I guess I ma the ONLY ODD ONE OUT here...to me Kirtan has to be with RASS...rassmayee kirtan, vairagmayee kirtan, nirbann kirtan, nirol kirtan are terms i ma familair with...Bass Kirtan is a first - even though i am aware that the LEFT Larger wide mouthed Tabla is BASS while the smaller mouthed one is TREBLE....I was always taught to treat those as the DIALS we see on Modern AV Equipment (amps etc)..the "Dials" by themsleves are just buttons that turn left right.BUT what they do to the INPUT/OUTPUT is stupendous..same way KIRTAN is a DIAL thats supposed to TRANSFORM OUR LIVES into something Stupendous..overwhelming as HUMANS...of the stature of Baba DEEP SINGH, baba banda Singh Baba Mani Singh. IF the Dials swing left right and center...lights light up in various colours, etc etc..BUT the LISTENER remains what he was before.."BASE"..then ???? Because the Kirtan is a Vehicle that takes a Man up to HEIGHTS never achieved...Visit galaxies dreamt about...Black holes and Exploding Stars..if all you do is remain seated..then its...????
IN low end store sections for AV equipment..usually loud speakers blast rck music at top volume..the visitors/shoppers roam about admiring the Dials on the Amps..the Leds dancing across the face Plates, the shiny look etc.. At High End AV sections its total silence - enthusiasts wear head phones, each engrossed in hsi own world..less attention is paid to leds or shining dials..instead they discuss true dolbys and 5.1 and 71. systems, cross talk bi-wired amps etc etc...same way we have Nagar Kirtans hwere Kiratn Blasts over loudspeakers, the visitors ooh and ahh over how fats the tabla players hands fly on the tabla, the shining waja or the outfit of the ragis the running lights of the palki etc etc or simply what a huge turnout...and then we have kirtan in total "silence"..everyone eyes closed totally immersed in his own world...soothing music flowing like waves of the ocean...surf on the sea shore compared to the tsunami grade storm in a Nagar Kirtan..