Sorry but if you can't accept that people are different and men and women are different then I can't debate with you! (euality and diversity)
Why aren't women called Singh as well as men? Why give them a different title? Why aren't men called Kaur? Was the 10th Master trying to make women somehow subservient? <<<sounds pretty absurd ehh? ..but that is exactly the argument you make above.
There is no instruction for a turban for a woman anywhere. Lets dispel this myth. Now if groups like AKJ want to create they're own Maryada then that is up to them (again equality and diversity) . ....but lets not try and make up Sikh Rehat Maryadad on the hoof.
You've just done the classic and taken 2 lines of shabad out of context and totally distorted its meaning. Here is the whole shabad:
He alone is a Qazi, who practices the Truth.
He alone is a Haji, a pilgrim to Mecca, who purifies his heart.
He alone is a Mullah, who banishes evil; he alone is a saintly dervish, who takes the Support of the Lord's Praise. ||6||
Always, at every moment,
remember God, the Creator within your heart.
Let your meditation beads be the subjugation of the ten senses. Let good conduct and self-restraint be your circumcision. ||7||
You must know in your heart that everything is temporary.
Family, household and siblings are all entanglements.
Kings, rulers and nobles are mortal and transitory; only God's Gate is the permanent place. ||8||
First, is the Lord's Praise; second, contentment;
third, humility, and fourth, giving to charities.
Fifth is to hold one's desires in restraint. These are the five most sublime daily prayers. ||9||
Let your daily worship be the knowledge that God is everywhere.
Let renunciation of evil actions be the water-jug you carry.
Let realization of the One Lord God be your call to prayer; be a good child of God - let this be your trumpet. ||10||
Let what is earned righteously be your blessed food.
Wash away pollution with the river of your heart.
One who realizes the Prophet attains heaven. Azraa-eel, the Messenger of Death, does not cast him into hell. ||11||
Let good deeds be your body, and faith your bride.
Play and enjoy the Lord's love and delight.
Purify what is impure, and let the Lord's Presence be your religious tradition. Let your total awareness be the turban on your head. ||12||
To be Muslim is to be kind-hearted,
and wash away pollution from within the heart.
He does not even approach worldly pleasures; he is pure, like flowers, silk, ghee and the deer-skin. ||13||
One who is blessed with the mercy and compassion of the Merciful Lord,
is the manliest man among men.
He alone is a Shaykh, a preacher, a Haji, and he alone is God's slave, who is blessed with God's Grace. ||14||
The Creator Lord has Creative Power; the Merciful Lord has Mercy.
The Praises and the Love of the Merciful Lord are unfathomable.
Realize the True Hukam, the Command of the Lord, O Nanak; you shall be released from bondage, and carried across. ||15||3||12|
I guess all women need to be Muslim as well, if we take your literal meaning 
We are all different. For example my brother is a brilliant musician, I am not. That makes him different from me. Does it make him better than me? Hell no.
regarding the picture...too me a woman with a beard and a moustache is not feminine, but that's my view. If that woman is comfortable with that and isn't being pressured into it than that is fine too.