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Hukamnama December 12, 2007 From SRI DARBAR SAHIB

Jun 2, 2007
Audio Hukamnama

[December 12, 2007, Wednesday 05:30 AM. IST]
rwgu Awsw mhlw 3 ptI
<> siqgur pRswid ]
AXo AM|Y sBu jgu AwieAw kwKY GM|Y kwlu BieAw ] rIrI llI pwp kmwxy piV Avgx gux vIsirAw ]1] mn AYsw lyKw qUM kI piVAw ] lyKw dyxw qyrY isir rihAw ]1] rhwau ] isDM|wieAY ismrih nwhI nµnY nw quDu nwmu lieAw ] CCY CIjih Aihinis mUVy ikau CUtih jim pwkiVAw ]2] bbY bUJih nwhI mUVy Brim Buly qyrw jnmu gieAw ] Axhodw nwau DrwieE pwDw Avrw kw Bwru quDu lieAw ]3] jjY joiq ihir leI qyrI mUVy AMiq gieAw pCuqwvihgw ] eyku sbdu qUM cInih nwhI iPir iPir jUnI Awvihgw ]4] quDu isir iliKAw so pVu pMifq Avrw no n isKwil ibiKAw ] pihlw Pwhw pieAw pwDy ipCo dy gil cwtiVAw ]5] ssY sMjmu gieE mUVy eyku dwnu quDu kuQwie lieAw ] sweI puqRI jjmwn kI sw qyrI eyqu Dwin KwDY qyrw jnmu gieAw ]6] mMmY miq ihir leI qyrI mUVy haumY vfw rogu pieAw ] AMqr AwqmY bRhmu n cIin@Aw mwieAw kw muhqwju BieAw ]7] kkY kwim k®oiD BrimEhu mUVy mmqw lwgy quDu hir ivsirAw ] pVih guxih qUM bhuqu pukwrih ivxu bUJy qUM fUib muAw ]8] qqY qwmis jilEhu mUVy QQY Qwn Birstu hoAw ] GGY Gir Gir iPrih qUM mUVy ddY dwnu n quDu lieAw ]9] ppY pwir n pvhI mUVy prpMic qUM plic rihAw ] scY Awip KuAwieEhu mUVy iehu isir qyrY lyKu pieAw ]10] BBY Bvjil fubohu mUVy mwieAw ivic glqwnu BieAw ] gur prswdI eyko jwxY eyk GVI mih pwir pieAw ]11] vvY vwrI AweIAw mUVy vwsudyau quDu vIsirAw ] eyh vylw n lhsih mUVy iPir qUM jm kY vis pieAw ]12] JJY kdy n JUrih mUVy siqgur kw aupdysu suix qUM ivKw ] siqgur bwJhu guru nhI koeI ingury kw hY nwau burw ]13] DDY Dwvq vrij rKu mUVy AMqir qyrY inDwnu pieAw ] gurmuiK hovih qw hir rsu pIvih jugw jugMqir Kwih pieAw ]14] ggY goibdu iciq kir mUVy glI iknY n pwieAw ] gur ky crn ihrdY vswie mUVy ipCly gunh sB bKis lieAw ]15] hwhY hir kQw bUJu qUM mUVy qw sdw suKu hoeI ] mnmuiK pVih qyqw duKu lwgY ivxu siqgur mukiq n hoeI ]16] rwrY rwmu iciq kir mUVy ihrdY ijn@ kY riv rihAw ] gur prswdI ijn@I rwmu pCwqw inrgux rwmu iqn@I bUiJ lihAw ]17] qyrw AMqu n jweI liKAw AkQu n jweI hir kiQAw ] nwnk ijn@ kau siqguru imilAw iqn@ kw lyKw inbiVAw ]18]1]2]

bu`Dvwr, 29 m`Gr, (sMmq 539 nwnkSwhI) (AMg: 434)

pMjwbI ivAwiKAw
rwgu Awsw mhlw 3 ptI
<> siqgur pRswid ]
(ieh) swrw jgq (jo) hoNd ivc AwieAw hoieAw hY, (ies dy isr auqy) mOq (BI) mOjUd hY (pr jIv mOq ƒ Bulw ky) AOgux pYdw krn vwlIAW g`lW pVH ky gux ivswr dyNdy hn, qy pwp kmWdy rihMdy hn [1[hy mn! (isr&) Ajyhw lyKw pVHn dw qYƒ koeI lwB nhIN ho skdw (ijs ivc ru`J ky qUµ jIvn dw shI rsqw nwh is`iKAw, kurwhy hI ipAw irhw) qy Awpxy kIqy AmlW dw ihswb dyxw qyry isr auqy itikAw hI irhw [rhwau[(hy mn! inry dunIAwvI lyKy is`Kx dy Awhry l`g ky) qUµ (prmwqmw ƒ) cyqy nhIN krdw, qUµ prmwqmw dw nwm Xwd nhIN krdw [ hy mUrK! (pRBU ƒ Bulw ky) idn rwq qUµ (Awqmk jIvn ivc) kmzor ho irhw hYN, jdoN jm ny (ies KunwmI dy kwrn) PV ilAw, qW aus qoN ^lwsI ikvyN hovygI? [2[hy mUrK! (inry dunIAwvI lyKy pVHn pVHwn ivc ru`J ky) qUµ (jIvn dw shI rsqw) nhIN smJdw, iesy BulyKy ivc kurwhy pY ky qUµ Awpxw mnu`Kw jIvn ivArQ gvw irhw hYN [ (Awqmk jIvn dw rsqw d`sx vwly pWDy dy) gux qyry ivc nhIN hn, (iPr BI) qUµ Awpxw nwm pWDw rKwieAw hoieAw hY [ qUµ Awpxy cwtiVAW ƒ jIvn-rwh isKwx dI izMmyvwrI dw Bwr Awpxy auqy cu`ikAw hoieAw hY [3[hy mUrK! (inry mwiek lyKy pq®y ny Awqmk jIvn isKlwx vwlI) qyrI Akl Koh leI hY, A^Ir vyly jdoN ieQoN qurn lgoN, qW A&sos kryNgw [ (hux ies vyly) qUµ pRBU dI is&iq-swlwh dI bwxI nwl sWJ nhIN pWdw, (is`tw ieh inklygw ik) muV muV jUnW ivc ipAw rhyNgw [4[hy pMifq! qyry Awpxy m`Qy auqy jo (mwieAw vwlw) lyK iliKAw hoieAw hY, pihlW qUµ aus lyK ƒ pVH (Bwv, ipCly kIqy krmW Anuswr jo sMskwr qyry AMdr iek`Ty hoey pey hn, auhnW dy ADIn qUµ inrI mwieAw dI ^wqr aumr guzwr irhw hYN, pr Awpxy Awp ƒ pMifq smJdw qy pMifq AKvWdw hYN [ pMifq dw ieh krq`b nhIN ik aus ƒ Awpxy Awqmk jIvn dI rqw BI sUJ n hovy [ inrI mwieAw dI ^wqr dOV-B`j C`f, qy) hornW (cwtiVAW) ƒ BI inrI mwieAw dw lyKw-pq®w nwh isKwl [(inrI mwieAw dw lyKw pVHwn vwly) pWDy ny pihlW Awpxy gl ivc (mwieAw dI) PwhI pweI hoeI hY, iPr auhI PwhI Awpxy ividAwrQIAW dy gl ivc pw dyNdw hY [5[(Awpxy Awp ƒ pMifq smJx vwly) hy mUrK! (inrI mwieAw dI ^wqr pVHx pVHwn dy kwrn lwlc-v`s ho ky) qUµ jIvn-jugiq BI gvw bYTw hYN [ prohq hox krky qUµ Awpxy jjmwn pwsoN hr idn-idhwr qy dwn lYNdw hYN, (pr) iek dwn qUµ Awpxy jjmwn qoN Zlq QW lYNdw hYN [ jjmwn dI DI qyrI hI DI hY (DI dy ivAwh qy jjmwn pwsoN dwn lYxw DI dw pYsw Kwxw hY) [ ieh AMn Kwx nwl (ieh pYsw Kwx nwl) qUµ Awpxw Awqmk jIvn gvw lYNdw hYN [6[hy mUrK! (iek pwsy mwieAw dy lwlc ny) qyrI Akl mwrI hoeI hY (qYƒ ‘kuQwie dwn’ lYx qoN BI sMkoc nhIN hY [ dUjy pwsy) qYƒ ieh v`fw (Awqmk) rog cMbiVAw hoieAw hY ik mYN (ivdvwn) hW, mYN (ivdvwn) hW [ qUµ Awpxy AMdr (v`sdy) prmwqmw ƒ pCwx nhIN sikAw, (iesy vwsqy qyrw Awpw) mwieAw (dy lwlc) dy ADIn hY [7[hy mUrK! (hornW ƒ m`qW dyNdw) qUµ Awp kwm vwsnw ivc k®oD ivc (Ps ky) kurwhy ipAw hoieAw hYN [ qUµ (Drm pusqk) pVHdw hYN, ArQ ivcwrdw hYN, qy hornW ƒ suxWdw BI hYN, pr (shI jIvn-rwh) smJx qoN ibnw qUµ (lwlc dy hVH ivc) fu`b ky Awqmk mOqy mr cukw hYN [8[hy mUrK (pMifq!) qUµ (AMdroN) ko®D nwl siVAw hoieAw hYN, qyrw ihrdw-QW (lwlc nwl) gMdw hoieAw ipAw hY [ hy mUrK! qUµ hryk (jjmwn dy) Gr ivc (mwiek d`Cxw vwsqy qW) quirAw iPrdw hYN, pr pRBU dy nwm dI d`Cxw qUµ Ajy qk iksy pwsoN nhIN leI [9[hy mUrK! qUµ sMswr (dy moh-jwl) ivc (ieqnw) aulJ irhw hYN ik ies ivcoN pwrly pwsy nhIN lMG skdw [ hy mUrK! (qyry Awpxy kIqy krmW Anuswr) krqwr ny qYƒ (ausy) kurwhy pw id`qw hY (ijDr qyrI rucI bxI hoeI hY, qy) auhnW kIqy krmW dy sMskwrW dy iek`T dw lyK qyry m`Qy auqy (ieqnw) aukirAw ipAw hY (ik qYƒ shI rsqy dI sUJ nhIN pYNdI, pr qUµ hornW ƒ m`qW dyNdw iPrdw hYN) [10[hy mUrK! qUµ mwieAw (dy moh) ivc ieqnw msq hYN ik qYƒ hor kuJ su`Jdw hI nhIN, qUµ sMswr-smuMdr (dIAW moh dIAW lhrW) ivc goqy Kw irhw hYN (Awpxy bcwau vwsqy qUµ koeI au~dm nhIN krdw) [ (gurU dI srn pY ky) gurU dI ikrpw nwl jyhVw mnu`K prmwqmw nwl sWJ pWdw hY, auh ies sMswr-smuMdr qoN iek pl ivc pwr lMG jWdw hY [11[hy mUrK (BwgW nwl) mnu`KW jnm (imlx) dI vwrI AweI sI, pr (ies Amolk jnm ivc BI) qYƒ prmwqmw Bu`ilAw hI irhw [ hy mUrK! (jy KuMiJAw hI irhoN qW) ieh smW muV nhIN l`B skyNgw (qy mwieAw dy moh ivc PisAw rih ky) qUµ jm dy v`s pY jwihˆgw (jnm mrn dy gyV ivc jw peyNgw) [12[hy mUrK! qUµ pUry gurU dw aupdyS Dwrn kr ky vyK lY, (mwieAw Awidk dI ^wqr) qYƒ kdy hwhuky nhIN lYxy pYxgy (ikauNik mwieAw-moh dw jwl hI tu`t jwiegw) pr jy pUry gurU dI srn nhIN peyNgw qW koeI (rsmI) gurU (iehnW hwhuikAW qoN bcw) nhIN (skdw) [ jyhVw mnu`K pUry gurU dy d`sy rsqy auqy nhIN qurdw, (kurwhy pYx kr ky) auh bdnwmI hI K`tdw hY [13[hy mUrK! Awqmk suK dw ^zwnw prmwqmw qyry AMdr v`s irhw hY (pr qUµ suK l`Bx vwsqy bwhr Btkdw iPrdw hYN) bwhr Btkdy mn ƒ rok ky r`K [ jy qUµ gurU dy d`sy rsqy auqy quryN qW (AMdr v`sdy) prmwqmw dy nwm dw rs pIvyNgw, sdw leI ieh nwm-rs vrqdw rhyNgw (kdy mu`kygw nhIN) [14[hy mUrK! prmwqmw (dy nwm) ƒ Awpxy ic`q ivc vsw lY (qdoN hI aus nwl imlwp hovygw), inrIAW g`lW nwl iksy ƒ pRBU nhIN imilAw [ hy mUrK! gurU dy crn ihrdy ivc itkweI r`K, ipCly kIqy hoey swry pwp b^Sy jwxgy [15[ hy mUrK! jy qUµ prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh krnI is`K leyN qW qYƒ sdw Awqmk AnMd imilAw rhy [ Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwly bMdy ijqnw hI (pRBU dI is&iq-swlwh qoN KuMJ ky mwieAw sMbMDI hor hor lyKy) pVHdy hn, auqnI hI vDIk ASWqI K`tdy hn, qy gurU dI srn qoN ibnw (ies ASWqI qoN) ^lwsI nhIN hMudI [16[ hy mUrK! prmwqmw ƒ Awpxy ihrdy ivc vsweI r`K [ ijnHW bMidAW dy ihrdy ivc prmwqmw sdw v`sdw rihMdw hY (ijnHW ƒ pRBU sdw Xwd hY, auhnW dI sMgiq ivc rih ky) gurU dI ikrpw nwl ijnHW (hor) bMidAW ny prmwqmw nwl sWJ pweI, auhnW mwieAw qoN inrlyp pRBU (dw Aslw) smJ ky aus nwl imlwp pRwpq kr ilAw [17[hy pRBU! qyry guxW dw AMq nhIN pwieAw jw skdw [ prmwqmw dw srUp ibAwn qoN pry hY, ibAwn nhIN kIqw jw skdw [ hy nwnk! ijnHW ƒ siqgurU iml pey (auh inrI mwieAw dy lyKy ilKx pVHn dy QW prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh krn l`g pYNdy hn, ies qrHW) auhnW dy AMdroN mwieAw dy moh dy sMskwrW dw ihswb mu`k jWdw hY [18[1]2]
[SIZE=-1]English Translation :[/SIZE]
Ayo, Angai: The whole world which was created — Kaahkai, Ghangai: It shall pass away. Reeree, Laalee: People commit sins, and falling into vice, forget virtue. || 1 || O mortal, why have you studied such an account, which shall call you to answer for payment? || 1 || Pause || Sidhan, Ngaayiyai: You do not remember the Lord. Nanna: You do not take the Lord’s Name. Chhachha: You are wearing away, every night and day; you fool, how will you find release? You are held in the grip of death. || 2 || Babba: You do not understand, you fool; deluded by doubt, you are wasting your life. Without justification, you call yourself a teacher; thus you take on the loads of others. || 3 || Jajja: You have been robbed of your Light, you fool; in the end, you shall have to depart, and you shall regret and repent. You have not remembered the One Word of the Shabad, and so you shall have to enter the womb over and over again. || 4 || Read that which is written on your forehead, O Pandit, and do not teach wickedness to others. First, the teacher is tied down, and then, the noose is placed around the pupil’s neck. || 5 || Sassa: You have lost your self-discipline, you fool, and you have accepted an offering under false pretenses. The daughter of the alms-giver is just like your own; by accepting this payment for performing the wedding ceremony, you have cursed your own life. || 6 || Mamma: You have been cheated out your intellect, you fool, and you are afflicted with the great disease of ego. Within your innermost self, you do not recognize God, and you compromise yourself for the sake of Maya. || 7 || Kakka: You wander around in sexual desire and anger, you fool; attached to possessiveness, you have forgotten the Lord. You read, and reflect, and proclaim out loud, but without understanding, you are drowned to death. || 8 || Tatta: In anger, you are burnt, you fool. T’hat’ha: That place where you live, is cursed. Ghagha: You go begging from door to door, you fool. Dadda: But still, you do not receive the gift. || 9 || Pappa: You shall not be able to swim across, you fool, since you are engrossed in worldly affairs. The True Lord Himself has ruined you, you fool; this is the destiny written on your forehead. || 10 || Bhabha: You have drowned in the terrifying world-ocean, you fool, and you have become engrossed in Maya. One who comes to know the One Lord, by Guru’s Grace, is carried across in an instant. || 11 || Wawa: Your turn has come, you fool, but you have forgotten the Lord of Light. This opportunity shall not come again, you fool; you shall fall under the power of the Messenger of Death. || 12 || Jhajha: You shall never have to regret and repent, you fool, if you listen to the Teachings of the True Guru, for even an instant. Without the True Guru, there is no Guru at all; one who is without a Guru has a bad reputation. || 13 || Dhadha: Restrain your wandering mind, you fool; deep within you the treasure is to be found. When one becomes Gurmukh, then he drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord; throughout the ages, he continues to drink it in. || 14 || Gagga: Keep the Lord of the Universe in your mind, you fool; by mere words, no one has ever attained Him. Enshrine the Guru’s feet within your heart, you fool, and all your past sins shall be forgiven. || 15 || Haha: Understand the Lord’s Sermon, you fool; only then shall you attain eternal peace. The more the self-willed manmukhs read, the more pain they suffer. Without the True Guru, liberation is not obtained. || 16 || Rarra: Center your consciousness on the Lord, you fool; abide with those whose hearts are filled with the Lord. By Guru’s Grace, those who recognize the Lord, understand the absolute Lord. || 17 || Your limits cannot be known; the indescribable Lord cannot be described. O Nanak, whose who have met the True Guru, have their accounts settled. || 18 ||1|| 2 ||

Wednesday, 29th Maghar (Samvat 539 Nanakshahi) (Page: 434)

Source:Today's Hukamnama From Sri Darbar Sahib Sri Amritsar.
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