I think the whole point of gurbani is to connect & as long as you are trying to connect to that divine It shouldn't matter.if you go to a gurudwara then obviously you have to & should follow the Rehat Maryada & also if you have free time then you should read the gurbani properly & according to the Regat Maryada but suppose you are working or driving when you can't do everything according to the Rehat Maryada then it shouldn't be a problem I think & as you have said it above that some bani is better than nothing.Leaving the Rehat Maryada aside for a moment, what do you feel the answer is? And how do you come to that conclusion?
I will say straight up that listening to some bani is better than no bani at all.
I think the whole point of gurbani is to connect & as long as you are trying to connect to that divine It shouldn't matter.if you go to a gurudwara then obviously you have to & should follow the Rehat Maryada & also if you have free time then you should read the gurbani properly & according to the Regat Maryada but suppose you are working or driving when you can't do everything according to the Rehat Maryada then it shouldn't be a problem I think & as you have said it above that some bani is better than nothing.