When people often ask Vyheguru in Ardas or anything that they want grades better, health better, money, a car, or anything associated with the world and Maya. Unfortunately we fail to ask Vyheguru for the one and most important thing. You have to wish that Naam Simran will ALWAYS be on your lips or in your mind because it is the one and most important thing that you could wish for because waht else is higher then Vyheguru. When you do ask HIM or want to speak to him you must honestly want to talk to him with all your soul because he doesn't just talk to anyone because not all have him truly fixed within themselves. That results in people becoming atheists saying God would not answer their prayers or grant them this wish. Of course, when you ask him for something, make sure you ask him for the right thing(naam simran or such), and not for maya attached things because you never know, he might just answer and you gert fixed with all these material things!