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Kirtan Kirtan Or Simran With Bass :)


Mar 13, 2011
New Zealand
Haha you went all out :p..... Theres some really good ones there a. i got through them but thats because Bhai Manpreets and Bhai Gurpreets ones are already saved onto my PC ;P... haha but thanks again.... I really liked the raag style one, i just started getting into raag style and have ben looking for them but struggled, thats defo a better one ive heard.

Looks like im gonna have to show you some of my fav ones :D.....btw. Bhai Manpreet is my fav haha.

Bhai Manpreet:
Bhai manpreet singh ji nahi chodu re,UK - YouTube

Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji - Baabaa Man Mathavaaro - 3 of 4 - YouTube

Bhai Manpreet Singh: Bhinni Rainarhye - YouTube

BIBI Harjit Kaur -Moga

AKJ Kirtan Bibi Harjit Kaur Ji Moga-Tuhee Tuhee - YouTube

Bibi Manjinder Kaur:


And late Bibi Rena Kaur:

Simran - Bibi Rena Kaur (rip) - YouTube

RIP bibi Rena Kaur - YouTube

You mite especailly like ^ her ones :))

There ya go :D


Dec 19, 2011
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Hey, look who went all out themselves :p Thanks for the videos, the first one posted was one I was unfamiliar with.
It is true, I did love Rena Bhen Ji's shabads, bless her soul. I'd heard BiIbi Manjinder accidentally one day, the very same video as you've posted ^__^ You also put up my favourite Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji Video-- Bhinni Rainnarhye! I used to listen to it all the time. Here are more raag videos that I pray you haven't heard before, and here I 'll also take the time to ask before I post videos you've seen. How many off the following have you heard: the late Bhai Jasbir Singh (Khanne Wale), Sant Anoop SIngh(Una Sahib Wale), Harjinder Singh (Srinagar Wale) <--- he's one of my favourites, and not because half my family is in Srinagar :p, Bhai Onkar SIngh(Una Sahib Wale). The aforementioned as well as Bhai Manpreet and Bhai Gurpreet are pretty much staples in my house, however I also have tons of cds from Akhand Kirtan smagams which got me thinking that you might benefit from this:


You're most likely already aware of this but Sikhnet runs several radio channels, here's the Raag one, but if you go to the main radio page you can explore other styles as well:

Here are the Raag Videos I promised:

Bhai Jatinder Singh
Raag Vadhans, Bhai Jatinder Singh, Sevak Ki Ardas Pyare - YouTube

Bhai Alankar Singh
Bhai Alankar Singh - Beautiful Raag Kirtan - YouTube

Bhai Inderjeet Singh
Bhai Inderjeet Singh(Bombay Wale).wmv - YouTube

You've probably already heard of this jatha ;D

A youtube channel that's specifically devoted to Raag Kirtan:

You could say Kirtan and me are best friends
Thanks for uploading the videos, it's nice to finally be the recipient ;D May I ask for more , S'il vous plait?
Gajvajkeh fateh :grinningkaur:,
Sukrit Kaur
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Mar 13, 2011
New Zealand
Wow Waheguru thanks for those.... theres some prety awesome Raag one, unfortunately im feeling a bit intimidated as you seem like you've probably heard any kirtan i can think of :p hahaha, but i will try to show you some new ones XD.
Ive defo been on the AKJ webpage tho, i love the live coverage they have on there, especailly because where i live there is no gurudwara and little sangat so getting chance to see these are rare. Saying that means i find most of my kirtan online and have been through my fair share hahaha.....

Bhai Harjinder SIngh -- Definately have heard him, his voice is epic!!.... Tu mera Rakha is my fav by him.

Havent heard much of the other Bhais you said, only the odd video Waheguru has shown me in my countless hours of surfing..
I dont listen much Chardi Khala Jatha ones, even tho i like them, because half of their vids are form Dasam Granth and i often dont realise hahaha. But that one was an awesome one thanks.
Heres some Vids you may have already seen ;P

Bhai Amardeep singh ji:

Bhai Amardeep Singh ji 'deepi' AKJ - YouTube

Bhai Tarnveer singh ji:

Bhai Tarnveer Singh Ji - YouTube

Bibi Harjeet again: ( one of my Favs.)

Waheguru gave e the privilage of being in attendance of this one:
Bibi Harjit Kaur Ji Moga- New Zealand Smagam Reansbai 2011 - YouTube

And the legendary Mohonder singh ji SDO:

bhai mohinder singh ji sdo 1 - YouTube

Ill put more on later but ill steal your tactic :p have u heard ( most likely have haha) Bhai Jagpal singh, Bhai Harpreet singh ji, Gyani Gurdev singh ji or Bibi Harroop Kaur??

^ Those above are also some of my favs :D

And this Jatha: PMKC??
Heres their Chanel... its similar to AKJ.



PS... what dos S'il vous plait mean??? excuse my ignorance :p

I will be waiting for more pleasant Kirtan haha :singhsippingcoffee: