Spnadmin ji,
No doubt there are many groups with different opinions in the world of Sikhi. Maybe I'm naive or something, but I don't understand why a rational person would dislike the type of Sikhs we have here at SPN. You seem intellectual, spiritual and altruistic. Your spiritual/religious beliefs seem pure and sensible. What's not to like?
Actually its worse than my previous post, having just read the article on arranged marriages, and the flak that dear Nikky is getting, I wonder sometimes whether this is the only place in the world where the sane can debate matters sanely!
Soon I will be in India, where I will meet members of my family I have not seen for years, and be introduced to friends and associates of my family, I have already decided not to mention my renewed interest in sikhi, for the simple reason that out there , most people are suckered by the whole arranged marriage/drinking at weddings/wheres my dowry/theres my dowry why isnt it bigger/lets invent our own sikhi to suit our own agenda type of thing,
I feel the only place I can share my views and indeed validate my views is this forum, start a conversation about god, and unless you are speaking to an enlightened fellow, you would be surprised how abrahamic, god comes across from sikhs who should know better
it is a sad fact today, that most sikhs , in my humble view, do not even know the point or the goal of sikhism, they think it is about the turban, or the few jingles as Gyaniji calls them, that they know, if I was to take a survey on sikhism from people I know that are sikhs (not my parents though) the following would surface
sikhs believe in 1 god
sikhs do not drink
sikhs wear 5 k's
sikhs should marry own caste
Sikhs should drive a mercedes
Sikhs should give to charity, and everyone should know
Sikhs should serve the finest langars/weddings that money can buy
Sikhs can do what they want, as long as society does not find out, and if they do, deny everything!
Sikhs should ensure they gossip about anyone found lacking in the above
apologies for any offence caused, none intended