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I have been diagonsed with religious ocd which has very unwanted thoughts and images . Please help


Mar 7, 2023
I was diagonsed with religious ocd in january. I have always believed in every religion and respected every religion, but suddenly i started getting very bad abusive and sexual thoughts about hindu gods and goddesses . I went to psychologist as i was feeling very scared because this is against my values . So , after i went to psychologist this affected my daily routine and works as i always used to think about this and in fear of saying something if i see something abusive and sexual , even if i have no hatred and dont want to do this i end up abusing them . Then , i started doing path everyday to ask for forgiveness but then i started getting very bad abusive , sexual thoughts about Guru Ji's as well but i did not stop and continued doing path everyday asking for forgiveness. But , my psychologist said to say the feelings out loud once as it will help but i couldn't do it even though i say it in my mind . But , i think most of the times i say abusive words in my mind as soon as i see or hear something abusive i start thinking that i will abuse them after hearing it .

My pyschologist said that try saying things and even my uncle suggested you dont have anything in your heart , so dont trouble your mind , just say it once if it helps , god will understand . Even , if i am sitting or trying to sleep i feel i am thinking badly about goddess so i get bad images about them with very abusive words coming into my mind . So it is difficult for me to sleep too nowadays
So, i tried saying it by creating an own thought to know if can i say this it means i am doing it on purpose about hindu god and goddess as Gurus as well but i could not say it outloud but it comes in my mind .
I am scared what if i am doing these things on purpose and i believe i said bad thing accidentally by myself due to overthinking and all these things even i had no intention like that .
Please help me and tell me what if i am doing these thjngs purposely will god forgive me 🙏🏻🙏🏻.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
here the religion is a pretence to cue your mental state. there is no religious ocd. either you are sincere or not. you may do path but your mind runs around. when doing path the mind should be stable as rock and then try to understand it and follow the guidance. there is a chance that the mind flickers and always runs around. to cure that have guru Nanak's photo infront of you to begin with. keep looking at it . slowly slow it will start merging in your mind. then while doing path your mind should concentrate on that image. be sincere. not the way you think. or close your eyes and look at Nanak's image in the mind the one you had infront of you and keep looking at it in the mind with eyes closed.it will stop your ill thoughts. be sincere and pray to wahiguru saying wahiguru wahiguru image in the head. thank you. let me know if it has any afffect. if you have any sickness, then i will not say anything.


Mar 7, 2023
here the religion is a pretence to cue your mental state. there is no religious ocd. either you are sincere or not. you may do path but your mind runs around. when doing path the mind should be stable as rock and then try to understand it and follow the guidance. there is a chance that the mind flickers and always runs around. to cure that have guru Nanak's photo infront of you to begin with. keep looking at it . slowly slow it will start merging in your mind. then while doing path your mind should concentrate on that image. be sincere. not the way you think. or close your eyes and look at Nanak's image in the mind the one you had infront of you and keep looking at it in the mind with eyes closed.it will stop your ill thoughts. be sincere and pray to wahiguru saying wahiguru wahiguru image in the head. thank you. let me know if it has any afffect. if you have any sickness, then i will not say anything.
Thank you for your suggestion, but can you tell me what if i had some thoughts on my own because these things are happening with me so much i end up thinking very abusively even if i have no intention like this and some thoughts due to my overthinking . Can you tell me what can i do and can i be forgiven?

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
If you are sick, then i have no suggestion. but if guilty conscious, ill feeling, thenrecite the namne of God by enshringing guru's picture in the mind. always time permitting go dep in the mind with picture in the mind and say wahiguru. that will help.do not worry about forgiveness. if your mind is cleansed everything is forgiven


Mar 7, 2023
I know that i have not been mentally stable and have no intentions to act on such things and words , also have no hatred towards anyone but i am just scared that some of these things might come into my mind as well because of my old friend circle and overthinking . im just scared that what if i have abused and think sexually about the hindu goddess . The thing even if i have some of these thoughts due to my overthinking , i take no pleasure in thinking these things . I just want to feel normal again like i was religious as before and used to like reading and watching religious knowledge and shows .

Its been very difficult months for me now and i just want to seek forgiveness . Can you please tell me how can i move on from these things as i keep on thinking about these things.
Mar 6, 2023
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with religious OCD and intrusive thoughts that are causing you distress. It's important to remember that these thoughts are a symptom of your OCD and do not reflect your true beliefs or intentions.

It's understandable that you are afraid of saying something hurtful or disrespectful about something that is important to you. However, it's important to understand that these thoughts are not under your control, and you are not intentionally causing harm.

It's important to continue working with your psychologist and following their guidance to manage your OCD symptoms. It may also be helpful to speak with a religious leader or counselor who can provide support and guidance in addressing your concerns and fears.

Remember that forgiveness is an important aspect of many religions, and it's possible to seek forgiveness for thoughts or actions that you regret. It's important to focus on taking steps to manage your OCD symptoms and work towards a place of peace and acceptance.

Remember to be kind to yourself and seek support from loved ones during this difficult time.


Oct 29, 2013
You don't need to be "forgiven" for an illness like OCD anymore than you would need to be "forgiven" for having a cold. So relax on that count. It sounds like the psychologist is suggesting a treatment that has been clinically shown to work in many other people. Either it works, or it does not. But you will never know without trying. You have nothing to lose.

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
I remember Maskeen saying
" Once a man came to me(and this is very common) and asked why do I have bad thoughts on my head when I have a Gutka Sahib in my hand...
Maskeen : You don't have bad thoughts only when you're holding gutka Sahib, in the day, your thoughts comes out through other ways ( say a few bad thoughts to this guy or dreams of that woman )...
When you sit down to meditate, You are closest to yourself, you see your inner thoughts... You need to change your day to day mindset to change your thoughts while meditating '
Oct 6, 2023
I know that i have not been mentally stable and have no intentions to act on such things and words , also have no hatred towards anyone but i am just scared that some of these things might come into my mind as well because of my old friend circle and overthinking . im just scared that what if i have abused and think sexually about the hindu goddess . The thing even if i have some of these thoughts due to my overthinking , i take no pleasure in thinking these things . I just want to feel normal again like i was religious as before and used to like reading and watching religious knowledge and shows .

Its been very difficult months for me now and i just want to seek forgiveness . Can you please tell me how can i move on from these things as i keep on thinking about these things.
Hello. So do I! Welcome to the religious ocd club, the club nobody wants to be in.:)
I’m not a sikh so I can’t advise you on specific sikh practices and I know even less about Hindus (I’m a muslim!)
That being said, you are not going to harm the Guru in any way. I don’t know how you would even harm a Guru but ocd isn’t based on logic!
I’m glad that you are seeking therapy. It might take some time though. Cognitive behavioral therapy might be of use for you too.
Remember, ocd is not about your faith or character. It is an actual problem in the brain that recently was noticed on brain scans in a study.