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Islam Islam And Democracy


Nov 11, 2004
I picked up a magazine that had the words: Islam and Democracy: Is it possible?

So I ask anyone who has an opinion... Do you think it is possible that Islam and Democracy can work together? Is this a realistic or idealistic concept?


Jun 17, 2010
Yes, It's Possible. After WWII many region with predominant Muslim never interfere always come. Our Biggest challenge is came from country that involve in Cold War. They do not let us form democracy, they want us to be either Capitalist or Communist. Now after Cold War, some country can express their will. Change happen.

By asking this question, clearly you do not have knowledge about democracy in Islamic Civilization. Have you ever heard about Indonesia? How it's work? Simple, Indonesia base on Nation, not religion. After WWII building a nationalism is one tool to expel monarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, or the return of Colonialism in the form of Communism or Capitalism.

Indonesia have a chance to form a republic. Why? because democracy in nation is not a strange concept in Islam. How do you think Islam survie for 1400 years? Magic?

Spare me a reply here, Pre Modern time Islamic Civilization have a war as much as another Civilization. Nothing special, so spread Islam with sword is nothing but a bash, insult and troll. 1.5 billion people can learn history better, they know their history of their own ancestor. Otherwise, they will revolt by now. Can you imagine the power of revolt 1.5 billion people?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Respected forum members,

This is a very old thread, now revived. If you so desire, wingofnike ji has raised an issue that would lead to a very interesting discussion.

Indonesia have a chance to form a republic. Why? because democracy in nation is not a strange concept in Islam. How do you think Islam survie for 1400 years?


Jun 17, 2010
Google bring me here. I just want to make sure my fellow country men see one of their people respond to this silly question, if Mr. Google bring them to this forum too. We have democracy. We laugh until our stomach hurt when some one questioning democracy in Islam. It shown how lack of information they are.

For me, the humor are more than that. I see democracy as tool, temporary tool. What make you so sure that in the future, we human being can not invent better tool to accommodate our future situation. How about AI representative? Or "Star Trek economy", no need for money or excessive belonging anymore, because recycle is easy and finally energy is abundant to be used in recycling. So I'm not into glamorizing Democracy anyway. Nothing sacred about democracy.

It's a tool, and for current situation, it's work. I'm always open to better concept.

Beside, if you look America now, they are not so much a democracy country anymore. America is the a mother load country of Capitalism, a new concept that contain democracy but not only democracy. Capital show the same amount of influence with freedom of speech. Perhaps my own people or your people will create new modern concept, a concept that more suitable with future sondition, an over populated earth and limited resource. Boy, i hope technology will breach this cul-de-sac. Because if not, change will happen only after war again, like what happen in history.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
As I said..This should lead to some interesting discussion. :happykaur:

Wingofnike ji

Please for the sake of clarity define what you mean by "democracy." What type of democracy does America think it is practicing, in your opinion? I understand you think it is not really democracy. That is not what I am asking. And, would you also describe what form of capitalism you believe is practiced in the US, if at all. Thanks.
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Jun 17, 2010
Give me time, but anyway, there are no definition either in the start of the topic. You can guess my definition by typing in on wiki or google. botttom line: democracy first entering history during Ancient Greek and since that democracy has been evolve. what ever it is, i already lay out my first definition. It's a mere of tool in the way to build an organization.

hey why not asking me about AI representative?

to be continued.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
wingsofnike ji

Democracy is adapted in many ways and will be practiced differently in many nations. Same is true of capitalism. Where in the world is pure democracy or pure capitalims practiced? I doubt you will find pure forms of either anywhere today. So my questions below still need to be asked.

What type of democracy does America think it is practicing, in your opinion?

I understand you think it is not really democracy. That is not what I am asking.

And, would you also describe what form of capitalism you believe is practiced in the US, if at all. Thanks.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
hey why not asking me about AI representative?

to be continued.

Well...wingsofnikeji...Tell us about AI.

Judging from your flag, see Antarctica... you might also tell us about Antarctica. From time to time I have represented Antarctica myself. Funny we have not met in persno. welcomemunda


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