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How to tie a turban?

Apr 1, 2019
Hello I never wanted to cut my hair or shave. I would say it's against my religion. The with 9/11 I heard that Sikh don't cut their hair on the TSA website and I joked I should be a Sikh. It wasn't until I was doing a websearch to why isn't the RedCross considered treason since it's giving add and comfort to the enemy and found that story of Bhai Kanhaiya. I finally found something that wasn't as Kremlin KOA put it:
Well, I can give the single unifying framework of all ethics and morality ever practiced by humanity.
"Do right by all people, except those people. Because {censored} those guys."
All that varies is who gets listed as those people, and how they are selected.
G.B. Chisholm M.D. latter gave the responsibility to psychiatry
...to recognize the unnecessary and artificially imposed inferiority, guilt and fear, commonly known as sin, under which we have almost all labored and which produces so much of the social malad-justment and unhappiness in the world. For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poi-sonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests, our newspapers and others with a vested interest in control-ling us. "Thou shalt become as gods, knowing good and evil," good and evil with which to keep children under control, with which to prevent free thinking, with which to impose local and familial and national loyalties and with which to blind children to their glorious intellectual heritage. Misguided by authoritarian dogma, bound by exclusive faith, stunted by inculcated loyalty, torn by frantic heresy, bedevilled by insistent schism, drugged by ecstatic experience, confused by conflicting certainty, bewildered by invented mystery, and loaded down by the weight of guilt and fear engendered by its own original promises, the unfortunate human race, deprived by these incubi of its only defences and its only reasons for striving, its reasoning power and its natural capacity to enjoy the satisfaction of its natural urges, strug-gles along under its ghastly self-imposed burden. The results, the inevitable results, are frustration, inferiority, neurosis and inability to enjoy living, to reason clearly or to make a world fit to live in.

The crippling of intelligence by these bandages of belief, in the name of virtue and security for the soul, is as recognizable as that of the feet of the Chinese girl who was sacrificed to the local concept of beauty. The result is, in both cases, not beauty of character or of feet, but distortion and crippling and loss of natural func-tion. Intelligence, ability to observe and to reason clearly and to reach and imple-ment decisions appropriate to the real situation in which he finds himself, are man's only specific methods of survival. His unique equipment is entirely in the superior lobes of his brain. His destiny must lie in the direction indicated by his equipment. Whatever hampers or distorts man's clear true thinking works against man's mani-fest destiny and tends to destroy him.

Let us go back to Strecker and Appel's definition of maturity. "The ability to size things up, make one's own decisions is a characteristic of maturity." "A mature per-son . . . has the qualities of adaptability and compromise." Were you and I brought up in that direction? No; we were taught to be absolutely loyal and obedient to the local concept of virtue whatever that happened to be. We were taught that Moslems or Hindus or Jews, or Democrats or Republicans (with us in Canada, Grits or Tories) or capitalists or trade union-ists, or socialists or communists, or Roman Catholics or Methodists or any of all other hu-man groups are wrong or even wicked. It almost always happened that among all the peo-ple in the world only our own parents, and perhaps a few pe le they selected, were right about everything. We could refuse to accept their rightness only at the price of a load of guilt and fear, and peril to our immortal souls. This training has been practically universal in the human race. Variations in content have had almost no importance. The fruit is poisonous no matter, how it is prepared or disguised.

Anyways, I found my Guru in SGGS but I haven't found the Sat-Sangat. I've tried wearing the Five K's and except for the kacchera which I haven't been able to find I was worried about the kirpan as I don't believe in closed carry and in the south everyplace has a no weapons allowed sign but they've seemed happy with it peace bound, but I don't have a gatra and it kept falling out of my pocket So I've stopped. I've decided if I can find someone to teach me how to tie my turban(The last time I cut my hair was to get the turban I tried to put on untangled.) I will wear the Five Ks, joining the Sikh Sangat and train to take the ammrit sañcār. Until then I will wear the uniform of the Wholly Marine and try to form my own Sat-Sangat.

So does anyone know any sikhs in the Gulfcoast area of Mississippi?

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
Hello I never wanted to cut my hair or shave. I would say it's against my religion. The with 9/11 I heard that Sikh don't cut their hair on the TSA website and I joked I should be a Sikh. It wasn't until I was doing a websearch to why isn't the RedCross considered treason since it's giving add and comfort to the enemy and found that story of Bhai Kanhaiya. I finally found something that wasn't as Kremlin KOA put it:

G.B. Chisholm M.D. latter gave the responsibility to psychiatry

Anyways, I found my Guru in SGGS but I haven't found the Sat-Sangat. I've tried wearing the Five K's and except for the kacchera which I haven't been able to find I was worried about the kirpan as I don't believe in closed carry and in the south everyplace has a no weapons allowed sign but they've seemed happy with it peace bound, but I don't have a gatra and it kept falling out of my pocket So I've stopped. I've decided if I can find someone to teach me how to tie my turban(The last time I cut my hair was to get the turban I tried to put on untangled.) I will wear the Five Ks, joining the Sikh Sangat and train to take the ammrit sañcār. Until then I will wear the uniform of the Wholly Marine and try to form my own Sat-Sangat.

So does anyone know any sikhs in the Gulfcoast area of Mississippi?
Try these youtube searches :-
How to tie a sikh turban
How to tie a parna
How to tie a Gol parna
How to tie UK style turban
How to tie gol pagg
How to tie a dumala

These are several styles of turbans.... See what suits you best and what is easiest for you....



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