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issues facing our sikh community

Aug 23, 2022
Hello all,

I hope everyone is well. I just wanted to highlight some issues that I feel are facing our sikh community that need to be addressed in order for our religion to continue to be preserved for future generations-

- Amrithdari boys and young men are cutting their hair at an alarming rate when they move to western countries in order to fit in

- Our gurdwaras are being run like businesses instead of helping people e.g. willingly allowing interfaith marriage in gurdwara purely to take payment

- Sikh youth of today is very confused, elders aren't educating them on sikhi and are more concerned about this fake punjabi culture such as heavy drinking.

-Punjabism vs sikhism, Sikhism and sikh values are being lost to punjabi culture and fake values.

-We have become people more concerned with showing off our successes and wealth rather than anything else.

-Youth are afraid to speak up in gurdwaras, the youth know the wrong from right but elders are sending them wrong messages in gurdwaras.

- Our caste system is so strong, it is unspeakable. Can't even begin to think what our gurujis would think if they saw our communities divided nowadays... go to any gurdwaras whether in india or western country for matrimonial service and first thing they ask is your caste. If we all have caste, what separates us from hindus? Nothing at all.

- Aside from the castes in matrimonial service at gurdwara, many other issues with it... people ask for unrealistic expectations and there is extreme inequality e.g. must be 6ft 3 jatt non-veg doctor boy clean-shaven or must be max 5ft 7 ramgharia girl from wealthy professional family and girl must be lawyer or doctor;
these are just a few examples of what people are looking for at gurdwara matrimonial- what does this have to do with our sikh values? We are all supposed to be equal, CEO, doctor, cleaner, farmer, jatt, chummar, sindhi, rich or poor, our religion is supposed to promote equality not this fake stuff.

- Next, we have caste-based gurdwaras such as ravidass and lots of ramgharia gurdwaras and I have no clue why it happened. We should all be going to same gurdwara and making the same gurdwara a better place, the late great bhai jagraj singh (basics of sikhi) said our 'our gurdwaras aren't even gurdwaras anymore' and i completely agree, our gurus wanted gurdwaras to be a place of many things. A place where everyone is welcome regardless of caste, a place for training and constant education of youth, a place to help those in need free from judgement.

-Our gurdwaras have become places of gossip, split into caste where superficial people go to get married and that's it.

-Another point is young sikh girls in west are marrying non-sikhs in huge proportions.

-Another big point which no one wants to address is the huge female foeticide issue in our sikh community. Ignorant people are forcefully aborting all their daughters to have lots of sons. These silly people forget without girls, who will their sons marry and where will the children come from? Alongside every strong man is a strong woman, these people have sons purely because they think its easier to parent and manage them. The people turning blind eye to the issue are even worse, you think when you see person having 3 or 4 sons in row that its all natural? No way.

I have listed these issues because I care about my sikh community deeply and confronting tough topics is going to be needed if we are going to prosper as a future community and not get left behind.

I'm all ears if anyone has ideas on how we can solve many of these issues or if there are even more issues that need solving aswell.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Nanak appann hatheen appnnah aapeh kaaj swareeyeah.....Nanak Says.. DO what you can to YOURSELF......meaning stop agonising about "OTHERS"...first work hard on your self, then on your immediate family, friends, and WIDEN the circle as you go along.
There is actually no lack of persons "pointing out" various faults caste, goluck looters, gossippers etc etc etc...and no lack of others quietly working behind the scenes to IMPROVE themselves, their families friends etc etc...the TIPPING POINT is when the Critical Mass is reached and the QUIET ONES begin to OUTWEIGH the "pointer guys".... Choose your side.( Dharrah). Guru says I have chosen MINE...so should we.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I am amazed to note that "Christian Sikhs" are actually at the forefront of BUYING SIKHI BOOKS...and learning about "SIKHI" so as to be best prepared to COUNTER the ritualised fake amritdharees/keshadharee HINDUS when they "attack" Christians as Fake blah blah blah. does anyone remember that the Very first translators of SGGS were CHRISTIANS, the very first book PRINTED in Gurmukhi/Punjabi was the BIBLE...that Christians like Mcauliffe, McLeoid etc etc were among the pioneers in trying to understand Sikhi, Gurmukhi, Punjabi, SGGS, Gurbani, Sikh History etc etc. The Christians paid top dollar for the best Gurbani books..while...our "sikhs" cried inconsolably at the "high cost"...these same Sikhs were at the forefront pointing out castes, goluck wastage in langgars etc etc...our First line of DEFENCE should be to be FULLY AWARE of the REAL Meanings of GURBANI...so as we can become GURBANI !!! then no one cna convert us, waylay us, rob us, destroy us.