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Good morning Everyone,

..much of what makes us human is cultural, passed from generation to generation through a process called "learning" [sikhya]. It's from within this perspective I generalised the term "sikh" to embrace humanity on the whole, but insofar the unique n particular construction of the word "sikh" is to effect distinctive vocabulary then I concur with your observation above.

..meanings of words have to have precision n consistency to make sense; genre, if you like is a prerequisite in that regard to afford "specific" accommodation. In this case it is religion and not any other discipline.

..confirmed !

..granted, but the case in point is "sikh" not sikhi !

..use of inappropriate adjectives in matters of religious congruity should be avoided. It is difficult to associate some of life's unfortunate activities with the proud civilisations that created virtue, honour, respect and dignity. To you what appears to be "clumsy n problematic" is "strength" to those who laid their lives protecting, preserving, believing and upholding its principles. Their was a world that worshipped strength because it is strength that makes all other "values" possible, nothing survives without it. SRM, albeit timed-out in places, is the backbone of the religion Sikh necessary to anchor human activity.

..move away from the letter Sikh and move-in with the spirit Sikh. The penny will drop and you'll be able to hear it !

..the truth in this context would a truth that is "experienceable" and not knowledge or accessible as you seem to suggest because Nanak's satnam is beyond time n space. How can you know and access something that is inconceivable to the human mind?

..bang on !

..well defined !

..if you're a believer than Gurbani is "form" God, meaning, you believe, regardless.

I've noted in places how you employ the word "khoj" in much of your religious choreography and suggested you look up "vichar". This was to enable you to familiarise your self with their true n precise functionality. The manmukh is invited to "khoj" for the ultimate truth, the gurmukh however, is provided with the ultimate truth [anhad shabd] to reflect n contemplate [vichar] for union. Rejection n selection are manmukh modes, believers stay clear of such unorthodox blips and knuckle down to fulfil meaning and purpose of life.

..how true !

Thank you !
