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Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Although das was busy with some social matter related to Castism in Panth but Brother Balbeer Singh Ji raised  two questions so das will reply them first.

Is God Beyond energy ?

Why God is within whole world yet outside it?or dwelling in all yet beyond all?

So far as energy is concern,if we see all universe,If we could see universe,Then it means one form of energy that is light is passing from there.So enrgy is there as enrgy can pass vaccum.so Vaccum is vaccum of matter and not of energy.

Energy(God) is termed as amit(undestructable) ouj(Energy) in Japu Sahib and that is an attribute of God,So there if we get vaccum it is due to the space and matter so that is also depended on energy.

Same energy,Which can not be created or destroyed but changes from one form into another.So all matter in fact are manifestation of energy.Atom which composes of quark,protons,ectrons,neutrons plus all nulcaler matter.Various permutations and combiantions of nuclear matter(Which is made up of enrgy) makes it possilbe for us to have various such differnt elemments.

the thoery of relativey by Albert Einstine talks of E=MC*C.Here E is energy,M is matter and c is palnks constant.

Ek Noor Se Sab Jag Upjaya or Oankar Adi(Japu Sahib) or Oankar making universe(Vachitar Natak). Realy talks of two thing that light form of enrgy made matter and sound was unending like circle 0 as O or Omega(as per new testment ) are circle.

But here thing is that all matter is composed of energy.And if we say we measure enrgy in joules then we can only measure a measureable form like heat,light ,kinatic exetra.Those are part of system but whole system is manifestation of energy.

the energy or any such phenomina like our brain or any science we can only describe some phinomina ie how does it happens but we can not say why does it happens or we can not not explain.So science also is incomplete.

So God is in all enrgy and if there is anything beyond enrgy then God is also there.But concept of enrgy in the field of religeon is bigger then of todays incomplete sceince.

Next coming to the differance between Bram and Pra Braham,God in matter and yet beyond it.

Well if we see our body.Our hand is its part.Hand is in our contral yet brain which guides it is not in hand.But in the case of Brahm and Parbrahm it is further complex.Gurbani says,If we reach that hight then only we can understand that high.To whom you want to be aware that only gets aware.

so only a person,can tell whom God's has wanted to know this.Like our Gurus.And they wrote it.

At one time God was all alone in Shunya(No other but God alone was there).(THis is perhaps from Sidh Gosht).Then God created universe.

God does what God likes.So God who his a perfect wanted to taste the joys of being imperfect also(Like a joy person can have when he has two feet yet he run on one feet while playing Langri Tang).

So all things, all acts,all taste which we apperantly enjoy are in fact enjoyed by God as God is Sarbang Bhukta(consumer of all,Pleasure,things and feeling etc.)What may appear to us that we are eating is in fact act of God.

Then why do not we know it? As energy who does all these works,we can not explain but can only describe.By Nature of energy we can say that it is bound to have brain also.It is Achhed(never discoountinoues).So what that enrgy or God want us to do we do.like pupits controled by puppiters.

But as this enrgy makes us.When ever that enrgy makes us to realise that what actualy it is then we see energy in all time and space.With speed of light's like speed we can make time also negitive and go back in past and come back in future.So far that speed is in mind or soul of those persons who enrgy want to have it.When a person see that all things are nothing but light or visible part of enrgy(Anubhav Prakash).That is the state of devine knowledge or Brahm Gyan.(Das has not reached there as yet).

But why people like Das are still not attining BrahGyan.Das can say that God does not want it.Why,may be God in us want to have such pleasures,which papi like us can provide God and not Brahgyanis.

Like persuits of something as an aim in life.That has lots of mixes of feeling with us.A Brahmgyani knows all such is Maya(Mammon or decayable matterialics notions) So such pleasure via Brahmgyani can not be obtained.But from Papi like us God can have Such pleasure.

It is clear that if God had to make all creatures as Brahm Gyani then God may not have made universe at all.God wants some enjoyment like in seclusions we may make some gesture of feets or hands to remove boring.So maybe God also want same thing from us when we do all wrong thing inspite of knowing that all this is going to be decayed.

Like hand knows that actual controler is nervours system.As nerous system is in Hand yet hand is not aware what actually nerous system is going.In the same way Brahm(Matterial also made up of God) is under the control of Parbrahm(Brain of energy).

When there will be no differnance between nevous system (This is hypothaical as in real world this can not happen)and hand then

we say Brahm Gyan is obtained.But unlike nerous system and hand which are more bounded by physical constraint we may get a state as told in chauopayye sahib.

Jabb Uttkark Kara Kartara Praja Darat Tab Deh Apara

(When creater expands,subjects take form of endless bodies)

Jabb Acarath KaraT ho Kabo ho Tum mein Milen Deh Dhar Sabho)

When attraction(of compression) is done (By you) in you all boides confluence).(Triya Charittar 405 Dasham Granth)

So when God will regain the shape God initial had when there was no creation then,Bodies, mattrial,soul,sapce,time will be destroyed.So there is no need for any to wonder for sin or chasity(Punya or Papa of Anand Sahib)

or heaven or hell.

So answer to your question.By will of God does God while living in creation leaves a large chunk of it unaware of God's self.So God in everywhere(Sarb Passiyye Hain).Only one who God wants to know that God is everywhere know that.

The way son can not tell of Father nor Dumb can talk of taste of suger so can even Brahgyani get difficult to explain God.As God if God has to explain God's self to nay one does that explaination.Akal Bless.
