Sat Nam, Ji-
A good question, indeed! It oftenly does appear that one has to go through much difficulty before one even looks at the Spiritual side of life. Why, indeed, does this seem to be so often the case?
Let us look at our own time and space, for example. In this society it is emphasized that one be "successful", meaning having lots of material wealth, money, power, fame, high position, and all those sorts of things. Well, those are great, and nice to have, provided that one is careful in life, doesn't squander them, always remembering God and is responsible in one's thoughts, words and actions. I am sure each of us could think of many wonderful things to do with our money if each of us was as wealthy as someone like Bill Gates. We could start schools, build hospitals, help others start businesses, all kinds of wonderful things!
However, this also takes a huge amount of strength, to not get bogged down in the pursuit of success for success's sake. So many get so caught up in this they do sad things in order to become successful, and very oftenly forget about the Spiritual aspects of life; some even totally forget God.
True happiness comes when you can see God's work in everything, and see God in All. It may not even be absolutely necessary to worry overmuch about becoming "successful" as the world at large defines it. We have been told that God takes care of everything, and God and Guru will take care of us. Our main thing is to remember God, hence the Nam Simran. Referring to pk70's answer, Nam Simran is the way to get out of the maya, and reach God. Thank you, pk70!
Very oftenly we have been told that we have to sink down to a very hard time indeed to begin to think about God. Maybe this is true for some, perhaps not for others. Each of us is unique, therefore each of our situations is going to be unique.
Hope this helps!
Wahe Guru