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Sikh News How Kasab And Sajjan Kumar Differ From Each Other?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
How Kasab and Sajjan Kumar Differ from each other?

How Kasab and Sajjan Kumar Differ from each other?|SikhSiyasat.net – Sikh News and Multimedia.

These days one news hits the T.V. Screens on all news channels and in almost all the News Papers that Kasab found guilty and people from all over India demands a severe Punishment for Kasab. Every one in India wants that Kasab should be Hanged for the Killing of so many people. Even the Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram told reporters after the court convicted Kasab for the Mumbai carnage that, “The Conviction of Kasab and the acquittal of the two accused shows that India is ruled by law. That shows the independence, fearlessness and integrity of the court”. I want to ask Mr. Chidambaram that what happens to your so called independent, fearless courts whenever any case related to Sikhs come in these so called courts. Khalsa always wants peace in the world and also justifies that killers of so many innocent people should be punished severely. But why there is different law for the Sikhs when they are also the citizens of the same country? Whatever people of India wants for (Kasab) the killer of about 71 people, Sikhs also want the same for the killers of thousands of innocent Sikhs on the roads of Delhi & all over India in 1984. Home Minister told that this conviction should be message for Terrorists, but I want to ask him through the media about the terrorists who were roaming around the streets of Delhi leading the mob of Hired Goons in November 1984 and killed thousands of innocent Sikhs, what your courts have done to them?

Those terrorists are still enjoying the facilities in your own Government. If you have any answer please tell me.

Even the Public Lawyer Mr. Nigam told about Kasab that he is a killing mchine, a Satan, a Ravan and also terming him a Snake. So what about those Snakes, Ravans & Killing Machines who are sitting in your own lap Mr. Chindbaram what you will do with them? Mr. Home Ministers you people are feeding those Snakes with milk who are the Killers of Thousands of Sikhs.
You people always terming Sikhs as Radicals and Extreamists. Now people of India are demanding a severe Punishment for Kasab. If all the Indians now are radicals or extreamists? What you will say about them? Same is case with Sikhs, if Sikhs demand the severe Punishment for their guilties then how can you people term them radicals and extreamists? Just think over it and answer it.


Jan 22, 2005
In such a large democracy, Politicians, Commissions appointed and judiciairy in conjuction with each other are playing in such a shameful way that they are not only protecting but promoting killers of innocents sikhs to ministrial level. In addition, they delibrately and mischviously organize their trip abroad to add salt to the wounds of sikhs. I hope one day their conscience wakes up and or I am scared Mr.Chidarambran is waiting for any chappal.
Best regards

Vikram singh

Feb 24, 2005
These days one news hits the T.V. Screens on all news channels and in almost all the News Papers that Kasab found guilty and people from all over India demands a severe Punishment for Kasab. Every one in India wants that Kasab should be Hanged for the Killing of so many people. Even the Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram told reporters after the court convicted Kasab for the Mumbai carnage that, “The Conviction of Kasab and the acquittal of the two accused shows that India is ruled by law. That shows the independence, fearlessness and integrity of the court”. I want to ask Mr. Chidambaram that what happens to your so called independent, fearless courts whenever any case related to Sikhs come in these so called courts. Khalsa always wants peace in the world and also justifies that killers of so many innocent people should be punished severely. But why there is different law for the Sikhs when they are also the citizens of the same country? Whatever people of India wants for (Kasab) the killer of about 71 people, Sikhs also want the same for the killers of thousands of innocent Sikhs on the roads of Delhi & all over India in 1984. Home Minister told that this conviction should be message for Terrorists, but I want to ask him through the media about the terrorists who were roaming around the streets of Delhi leading the mob of Hired Goons in November 1984 and killed thousands of innocent Sikhs, what your courts have done to them? Those terrorists are still enjoying the facilities in your own Government. If you have any answer please tell me.
Even the Public Lawyer Mr. Nigam told about Kasab that he is a killing mchine, a Satan, a Ravan and also terming him a Snake. So what about those Snakes, Ravans & Killing Machines who are sitting in your own lap Mr. Chindbaram what you will do with them? Mr. Home Ministers you people are feeding those Snakes with milk who are the Killers of Thousands of Sikhs.
You people always terming Sikhs as Radicals and Extreamists. Now people of India are demanding a severe Punishment for Kasab. If all the Indians now are radicals or extreamists? What you will say about them? Same is case with Sikhs, if Sikhs demand the severe Punishment for their guilties then how can you people term them radicals and extreamists? Just think over it and answer it.

Sukhdeep Singh
(Youth Khalsa Federation)


Jan 22, 2005
In case of Kasab, he was trained and is backed by Pakistan Government whereas Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and other criminals were trained by High Command of India with voter list and special powder in their hand to burn sikh alive and rape their ladies.
Best regards
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Such logics do not take us any where. We humans tend to think within limited spectrum, within the framework of our pre customized mind.
The fact is that we cannot justify any crime with any logic. We all commit crimes. And we find justifications for it. Those who committed '84 want an answer for those killed before that. If we think we have answers to that we are mistaken. Even Osama Bin has enough justifications for his activities. Where do we stop ?
I am a victim of '84. Seen it first hand. Not for 1,2 or 3 days but for full 7 days. And I know that God dwells in majority of humans and devil resides in very few.
We can only end this vicious cycle by following our Guru's teachings. Our Guru teaches us to live in His Hukam.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
For those who suffered atrocities the best way was to Thank Akalapurkh for what did not happen to them. This helped them to get over the trauma and make themselves capable to bring back their lives to track and develop a positive approach in taking care of their families. Very important for those who suffered. Such people have come out of the trauma of '84 and they could even help others who too suffered. For a Sikh our Guru is always a Big source of strength to overcome the tragidies of life. With faith in Alkalpurakh we can overcome many problems easily.
We have proved ourselves a big failure on other fronts as a responsible community both politically as well as socially. Those ‘Sajjans’ and ‘Bhagats’ would have been long behind bars only if we had proved ourselves as a mature community. When it comes to taking advantage politically our leaders have proved that they belong to the ‘Oldest profession of this world’. There are roit affected families in Delhi who are living a pitiable life. What we have done for them? Politicians flock to them when ever they find some political benifit.
Like it or not, we have failed ourselves. We can still rise. Akalpurkh can forgive us if right lessons are learned.
Last edited:
Aug 6, 2006
Yes there is big difference:-
Kasabs stab you in the chest but sajjans always stab in the back. Kasabs are the ones we never trust and the sajjans are the one who always break our trust.Kasabs are like stray dogs and sajjans are neibourers dog biting you unaware. Kasabs do this all being brainwashed on the name of religion but sajjans can do this and even worse only for money and political gains. I don't now if I am right or not but I rank sajjans worse than kasabs.
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