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Malaysia Malaysian Sikhs To Snub "Allah Only For Muslims" Court Ruling


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Malaysian Sikhs to Snub "Allah only for Muslims" Court Ruling

Sikhs will continue to use the word Allah in their religious practices as the word appeared numerous times in their holy scriptures, said the Malaysian Gurdwara Council president Jagir Singh.

"There is no way the word can be excluded since it is found in the Guru Granth Sahib, just like in the holy Quran for Muslims," he said, adding that Sikhs throughout the world has used the word in the past six centuries.

He said the 350,000 faithful in Malaysia can continue to use the word found in the holy scriptures despite the Court of Appeal decision on Monday when it banned the word Allah from being used in the Bahasa Malaysia section of the Catholic weekly, Herald.

The Sikh scriptures are recited during weddings and home purification ceremonies. There are some 180 gurdwara (temples) in the country, with about 10 in Sabah and Sarawak.

On Monday, a three-man bench which allowed Putrajaya’s appeal to reverse a High Court ruling that the Herald could use the word, said the word Allah was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice.

The court said it saw no reason why the church was so adamant in wanting to use the word Allah.

It said such usage, if allowed, would inevitably cause confusion within the Malaysian community, and added that the welfare of an individual or group must concede to the majority community.

Jagir, who is also president of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism, said the Court of Appeal judgments covered a "wide dragnet".

"I don’t know how the government and Muslim religious authorities want to enforce the court decision," he said.

He said there were already state enactments that banned non-Muslims from using the word since Islam came under the authority of state governments.

Jagir said the (Gurdwara) council was also waiting to see how the Home Ministry was going to react to the court ruling.

"But we have always maintained that nobody has a monopoly over the word from the cultural and religious perspective," he added

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/i...r-muslims-court-ruling&Itemid=2#ixzz2hwsocWZz
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May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
The court restricted the use of Allah by Christians on the pretext that it 'did not form an inseperable part' of their faith. But what about the Sikh and Bahai faiths where Allah is mentioned in their respective Holy texts in their parent language?


May 9, 2006
The Court didn't say anything about that. In a way I'm with the Muslims on this one, I would raise an eyebrow too if missionary Christians started printing "Waheguru loves me this I know" in their tracts, or printing Bibles where they've done find/replace LORD with WAHEGURU.

It gets blurry because 'Allah' transates to 'the God' from Arabic so an Arabic-speaking Christian would say Allah I guess...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
ISHNA JI.. ACTUALLY THE CHRISTIANS IN INDIA HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT....Punjab Churches have "Satsang"..they have Kirtan..they ahve WAHEGURU BLESSES US...WAHEGURU LOVES US..they have "ardass"...and they may soon begin having Bible Akhand Paath as the Muslims in Punjab also have Koran Akhand Paath and the Hindus have Ramayan Akhand Paath...and the "blame" for sikh conversions is placed at this...BUT IMHO..its the Converts who are WEAK ENOUGH...not staunch sikhs at all...Those Sikhs hwo KNOW their GURU well..no one on earth cna convert them..same goes for Mulsims...these are the weak ones...becos they know nothing about their religion..or else no power on earth could convert them by just using one word...
So I pity the Sikh who thinks that Kirtan of Psalms in Church is the same thing as Kirtan of Gurbani in Gurdwara..or the Lords Prayer is same as Sikh Ardass..is no sikh and no christian either...he is CONFUSED. PERIOD.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Is there any other world in the Malay language for God besides 'Allah'? If there is, then its a non-issue because the substitute word can be used.

Actually there is..TUHAN is the Punjabi equivalent of RABB/RABBAH.
If you have any Pakistani friends you would notice that Pre 1947 RABB Rabbah was a very common word...NOW its almost a sacrilege among Mulsims to use this..they always use Allah...and Sikhs have WAHEGURU...SATGUR..or GURU...Rabb is out of fashion...except among the few old diehards villagers here and there..

The Islam lobby has insisted from day one that the Christians use TUHAN..but the christians insist on Allah...claiming it predates Islam...

In actual FACT..the "ALLAH" of Koran, the Allah of the Christians..and the Allah of SGGS are NOT the SAME ENTITY...The Koranic Allah is happy to receive the cows and sheep slaughtered in His name..This Allah has Kafirs and non Kafirs...the Allah of the Christians is father and Son and Holy ghost..this also has christians who bleleive and non beleivers....the Allah of SGGS is Awal Allah Noor upaiyah Kudrat ke sabh BANDEH..EK NOOR te jag upjiah kaun bhalleh ko mandeh !!! SARBATT DA BHALLA..Brotherhood fo man..no ***** no beleiver all equal before HIM..

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