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World Interesting Facts About June


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Interesting Facts about June

Intersting Facts about June MNDC NEWS

Whenever june comes it remind me hundreds of thousands of killings casualities and incidents. It started from first week of june in which many biggest incidents occured in 19th century and even incidents of this century. The one of the biggest incidents of june is Operatoin Blue Star from June 3, 1984 to June 6, 1984 in India. The Prime Minister of that time Indira Gandhi ordered for Operation Blue Star at Golden Temple, The Holy Temple of Sikh to remove sikh separatist (demanding for separate state named Khalistan) hidden in the Temple and in the buildings surrounded to Golden Temple. All the communication had been blocked by the government of India to avoid coverage of the Operation. The curfew was imposed for 36 hour on June 3, 1984 on the state of Punjab with all the travelling suspended. Total blackout in Punjab as supply of electricity were intrupted. According to the official reports published by Indian goverenment 492 Sikh militants and separatist were killed and 83 Army Officier also died. While the historians usually code the casualities leads to 5,000 including civilians, pilgrims and so called militants. and 700 Army officiers. The aftermath of Operation Blue Star appeared as the assasination of the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi by her 2 Sikh Guards on 31 October, 1984. The assasination of Indira Gandhi triggered the Anti-Sikh riots in Indian Capital Dehli and North India. Which caused the casualities of Sikh lead to 25,000 according to Independent resourses.

June 4, 1989 is one of the most deadliest day in the history of China because of Tiananmen Sqaure massarce. Actually the protest were sparked on 15 April, 1989 after the death of Hu Yaobang. who was pro-market, pro-democracy and anti corruption official. Protester wanted to mourn. They have lacked of leadership for the reforms they wanted in the constitution of PRC. People started to gathered at Tiananmen Square from different area of the beijing as well as the whole Country. Although protest centered on Tiananmen Square but large scale protests occured in other cities of China including Shinghai. mostly protesters were students of different Universities asked for democratic and economic reforms and protesting against government. On June 4, 1989 the PLA (People’s Libration Army) reached Tiananmen Square about 1:00 am and were waiting for government’s order.They didn’t have order to open fire but they had to clear Tiananmen Square before 6:00 am too. In Tiananmen Square protester were divided into two groups those who wanted to withdraw peacefully under the leadership of Han DongFan while other wished to stand within square under the leadership of Chai Ling. At about 4:00 am PLA made a final offer to the protesters either to leave the square or ready for consequences. The then leader put the matter to vote: Leave the square or stand and face consequences. The PLA started operation. Eye witnessed reporter Charlie Cole saw chiness soldier firing Type 56 assault Rifles into the crowd even at the time when students attempting to leave the square. Students who wanted to escaped from the square were caught by the soldier and beaten by the heavy sticks. Meanwhile many students were shouting “Why are you killing us?” At about 5:40 am Tiananmen Square was cleared from Students/Protesters by PLA. The official Chinese government figure is 241 dead including soldier while at least 2500 dead and 7,000 to 10,000 wounded by Red Cross.

June 5, 1967 is also rememberable in the history of Arab as Arab-Isreal war of June 1967. It starts on june 5, 1967 by Israeli invasion and ended on June 10, 1967. Just in six days war 18,776 casualities occured including civilians and thousands of civilians and soldiers also wounded. At the war’s end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day.J

June 6, 1944 usually renounded by D-Day is the turning point of World War II which started from Battle of Normandy. The Battle started on june 6,1944 and ended on June 30,1944. The Americans and Allied forces attacked on German’s occupied France terottory with 160,000 troops landing and 195,700 naval personnel in over 5,000 ships and air support of Allied forces. It is the largest one day amphibious of all the time. The Allied forces landed on the 50-mile (80 km) stretch of Normandy coast divided into five sectors named Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Carol Tuckwiller, director of research at the National D-Day memorial Foundation said about 4500 fatalities for both americans and allied forces. Although 4200 named had been confirmed yet but it’s not 100 % and we may never been 100 percent. Fritz Kirchmeier the spokesman for german organization said he made graves for 80,000 german soldiers in Normandy. As the record were destroyed in allies bombing at berlin but the estimated germany soldier died in D-Day is 4,000 to 9,000 Also 19,000 civilians died before and after D-Day in Normandy by allied force bombing.During the Battle of Normandy 425,000 caualities occured of both sides.

On June 7, 1942 in the three day Battle named Battle of Midway United States beaten Japan. On June 4, 1942 Japnese attacked with heavy air raids on the millitary base the tiny Island, about north-west of Hawaii was targetted. The US reponded with decisive counter attack using the US Pacific Fleet and within three days US became decisive winner of the battle. US lost almost 3,000 peoples including civilians while 2155 Japanese were also died in this Battle.June 11, 1955 registered as another worst day when 77 people died and 77 wounded when two cars collided and crashed into the Spectator’s stand at Le Mans in north-west France.

June 14, 1940 German Troops entered Paris in the early hours of morning as French and allied forces didn’t showed resistance. French Troops withdrew by themselves to avoid massive distrution of Paris. Even though thousands of peoples died including Allied force personels and civilians.June 15, 1996 Huge Explosion rocked central Manchester. The Bomb exploded outside the Arndale Shoping centre at about 11:20. About 200 peoples were injured out of these 7 are in serious condition.June 18, 1972 became the worst day in the history of Heathrow Airport when a flight from London heathrow to brussels crashed just minutes after takking off. All 118 peoples were killed. On June 21,1990 the deadliest earthquake shocked the Iranian government when it occured at 00:30:09 with the altitude 7.3 then 6.5, 12 hrs later. It caused widespread damaged in 100 km radius area and about 200 km north-west of Tehran. Three cities named Rudbar, Manjil, Lushan and 700 others villages destroyed while 300 more villages were affected. More than 40,000 peoples were died, 60,000 were wounded and over 100,000 families became homeless. Thousands of peoples were buried under rubble.

June 21 is also not forgetable because of Battle of Okinawa in which more than 90,000 Japnese were died and 6,990 Americans were also killed or missing.Air India Jet crashed just 45 minutes after takking off from London heathrow on June 23, 1985. It suddenly disappeared from radar screen at 08:16 BST. All 329 peoples were killed.June 25,1950 created a big wall between two Koreas as North invaded at South from different points along the two countries joint border. The United Nation Security Council had denounced the North Korea invasion and asked for imdiate ceasefire. The then US President Truman meets Defence department officials and ordered to send ammunition and equipment to prevent the loss of Seoul, to prevent the casualities of US citizens US provided ships and aircraft. Send survey team to determine how to help South Korea. Later US and China directly involved in the war. The war was ended in 1953. More than 33,000 U.S. soldiers died in the conflict, and 415,000 South Korean soldiers were killed. It is estimated that 2,000,000 North Koreans and Chinese died. The United States has maintained a military presence in South Korea since the end of the war, because North Korea and South Korea have remained hostile neighbors.June 27, 1991 Yugoslav tanks, troops and aircraft attacked on the small republic Slovenia, just after 48 hours it declared independence. At least 7 peoples were died and hundreds wounded on the first day. Later the war became one of the deadliest war in europe after World War II. It was ended on Dec 14, 1995 with approximately 10,000 caualities and 20,000 to 50,000 rape of innocent women occured.

We can also see the deadly shadow of June even this year. On June 1, 2009 at midnight Air France Flight 447 crashed into Atlantic Ocean, killing 228 peoples. The AirBus A330 was heading towards Paris from Rio de Janeiro. At least 9 killed in Washington subway crash on June 21,2009, 27 killed in bomb blast in iraq on June 22, 2009 and at least 20 killed in Iran since June 12, 2009. Charlie’s Angel Farrah Faecett died at 62 on 25 june 2009. A winsome smile, tousled hair and unfettered sensuality were Farrah Fawcett’s trademarks as a sex symbol and 1970s TV star in “Charlie’s Angels.” But as her life drew to a close, she captivated the public in a far different way as a cancer patient who fought for, then surrendered, her treasured privacy to document her struggle with the disease and inspire others.Michael Jackson the King of Pop also died on June 25, 2009.At the time of his death, he was preparing for this is it, a series of 50 concerts that would have been held in London beginning July 13, 2009.A Yemini plane AirBus 310 crashed in Indian Occean with 153 peoples on board. Only one 14 year old girl found alive had been swimming among dead bodies more than two hours after the plane vanished from radar screen. The Plane was heading from Yemen to Comoros Island. Hundereds of civilians died in bomb blasts in different part of the World specially in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Meanwhile hundreds other killed in different parts of the world in different incidents including war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Operation Rah-e-Rast and Operation Rah-e-Nijaat in Pakistan, Post election riots in Iran, Killing innocent civilians by Al-Qaeda in Somalia and Yemen, Killing of Hamas suppoeters by Fatah in Palestine, killing of innocent civilians by extremist Islamic group in Philphene, Operation against moaist at Lal garh in India and raccist attacks on Indian students in Australia. Inshort by registring some new deadly incidents and killing in history June 2009 has gone and I said “Good Bye Deadly June.”
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