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SciTech How Can Crop Circles Be Hoax?


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Crop circles are organized harmonic forms of energy comprised of light, sound and magnetism which physically manifest as geometric patterns when they interact with our physical world. To date, 10,000 crop circles have been reported in 29 countries, and have appeared in mediums such as wheat, barley, canola, trees, ice, rice paddies, even linseed.

Contrary to popular perception, crop circles are not a modern phenomenon. They were witnessed by policemen and farmers as far back as 1890, they exist in the centuries-old folklore of South Africa and China, and are mentioned in 17th Century academic texts.

Over eighty eyewitnesses have reported crop circles forming in under fifteen seconds; these witnesses describe incandescent ***** of light which either precede a crop circle or are actively involved in its creation; in some cases shafts of light descend onto a field and swirled the crop into a geometric shape.

Around 1980 serious attention was finally given to the phenomenon, primarily in southern England, where 90% of designs are reported. They appeared primarily as simple circles, yet by the late 1980s they had developed into pictograms, not unlike the petroglyphs found at sacred sites. After 1990 the designs developed exponentially in complexity, and today it is not unusual to come across crop glyphs mimicking computer fractals and elements expressing fourth dimensional processes in quantum physics.

To quell the public’s growing interest in crop circles, the British Military created two sexagenarian characters named Doug and Dave, and presented them to the media via a fictitious press agency as the makers of all crop circles. Once in a while, governments like to control public interest in unexplained phenomena they cannot control by 'debunking' – a technique developed by the US government after WWII for the sad purpose of controlling mass opinion (as stated in the 1953 Robertson Panel). This method is very effective because it makes use of two extraordinarily simple tools of mass control – ridicule and fear. When later confronted to provide evidence of their alleged creations, Doug and Dave changed their stories and reversed previous claims; they could not even explain the anomalous features they allegedly made. Thus, their story was entirely fabricated. Later, in 1998, the surviving member of the deceptive duo admitted to British newspapers that he'd been "guided by an unknown force".

A hoax is a forgery, and forgers require a genuine from which to copy. So, what exactly lies behind real crop circles? In genuine formations the stems are not broken but bent, defeating the hoax argument, since a plank or garden roller is required to flatten the crop to the ground, resulting in clear damage to the plants.

The plants are subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90º, where they re-harden into their new position without damage. Research and laboratory tests suggest that infrasound is capable of producing such an effect: High-pressure infrasound is capable of boiling water inside the stems in one nanosecond, expanding the water, and leaving tiny blowholes in the plants' nodes. The pressure applied also causes the water to steam, and it is reported by farmers that when they stumble upon a new crop circle they see steam rising from within the design. This process creates surface charring along the stems.

It has been scientifically documented that soil samples taken from within crop circles show changes to its crystalline structure and mineral composition. Expert analysis concludes that heat of 1500ºC would create such a change. Hardly the kind of anomalies created by pranksters with planks!

Crop circles also show existence of ultrasound, and such frequencies are known to exist at ancient sites such as stone circles and menhirs. And like all ancient sacred sites, crop circles appear at the intersecting points of the Earth's magnetic pathways of energy; thus the size and shape of a crop circle is typically determined by the area of these 'node' points at the time of their appearance. This electric and magnetic energy can interact with brainwave patterns, and because the human body is itself electro-magnetic, crop circles are known to affect people's biophysical rhythms. Consequently, it is not unusual for people to experience heightened states of awareness and healings in crop circles – a situation also common to sacred sites and holy spaces.

Biophysical evidence shows the plants' nodes (its knuckles) are drastically extended, seed embryos are altered, and the existence of expulsion cavities in the plants as if they have been heated from the inside. In genuine formations there is also a reorganization of the plant's crystalline structure. Other evidence from crop circles shows how the floors of laid plants are swirled in mathematical proportions relative to the Golden Mean, the vortex used by nature to create organisms such as shells and sunflowers.

Genuine crop circles are not perfectly round but slightly elliptical (a hoax, requiring a fixed central rope, cannot achieve this adequately). Their edges are crisply defined from the flattened crop as if drawn with a compass, and incised with surgical precision.

Mathematically, genuine crop circles have yielded five new mathematical theorems. based on Euclidian geometry. They are also encoded with sacred geometry – those harmonic ratios that govern the relationship between the orbits of planets in our solar system.

Crop circles alter the local electromagnetic field; often compasses cannot locate north, cameras and cellular phones malfunction, packs of fresh batteries are drained in minutes, and the frequencies are known to affect helicopter and aircraft equipment. Radio frequencies are markedly different inside their space; local farm animals avoid the crop circles or simply act agitated hours before one materializes.

Look at the pictures, study the research or better still, read my comprehensive book. You'll get the message pretty quickly. And when you do, share this extraordinary phenomenon with your best friends. For it is indeed the most important event taking place in our lifetime.


  • crop_circles.jpg
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May 17, 2005
London, UK
All very interesting but also very misleading Namjap ji.

The reality is that the evidance you talk about, soil samples, bent heated stalks etc, is applicable to less than 20% of crop circles, which leaves more than 80% having no 'supper normal' evidance at all and which could very well have been created by human. Hoakers.

Also Doug and Dave a military coverup? I would just love to see the evidance which has swayed you to this belife?


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007

This is one of the other clips. Where is this knowledge coming from, if from earth, isn't there a better way to present it other than crop circles?



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
The other videos are at this site: http://cropcircleship.com/


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
I am commenting after seeing the two video clips in previous posts.
I am wondering if this video reflects a similarity of the crop circle blueprint or just my imagination.



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007

Crop Circles - those overnight wonders of geometry and form - where do they come from? What is their purpose?

A quick search of the internet will reveal hundreds of pages of theory on what crop circles signify, from highly scientific to completely outlandish, and the truth may actually turn out to be a little of each.

Crop circles have apparently been around for a long time, but reports were not widespread and in the face of the public until about the last 40 years or so. From the 1960's on, there has been a steady increase in reports of crop circles, along with an increase in the intricacy of the patterns, with almost 200 formations reported in 1999 (a pivotal year in many prophecies, not to mention the the dawn of the 21st century). Is this significant?

First, let's look at the top five prevailing theories regarding where crop circles might originate:



Earth Energies


Vortex of some sort (wind, water, plasma)

Spiritual energy


Though the thought of aliens from a more advanced civilization coming down to draw pretty pictures in our grain fields seems a bit absurd at first, it could be that someone is trying to relay a message or warning, and that they are relating it in the universal languages of mathematics and geometry in a way that gets the message across but doesn't damage the earth. Many correlations have been made with crop circles that seem to represent the Golden Mean (simply put, the Golden Mean is a natural number that seems to arise out of the basic structure of the universe). Others clearly depict Sacred Geometry (common patterns found in nature that exist in all material, living or not, with corresponding vibrational resonances). Obvious space themes are also frequently used, also suggesting extraterrestrial influence. Many crop circles that are considered genuine also show a measurable increase in radiation, and plant materials seem to have been "nuked" or microwaved somehow into their prone positions, with radiation levels increased both within the circle and in the nearby vicinity. Despite this, the plants are not killed and continue to grow in the prone position. This in itself tells us something, but since we don't know that UFO's use radiation or if they even exist for that matter, this is not conclusive proof that UFO's are causing this phenomena. However, it may be of some significance that anecdotal evidence from the few witnesses to crop circle phenomena point to some sort of sphere of light or vehicle that briefly hovers over the area of the circle and then quickly disappears leaving the intricate pattern behind.

Earth Energies:

The theory that crop circles somehow harness the energy of the earth is an interesting one. We know that the earth is a giant resonator, and there is fairly strong evidence of ley lines or an earth grid, with power points where the grid or lines intersect. Many, if not most crop circles are found near other indicators of power places, such as the megaliths dotting the countryside in England, long thought to have been positioned deliberately in energy areas. Many people in the vicinity of a newly forming crop circle report noticeable trilling or humming sounds that come from no apparent source, followed by the thrashing of the crops as they bend downward in unison. Studies involving various kinds of music and its effect on plants showed that playing Hindu chants caused some plants to bend down at an angle of approximately 60 degrees - a very significant finding. We know that there is a close correlation between music and geometry, and some theorize that crop circle pictures are in effect visual sound waves coming directly from within the earth. Electromagnetism, gravity, and other earth energies may or may not be involved, and indeed, electromagnetic forces can bend plants if they have enough force, but if this phenomena comes directly from the earth itself, sound likely plays a more integral part.


Hoaxes are prevalent in the crop circle literature, and some are actually pretty well done, but there are always telltale signs, such as footprints and broken plants. A few have even showed evidence of the maker falling down outside the circle and then propping the crops back up to try to hide the mishap. The hoaxes are usually rather simplistic in design, and the way the crops have been lain down is not nearly as precise or attractive, with breakage of many of the plants involved and without the intricate layering and weaving of the plants in different directions. The official stance is that all crop circles are hoaxes, but a look at some of the really remarkable designs that have been seen, especially in the last few years pretty much refutes the idea that ALL crop circles are hoaxes.


Various vortexes have been theorized with relation to the appearance of crop circles, but this doesn't seem too likely. Anyone who has ever seen an atmospheric vortex such as a tornado or hurricane knows that this type of storm is violent and unpredictable, not to mention destructive, though they may lay plants down in a rough circular fashion. Plasma vortexes are thought to be caused by freak weather patterns and electrically charged air, similar to ball lightening, and do apparently sometimes glow in the dark - occasionally being mistaken for UFO's, but again, these are volatile and unpredictable weather occurrences that are unlikely to cause a crop circle with a definite geometric pattern. Water vortexes usually don't form in the middle of a corn field, so they can be pretty much discounted too, other than many people comment upon entering a crop circle that the crops do seem to have been lain down in a fashion much like would occur with a strong water stream.

Spiritual Energy:

Weird as this one sounds, there is a theory that Sacred Geometry forms have an energy of their own, and that by visualizing these energies in crop circles, we are somehow replacing these same missing energies in ourselves. There are quite a few reports of people who visualized a certain shape and it appeared within a few days in a nearby crop circle. There are also numerous reports of people getting energies when standing within a crop circle - either negative or positive - indicating that there is indeed some sort of energy force involved. Whether this is from the Universal Consciousness or whether it's something within our own psyche is yet to be discovered.......

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