Re: How Many Siks Have Married out Of Jaat/Zaat (Caste/Race)
In my opinion, you need to work out your priorities. Most important of all is believing in the humane qualities and living by them. Within them are included the moral and spiritual values which matter. Maintain your family harmony and eqi-balance. Here are the virtues:-
Divine VirtuesIt is the divine qualities that make man a gentle or a noble man and enable a person to become great.
Cheerfulness stands high among these. As a flower spreads its freshness and fragrance all round in the atmosphere, a smile on man's face cheer up the spirit of others who come in his sphere. Thus, a cheerful man does silent service to others.
Tolerance and patience too are sterling qualities. They give to man's mind the strength of steel. Like the seat-cushions or the buffer springs, they work as shock-absorbers in life. One who has these can withstand great hardships and bumps.
Sweetness of language and temper is another great virtue. One who discerns only the good qualities of others, is a man of great merit. As a bee collects sweetness from flowers, so does a man who has an eye for others' merits, gather good points, and he himself also becomes a store of sweetness like a honey-comb.
Humility is another high quality. One who thinks himself to be a humble man, is considered by others to be a great man or a saint. A king, wearing a crown rules over his kingdom only, but a man having humility, though without a crown, is a king in his own right; his kingdom knows not the barriers of territory or time, for he rules over the hearts of men of all ages.
Fearlessness saves man from worries and suspicion that cause pain, as much as a person being hanged on the gallows feels. Thus, he lives a carefree life as against a coward who, as the saying goes, dies many times before death.
Contentment is of very great merit. A man who is contented is richer than the wealthiest man in the world, for he is not riding the wild horse of unfulfilled wishes. He considers God's knowledge as so many gems being showered on him by God, and looks upon his righteous actions and his yoga as the great treasure.
Self-confidence is undeniably a very great task. It is this that enables man to consider a mountain as a molehill whereas one who lacks in this quality looks upon a molehill as a mountain.
Straightforwardness enables man to fit better in society. People do not have to be afraid of his intrigues or his tricks. On the other hand, a crooked man is like that nail or a peg which has many bends.
Again, service to others and the spirit of sacrifice are qualities that make a man truly great and happy.
These and many other divine virtues come naturally to anyone who practices meditation as he/she establishes a link with God who is the perennial source of these.