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Khalsa Meri Soba Sila


Tarlochan Singh
Jan 14, 2009
Rochester MN
I need help translating this passage from Sarab Loh Granth.... these are lines taken from the bir ras shabad: Khalsa Akal Purakh Ki Fauj.

Khalsa Meri Soba Sila
Khalsa Bandh Sakha Sadh Dhila

Thanks in advance.. Tosh.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Tosh Ji,


I am trying to find the explanations sentence by sentence.
What I've got so far is bits and pieces of what Khalsa is.
So I will present these bits as they come through. Here goes:-

What is the value of an electric bulb if no light shines from it?
A cleaned electric bulb emits more light than an uncleaned one.
The bulb should be clean and free from dust.
Kabir says, 'The mind became pure, limpid like the water of the Ganges; God then followed him calling 'Kabir, Kabir.'"

It is good for the mind to become pure that the light may shine forth as through a clear bulb, but even this is of no use if the attention is not on the light but on outer things. In all religions there is repeated reference to the Light. We are all worshipers of the Living Light. "When the Full Effulgent Light is lit in the physical form, then He is called the Khalsa (Pure One)." What is a Khalsa? Guru Gobind Singh Ji says, "The Khalsa is my own image, the Khalsa is my abode.

I'm still searching. Hang on there.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
It is the inner Light that makes one Khalsa, or the Pure One.
When does a man become pure?
The scriptures tell us in this context:
"When one gets into contact with the inner Light in Its fullness,
then alone one becomes pure; otherwise, not."

Guru Gobind Singh says: We are the worshipers of the Great Conscious Light and defines the word Khalsa as: The pure Khalsa is one in whom the Light of God is fully manifested. He further goes on to say: Khalsa is my true form; I reside in Khalsa,
He is the life of my life, and my very prana (vital airs);
Khalsa is my valiant friend, Khalsa is my Satguru Pura
I have told no untruth.
I tell this in the presence of Par Brahm and Guru Nanak.

Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji may be able to help out.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
sobah..wadaiyee..my honour....sila..monument..plaque...The Honour Monument..display of my Honour is thru the Khalsa..Khalsa stands as amonument to my Honour...

The Bottom Line is Guru Gobind Singh ji is HEAPING everything Hes GOT on His Beloved Khalsa...Its not enough that he sacrificed his mother/father/four sons..and Himself for US..His KHALSA...He heaps praise upon praise...praises upon praises..on US..His Beloved Khalsa...about whom He declared..CHaar mooyeh to KIA HOOA..jeewat kaee Hazaar..So WHAT if four died (his sahibzadeh sons)..Thousands of my KHALSA still live...

VERILY there never has been such as Guru Gobind Singh Ji and never will there be another KHALSA..other than the one revealed by GURU Gobind Singh JI....Both are one of a KIND. !!!

YET there are many who have no second thoughts about declaring.."asseen Guru Gobind Singh ji de sikh nahin..assen sirf Guru nanak ji de sikh haan ( WHY ?? simply because of Long Hair/5 kakaars rehit )..aseen sirf SGGS they sikh haan..SGGS wich kithey likheah KHALSA bareh..etc etc etc...Since Guru Gobind Singh Jis Banis are not in SGGS..they hold no "water " ?? His rehit..His Khalsa..His 5 kakars..are nothing ??..its matter of FACT that GURU GOBIND SINGH JI is the CENTRAL PENDANT...in the MALA of the Ten GURUS....The Most Important and SHINING FACTOR..the DIAMOND that shines and attracts attention...Guru Nanak Ji began the KHALSA..Guru Gobind Singh Ji COMPLETED the KHALSA to PERFECTION. IF some of us desire to remain "incomplete".. ( Dropouts in the School of Guru nanak Ji )....its our own wish. Its also a matter of Fact that there will always be dropputs..half way givers-up...but we shoudl all struggle on..and with Guru Jsi Kirpa we will succeed.
No offense emant or taken...no malice:happy:


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
sobah..wadaiyee..my honour....sila..monument..plaque...The Honour Monument..display of my Honour is thru the Khalsa..Khalsa stands as a monument to my Honour...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Silah also means SASHTARS..weapons...
So Khals is MY Honour and MY Weapon.
As weapon is used to upkeep the Honour !!

Punjabi...especially Gurbani and related spiritual literature of these Granths, Swaiyyas, Kabits of the likes of Bhai gurdass Ji, Bhai Nanad Lall ji Goya..are gems of "saying the MOSTEST in the FEWEST...unparralled masters of WORDS..the Best Word Smiths ( to create these linguistic marvels of poetry ) to rival the Master Craftsmen who produced the Steel weapons of War the Khalsa used.
I read somewhere ( forgot where) that one of the reasons for the Losses sufferred by the British in the Anglo-Sikh War of Sabhraon - where Sham Singh Attariwallah ( 80 year old Lion of Ranjit Singh ) fell in His Last Stand !! was the SUPERIOR SIKH WEAPONRY. The British report states..the Khalsa swords were harder, and LONGER !! There are very very few reports of broken arms/weapons among the sikhs from Guru hargobind Jis time ( 4 battles with moghul armies - well trained and professionals) and Guru Gobind Singh ji - 17 battles...and later Banda Singh wars....Sorry I digress yet again..pardon me..:cool:


Tarlochan Singh
Jan 14, 2009
Rochester MN
I am very grateful for the deep enlightenment in previous responses. Here is what I have for the passage.... if someone can fill in the blank line then I would be even more grateful.

Khalsa akal purakh ki fauj, Pragteo khalsa paramatam ki mauj.

Khalsa is the army of God, the Akal Purakh, Khalsa has appeared at the pleasure of the Supreme Being.

Jab lag khalsa rahe niara, tub lug tej dio maen saara

Upto the time Khalsa maintains its distinctiveness, I shall shower all types of fame and splendour on it.

Jab eh gahe bipran ki reet,, maen na karo in ki parteet.

If it (Khalsa) starts following the Brahmanical practises, then I will not recognize them.

Khalsa mero roop hai khaas, Khalse maih hau karo nivaas.

The Khalsa is my complete image, I dwell in the khalsa

Khalsa mero mukh hai ang-aa. Khalse ke hau sadh sadh sang-aa.

Khalsa is my chief organ. I am always with the khalsa

Khalsa mero mitr sakhaa-ee, Khalsa maat pitaa sukhdaa-ee

Khalsa is my closest friend, Khalsa is my mother, father & source of all comforts.

Khalsa meri sobha sila, Khalsa bandh sakha sadh dhila

< need help with translation of above line >

Khalsa meri jaat ar pat. Khalsa sau maa kau utapat.

Khalsa is my caste & creed.My creation is through the khalsa

Khalsa mero bhavan bhand-aa-raa. Khalse kar mero satk-aa-raa.

I dwell in the khalsa who is a storehouse of all my requirements. I am honoured because of the khalsa.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Soba Sila - Honour and Armour

Khalsa is my Honour and Armour.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I am very well aware that what I am going to say ought to raise some ire, not that I like to mess with the hornet's nest but sometimes it is must to do so as part of the true learning process.

1.Can someone tell me how do we know with certaininty that Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote all what is being discussed above?

We know he added his dad's Guru Teg Bahadur's Gurbani in SGGS.
And we also know he was a great poet but he did not add a word of his own writings in SGGS which is an undisputable facts.

We also must not forget that our 10th Guru gave us SGGS as our only and last Guru.

One more point to make is that most of the writings attributed to him start with Patshahi Dasami and do not end with Nanak at the end as the Gurbani written by all our Gurus in SGGS.

Why is that and is that right or correct in a Gurmat way according to our only benchmark which is SGGS?

Tejwant Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007

Khalsa meri sobha sila :
Khalsa is my Honor and Armour.

Khalsa bandh sakha sadh dhila : ?

Let Gyani Ji help you. I am at a loss. ::cool:2:OMG


Tarlochan Singh
Jan 14, 2009
Rochester MN
Namjap Ji, thank you very very much for taking time to respond to my post. I will have to visit my local gurdwara and follow your suggestion in consulting with local granthi or Bhai Sahib.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
No, no, no, no, ....no.
I meant Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji who answered your question in post #4.
He will be online tomorrow again.
You can even message him by clicking on his username.
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