I am the singer, papa is the physician.” So, father of a Rigvedic rishi is a physician but in Manusmriti a physician is a sudra.

Thus, the central command of the 14 harmony richas and 10 profession not hereditary richas of Vedas is that all Hindus are totally equal by birth, of one bunch, share same water and food, worship together united in same temple, common are prayers, common purpose, common thoughts, united like spokes of a wheel, common oblation and friendly towards each others.

One becomes a warrior (Rajnya), Brahman (educated ones) or rishi, not by birth but by his efforts/training (karma) vide RV (X.125.5). No one is superior and no one is inferior by birth.


Apr 6, 2011
Also have read that Lord Ram killed someone because he read vedas,well falsehood has been exposed:

The Shambuka episode in the Uttara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, was NOT written by Valmiki.
Why? Almost all Hindu Scriptures, typically end with a verse or verses, that describe the religious merits of reading the Sanskrit Text, which would be bestowed on the reader by the Gods. These verses are known as Phalasrutis. In the Ramayana written by the Adikavi Valmiki, the Phalasrutis occur at the end of the sixth khanda: Yuddha Khandam. After that there is no Khandam for Valmiki to talk about. But in some parts of India, the Uttara Khandam is read as the Seventh Khandam, which to every thinking person appears as a latter addition.

Also we have Lord Rama staying in cleaner Shrabris house:
Lord Rama visited Shabri, called her a mother (mata); ate food from her hands and washed feet of Nisadraj. Lord Rama lived for years among vanvasi (tribals). So the second lesson of Ramayana is that a true Rambhakta should never discriminate against SC/ST/Dalit Hindus, should never hesitate to visit and dine with them.

So it is clear this falsehood of killing an innocent person is made up after, and does not reconcile to Lord Rama and Shabri


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Dogra8 ji thanks for your posts. Some comments for learning and dialog.

Thus, the central command of the 14 harmony richas and 10 profession not hereditary richas of Vedas is that all Hindus are totally equal by birth, of one bunch, share same water and food, worship together united in same temple, common are prayers, common purpose, common thoughts, united like spokes of a wheel, common oblation and friendly towards each others.

  • Excellent excerpt, thanks.

One becomes a warrior (Rajnya), Brahman (educated ones) or rishi, not by birth but by his efforts/training (karma) vide RV (X.125.5). No one is superior and no one is inferior by birth.

  • not by birth but by his efforts/training (karma) vide RV (X.125.5)
    • So does Hinduism believe that you can become superior or inferior during your life?
      • The reason I ask is that Sikhism does not allow,
        • One to be inferior or superior to anyone else
        • We continue to be equal as from birth till death
        • Our actions are simply of significance to our personal living which can be good or bad depends what one does
        • Learning about the one creator and living in consonance of the creation is the fundamental tenant
          • This requires no messenger of God
          • This requires no Guru adoption
          • This requires no middle man or woman
          • It requires no rituals other than the ritual or regimen of study and understanding
  • Let us look at second sentence
  • No one is superior and no one is inferior by birth.
    • Corollary,
      • You can become “Superior” or “Inferior” through your actions
  • The above starts the practices of discrimination, caste, etc., in my humble opinion
    • So what happens to those who are not in one of the following groups,
      • a warrior (Rajnya), Brahman (educated ones) or rishi
    • Isn’t there a built in practical advantage to be born to one of the better classification as the saying goes “like father like son” or “like mother like daughter”
Over centuries, would not what you quoted from authentic sources, naturally create the Caste and class system which is so prevalent in practice in India!

Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 6, 2011
So does Hinduism believe that you can become superior or inferior during your life?

Well in humane terms no, each as an individual human being has to be treated as an equal human being, otherwise no Moksha or going to heaven so to speak

The above starts the practices of discrimination, caste, etc., in my humble opinion
  • So what happens to those who are not in one of the following groups,
    • a warrior (Rajnya), Brahman (educated ones) or rishi
  • I completely disagree with you, these are jobs, every society has a social order, without social order, society cannot function, ,if you think otheriwse kindly let me know.
  • In the older days there were basic jobs like those you have quoted, what do u propose no job titles, each function or activity has a name for it, problem is to practice humanity as Sanatan Dharma states, it all comes back to attaining Moksha which u cannot attain if you discriminate.
  • Over centuries, would not what you quoted from authentic sources, naturally create the Caste and class system which is so prevalent in practice in India!
  • The social evil which u state is not in scriptures, basic fact, those corrupt individuals create for themselves, again any society has jobs, Sanatan Dharma again prime directive to achieve moksha, ,can u please explain how can one attain moksha if one discrimiates,
  • Bottom line Sanatan Dharma teaches to practice humanity and thats a fact, its there in scriptures thats a fact!
  • Sat Sri Akal to you as well


Apr 6, 2011
There have been individuals such Sri Ramanuja, who ventured to turn society to correct path, there has also been Sri Ramanand ,who also ventured to steer society to the right path

Here are some more verses that expose the truth of Sanatan Dharma and that it teaches to practice humanity:

Yajurved 26.2:
The way I gave this knowledge of Vedas for benefit of all humans, similarly you all also propagate the same for benefit of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Shudras, Vaishyas, Women and even most downtrodden. The scholars and the wealthy people should ensure that they not deviate from this message of mine.

Where does it state to exclude any body.

Atharvaved 19.32.8:
O Lord! May I be loved by everyone – Brahmin, Kshatriya, Shudra or Vaishya. May I be admired by everyone.
Atharvaved 19.62.1:
May all noble people admire me. May kings and Kshatriyas admire me. May all look at me with admiration. May the Shudras and Vaishyas admire me.


Apr 6, 2011
Here are quotes from famous people on Sanatan Dharma:

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Robert Oppenheimer

add this quote

"The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument."
Anonymous (Bhagavad Gita)

add this quote

"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seems puny and trivial."
Henry David Thoreau

add this quote

"The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity."
Aldous Huxley

add this quote

"In order to approach a creation as sublime as the Bhagavad-Gita with full understanding it is necessary to attune our soul to it."
Rudolf Steiner

add this quote

When I read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.

-- Albert Einstein (One of the most influential scientists of all time


Apr 6, 2011
Here are quotes from famous people on Sanatan Dharma:

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Robert Oppenheimer

add this quote

"The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument."
Anonymous (Bhagavad Gita)

add this quote

"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad-Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seems puny and trivial."
Henry David Thoreau

add this quote

"The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity."
Aldous Huxley

add this quote

"In order to approach a creation as sublime as the Bhagavad-Gita with full understanding it is necessary to attune our soul to it."
Rudolf Steiner

add this quote

When I read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.

-- Albert Einstein (One of the most influential scientists of all time


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
dogra8 ji thanks for the response. I have just one comment on the following,

I completely disagree with you, these are jobs, every society has a social order, without social order, society cannot function, ,if you think otheriwse kindly let me know.

  • every society has a social order
    • Not necessary
      • Describing a job or group of people commonly doing such jobs does not inherently create order
        • Order is the culprit in discrimination in differentiating and order by definition implies one above/before someone and one after/behind someone
        • Hence caste and class

  • without social order, society cannot function
    • Again you are confusing functions with order
      • "Function" classifications
        • "Yes"
          • for ease of management and general clarity
      • "Order"
        • "No"

Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 6, 2011
Also let us look at Karma Yoga a bit more, or selfless service or sewa:


  1. The one who rejoices in the Self only,
    who is satisfied with the Self,
    who is content in the Self alone,
    for such a (Self-realized) person there is no duty.
    Such a person has no interest, whatsoever,
    in what is done or what is not done.
    A Self-realized person does not depend on anybody for anything.

    Therefore, always perform your duty efficiently
    and without attachment to the results,
    because by doing work without attachment one attains the Supreme.

    King Janaka and others attained perfection
    by Karma-yoga alone.
    You should perform your duty with a view to guide people
    and for the universal welfare (of the society).

  1. Because, whatever noble persons do, others follow.
    Whatever standard they set up, the world follows.


Apr 6, 2011
Also let us look at Karma Yoga a bit more, or selfless service or sewa:

  1. The one who rejoices in the Self only,
    who is satisfied with the Self,
    who is content in the Self alone,
    for such a (Self-realized) person there is no duty.
    Such a person has no interest, whatsoever,
    in what is done or what is not done.
    A Self-realized person does not depend on anybody for anything.

    Therefore, always perform your duty efficiently
    and without attachment to the results,
    because by doing work without attachment one attains the Supreme.

    King Janaka and others attained perfection
    by Karma-yoga alone.
    You should perform your duty with a view to guide people
    and for the universal welfare (of the society).

  1. Because, whatever noble persons do, others follow.
    Whatever standard they set up, the world follows.


Apr 6, 2011
Not necessary
  • Describing a job or group of people commonly doing such jobs does not inherently create order
    • Order is the culprit in discrimination in differentiating and order by definition implies one above/before someone and one after/behind someone
    • Hence caste and class

Again there are functions and acivities which have to be carried out, someone has to clean, someone has to teach someone has to preach, these are basic facts, to attain these goals one has to study and learn and achieve, but e.g. in an office there are cleaners, middle managers and directors, now the office cannot function without the cleaner noe director, and so despite the obvious differences in pay which is a fact of life, all workers working together attain society working for the better.

Can you provide your alternative please.

Again you are confusing functions with order
  • "Function" classifications
    • "Yes"
      • for ease of management and general clarity
  • "Order"
    • "No"

Function well, ok so u agree with that but not order, now what is meant by order is next point, this is classify the functions, there has to be some rules in society, we have police force why, there has to be some order, but this does not deny anyone right to become whover they wnat given there efforts.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
dogra8 ji I believe you may want to delete one of the posts as it is a repeat. As you appear new, if it helps, you can do the "delete" by going to edit and the option to delete will show up.

Appreciate your answer to my post but no urgency. Think about the following when you answer as well,


Class violence leaves 35 dead in India

  • Story Highlights
  • 35 killed in three days of riots over class discrimination in western India
  • Members of Gujjar community involved in clashes with police
  • Discrimination based in centuries-old caste system outlawed in India
NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- At least 35 people have been killed in three days of riots over class discrimination in the west Indian state of Rajasthan.

Members of the Gujjar caste protest in India in 2007.

Members of the Gujjar community -- part of India's centuries-old, complex social caste order -- have engaged in clashes with police officers, who have opened fire in four districts, CNN's sister network, CNN-IBN reported.
They are demanding a bigger share of government jobs and education benefits.
On Sunday, Gujjar leader Kirori Singh refused an invitation to hold talks with government officials, saying that his community will continue a protest blockading regional rail tracks.
Hundreds of supporters took turns camping on rail tracks in the Rajasthan city of Bharatpur, as the bodies of those killed by police fire lay in a field nearby, the station reported.
India's constitution outlaws caste-based discrimination, and barriers have broken down in large cities. Prejudice, however, persists in some rural areas of the country.
As a result, the Indian government has put in place an affirmative action plan that sets aside job and educational quotas for the disadvantaged groups that it classifies as Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.
These communities, the government believes, needs extra assistance to overcome centuries of discrimination.
Gujjars -- a farming and trading tribe -- are classified by the government as an "unscheduled tribe." They are part of the caste system that do not face as much exclusion or discrimination in society.
But the community feels it has been economically and educationally left behind and it wants to be reclassified at a lower level -- as a scheduled tribe.
As a scheduled tribe, it can gain access to government jobs and benefits, as well as a shot at university seats allocated to the disadvantaged.
The demonstration commemorates the anniversary of a Gujjar protest last year around the same time that claimed at least 25 people.
Class, order and caste system are not fiction these are a reality people who claim to be Hindus practice implicitly or explicitly. Whether it is related to correct following of Hinduism principles is not for me to say.

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Function well, ok so u agree with that but not order, now what is meant by order is next point, this is classify the functions, there has to be some rules in society

  • order is next point
    • Order is no point, sorry

  • rules in society
    • Rules in terms of classification of functions or qualities as one superior to other,
      • No
        • As this will make a garbage collector feel as less of a person versus a Rishi that people gather to listen to
          • Neither is above the other as a human being
            • Different functions, yes but no order
Sat Sri Akal.


Dec 13, 2010
dogra8 ji I believe you may want to delete one of the posts as it is a repeat. As you appear new, if it helps, you can do the "delete" by going to edit and the option to delete will show up.

Appreciate your answer to my post but no urgency. Think about the following when you answer as well,

Class, order and caste system are not fiction these are a reality people who claim to be Hindus practice implicitly or explicitly. Whether it is related to correct following of Hinduism principles is not for me to say.

Sat Sri Akal.

Thank you for the delete, ,my mistake.

Again social evil of caste exists,, i am talking about the prime directives which state to practice humanity and that is a fact.
A number of Individuals in Hindu faith regard themselves as only one grouping : HUMAN, of course we each have different jobs so are functions are different but we respect each other as equals as per Hindu scriptures

Divine light results inheart of all beings, so how can we discriminate, we accept all as equals and those that do nto will not attain moksha


Dec 13, 2010
order is next point
  • Order is no point, sorry

well every society has prisons, there is order through police force and law, invaring degrees.

  • As this will make a garbage collector feel as less of a person versus a Rishi that people gather to listen to
    • Neither is above the other as a human being
      • Different functions, yes but no order

hmmm getting down to small points, garbage collector has a different function, so does rishi, only by working together can society fucntion for the better, one is not humanely superior or inferior, payment terms is another matter, but is a stage of human development that is with us, karma yoga of selfless service is ideal but that will take a long time in human development if that is democratic choice society develops towards

Point is what do u call arrangement of functions there has to be some arrangement for the functions to get together,e.g. back to office, all functions work together we listen to our bosses as they, generally, have more knowledge, but we do not demean anyone as inferior or superior we are equal humanely and we treat each with equality of humane dignity, e.g. say good morning to cleaner and director, do not disntinguish.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Thank you for the delete, ,my mistake.

Again social evil of caste exists,, i am talking about the prime directives which state to practice humanity and that is a fact.
A number of Individuals in Hindu faith regard themselves as only one grouping : HUMAN, of course we each have different jobs so are functions are different but we respect each other as equals as per Hindu scriptures

Divine light results inheart of all beings, so how can we discriminate, we accept all as equals and those that do nto will not attain moksha
dogra8 ji that is exactly what Sikhism says too on this point.

Does not mean me or other Sikhs accepting of any such scriptures in total. We do not use such as a message from a God like creature or God or God's messenger as none exist for Sikhism. Whether their names are Krishna, Shiv or Ram or anyone else.

Awal Allah Noor - Mohinder Singh Bhalla.

Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 6, 2011
Here we have dignity of labour within Sanatan Dharma:


In Vedas, dignity of labor is the key underlying concept. Let us review some mantras in Vedas in this regard:

Rigveda 1.117.21
The King and minister should sow seeds and do farming from time to time to set right examples for Arya. This makes them deserving of praise.
Rigveda 8.22.6 echoes the same sentiment.
Rigveda 4.57.4 states that the king should hold the plough and start the farming during beginning of season. He should also ensure healthy cows for milk.
Accordingly, we also find in Ramayan the reference of King Janak ploughing when he found Sita (Ramayan 1.66.14)
Rigveda 10.104.4 and 10.101.3 states that scholars should plough land.
In Adiparva 3.24 there is reference of Dhaumya Rishi would sent his student Aaruni to control the water flow to farms, indicating that the Rishi used to get involved in farming activities.
The entire 4.57 Sukta of Rigveda states the glory of farming by one and all.

Thus it is evident that not only Vedas contain description of various kinds of skills and technology, but also glorify the dignity of labor.
It is a baseless allegation that Vedas demean those involved in labor-oriented tasks.
On contrary, Vedas affirm highest Dignity of Labor. In next article, we shall discuss about Vedas and Caste System.

Indeed, Sanatan Dharma teaches to practice humanity and thats a fact!
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