Liberation is awakening from the deep sleep of ignorance. This process could take a millisecond or a lifetime. It requires conquering our own mind. Guru is the only one who is awake and Guru awakens us if we can accept Guru’s poking. “Just like an intoxicated elephant, our mind is drunk with the ego. The Guru pokes us with the bull hook to wake us up.” (159:7) Here is the complete Shabad: SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge
Liberation results in a paradigm shift where the same mind that used to generate poison before, now generates Amrit. Here is a Shabad that explains the liberated state of mind. (Kindly ignore the translations)
SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge
Concept of liberation involves duality. Guru takes us beyond liberation. Then we want to stay merged with God's feet. Then we see only love, everywhere. This love, if savored, shared and spread, it can cure the entire world.
SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge
What is meant by Liberation? What is a Sikh idea of the concept of Liberation? Please share your understanding...
Liberation results in a paradigm shift where the same mind that used to generate poison before, now generates Amrit. Here is a Shabad that explains the liberated state of mind. (Kindly ignore the translations)
SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge
Concept of liberation involves duality. Guru takes us beyond liberation. Then we want to stay merged with God's feet. Then we see only love, everywhere. This love, if savored, shared and spread, it can cure the entire world.
SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge
What is meant by Liberation? What is a Sikh idea of the concept of Liberation? Please share your understanding...